Though it was called a suite, the lodging Shiori guided them to ended up being a relatively simple dwelling with two six tatami rooms, a foyer area where shoes could be stored, a simple kitchenette, and a small bathroom. It was also sparsely populated with furnishings, but, as simple was better on some occasions, Vahn was quite fond of the homely accommodations. It inspired a certain sense of closeness, the type of place a family or group of close friends would share while vacationing within the scenic City of Light...
To reward Shiori for showing them the way and explaining the Inn's faculties, Vahn rewarded her with a silver Drachma piece and a special bag of candies that could help increase a person's mana capacity by a very marginal amount. To Shiori, they were just sweet candies, but, if she spread them out over a few weeks, they would help strengthen her foundation quite a bit. This would make life in Mundus Magicus easier, and, though it didn't seem like they were struggling to get by, Vahn was always eager to help good people like Shiori and her Grandmother...
In a surprisingly miserly fashion, Shiori quickly hid the silver piece from view almost as smoothly as a magician who specialized in sleight of hand. Children in Mundus Magicus learned at a very early age to keep their wealth hidden from view. Even if you were very powerful, showing off your money was the same as inviting misfortune upon yourself, so, even before her shock had worn off, she had already hidden the money from view. Then, 'snatching' the bag of candies out of Vahn's hand, she giggled in a mischievous manner, saying, "Young Master is very generous, nyahahaha~."
Hearing Shiori address him in such a 'respectful' manner, Vahn couldn't help chuckle as he reached out his hand and absentmindedly stroked her head. The Cat People of Mundus Magicus didn't have the same traditions as those in Danmachi, and, though it wasn't particularly proper to pet those you didn't know, children were a universal exception. It was pretty common to see shopkeeps and those of the older generation stroking the heads of those younger than themselves, sometimes well into their teens.
Though her Grandmother often warned her about letting outsiders pet her head, Shiori didn't try to evade Vahn's extended hand. His presence gave her a feeling of warmth, and, though it was hard to explain, he even smelled like the sun. As a result, she allowed him to pet her head, finding his caress unlike anything she had ever experienced. Even without having to pretend, a contented smile found its way to her lips as she instinctually pressed her head against his hand.
Even without using his [Hands of Nirvana], Vahn's Petting Laws were effective against enemies and allies alike. He had cultivated them over hundreds of years at this point so it took little more than a simple touch to convey positive emotions to others. Prolonged exposure would turn his target into 'putty', however, so, after stroking Shiori's head for a few seconds, Vahn retracted his hand, a subtle laugh escaping his throat as she nearly stumbled in her attempt to pursue his palm.
Before Shiori could ask for more head pats, Vahn adopted a fond smile as he said, "Run along now, Shiori-chan. I'm certain you still have other duties to attend. Try not to eat those candies I gave you all at once, okay...?"
After coming back to her senses, Shiori rapidly bobbed her head, spiritedly exclaiming, "The Young Master is right-nya~! Thank you for the treats, nyahahaha~!"
Not wanting to risk offending their special guest, Shiori gave a steep bow before departing down the adjoining corridor with her arms spread wide like an airplane getting ready to take off. She was feeling more energetic than ever before, and, though she would keep it hidden from others, Shiori was eager to show off her 'tremendous fortune' to her Grandmother...
After following the energetic girl's departure with his eyes, Vahn turned to the duo that had been staring at him for quite a while, smiling in amusement as he asked, "What, do you want me to pet your heads as well~?"
Far more honest than Arika, Asuna didn't hesitate to nod her head, scampering forward and taking the initiative to place his hand atop her head. Even before he began to move, she closed her eyes in anticipation, causing a wry laugh to escape Vahn's mouth as he lightly caressed her head.
Seeing Asuna enjoying a healthy dose of head pats, Arika stared unblinkingly for a few moments before ultimately averting her gaze only to find Fenrir had returned from arranging the futons. She had a knowing smile on her face that caused Arika to feel slightly annoyed, but, rather than allow it to bother her, she walked past the hateful woman, saying in a tone audible to everyone present, "It is already getting late. Asuna is still growing so it is important for her to eat routinely and rest often. It will be safer for us to traverse the city during the day time, so I suggest we take a bath, eat dinner, and retire for the evening."
