He was not afraid if they were to compare their sons. But Zhu Chengqi and Zhai Yaohui were talking about grandsons. He did not have any grandsons or granddaughters, so he had no way of competing with them.
He stifled the bloody smell in his throat before he took a deep breath. Peng Chunhua had made up his mind. No matter what, he must make sure that his son find a girlfriend, marry, and have children within this year.
He might have a lot to say and make impassionate speeches during the meeting, but whenever the veteran cadres talked about their grandsons, he could only play deaf-mute and hide in a corner, keeping silent while other people were engaged in their conversations.
There was such a marked difference. Peng Chunhua could no longer take it. He had to get a definite answer from his son. He had never felt so embarrassed in any situation in his entire life.
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