"Yes. This is San Bao. We have decided on the names for the triplets. Da Bao is called Zhai Yi, Er Bao is Zhai Xin, and San Bao is Zhai Yu. My master helped think of the name for San Bao. My in-laws feel that it is a good name. We have submitted their names."
Once they had come up with the names, they would be able to record and register the babies under their household register and they would be one complete family. Nobody could gossip about the triplets' legitimacy or hurt them with their nasty remarks.
Zhai Sheng spent more time in the army than at home. According to deduction, Qiao Nan was pregnant when they were still in Ping Cheng.
Furthermore, the triplets were born prematurely.
They could not stop other people from spreading rumors that were harmful to Qiao Nan and the triplets.
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