When he was still a kid, his mother tossed him to his aunt. Now that he was in high school, his mother was still unwilling to look after him. All she wanted was to send him away.
She wanted to let someone else raise her son.
That was when Chen Feng finally believed everything his grandparents had told him. This selfish woman was who his mother really was.
"Mon, don't worry about me. I will be staying in the dorms, and I can go back to the Chen family during the holidays. I'm old enough to take care of myself."
At first, the Chen family sold almost all their properties when they left Ping Cheng.
However, the property prices were on the rise, so Chen Jun decided to buy a house in Ping Cheng three years ago.
Everything was under Chen Feng's name, of course.
It was a financial safety net for Chen Feng in case Qiao Zijin wouldn't give him any money.
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