Even if her words were a means of deflecting, there was a certain amount of truth to everything that Arika had said. As a result, Vahn lightly pinched Asuna's nose, causing her eyes to slowly peel open as he explained, "You'll be bathing with Arika and Fenrir from now on. Even if the public bathhouse allows children to enter both sides, I'm certain you don't want strange people to stare at you, right? Besides, I'll need you to prevent the two of them from going at each others' throats..."
Though a pout had started to spread across Asuna's face when she first heard Vahn's words, a look of understanding quickly replaced it as she nodded her head and answered, "I understand..." in her usual monotone. Her mother and aunt had told her numerous times that is was dangerous to allow a man other than Vahn to see her naked. They told her men could transform into terrifying wolves if they spotted a young girl's naked body, so, hearing there might be strange men present, Asuna had no desire to expose herself to them.
Not expecting Asuna to readily agree, Vahn was pleasantly surprised, a gentle smile on his face as he stroked her head and said, "Good girl. And don't worry, Fenrir is very skilled at washing. Listen to her and you'll have super smooth skin and silky soft hair, okay~?"
Hearing Vahn's statement, Asuna turned her swiveled her head toward Fenrir, noticing she had very glossy hair despite its somewhat unkempt appearance. This caused a thoughtful shimmer to flicker across her eyes before she turned back to Vahn, nodding with a curt 'Nn' escaping her throat...
While the girls were enjoying their bath, Vahn decided to abstain since he could sense quite a few people lounging within the men's side. He didn't feel like being the center of attention amongst a group of guys, and, though he could change his appearance to that of a Cat Person, hiding when it wasn't completely necessary felt weird to him. As a result, he just lounged about within the room as his second vessel cooked alongside Medusa back at the Airfish. This was the reason he had told the old lady not to mind their meals, as, compared to the things he could prepare, most food left a lot to be desired.
Though Vahn enjoyed sampling local delicacies, his fondness for cooking had existed ever since his time in the Record of Danmachi. He had even risen through the ranks in the virtual world revolving around cooking, securing the seventh position on the leaderboards. The only reason he couldn't go even higher was due to monstrous existences such as Circe, Benienma, and Medea, who, despite a general disdain for the Virtual World, enjoyed the thematic world's cooking contests quite a bit.
It had taken a while, but, after a considerable amount of coaxing, Vahn was able to convince Circe and Benienma to actually teach him their techniques. They had been very unyielding at first, saying the kitchen was a 'woman's battlefield', but, knowing their weaknesses, Vahn was eventually able to wear them down. Benienma was very weak to gratuitous amounts of praise, and, if you found a way to reverse the usual dynamic, placing her on the receiving end of service, her brain would overload rather quickly. As for Circe, she was marginally more difficult to coax, but, after teaming up with his daughters, Vahn was able to convince her that cooking together was the 'pinnacle' of what it meant to be a family...
With three amazing teachers, including the easy to convince Medea, Vahn had quickly developed as a Chef, ultimately earning the seal of approval from all three. He was still far behind the trio in terms of skill, but, if he had genuinely tried to surpass them, Vahn knew he would have been stepping on a landmine. They could be surprisingly scary at times, so, rather than offend the trio recognized as Gourmet Gods within the Virtual community, Vahn settled on becoming good enough to simply put a smile on the faces of his family, friends, and lovers...
By the time Asuna, Fenrir, and Arika had returned, each wearing specialized yukata that had come with the room, Vahn had already finished setting the table. He had also changed into a yukata, as it was nice to just relax every now and then, so he earned a blank look from Arika as Fenrir and Asuna unhesitantly sat around the table. They each occupied the spots on either side of him, leaving the golden-haired Queen furrowing her brows slightly as she sat on the completely opposite side of the table.
Understanding his 'place', Vahn smiled in response to the three's arrival, casually stating, "The three of you look very refreshed. Those clothes suit you well."
Hearing her Master's compliment, Fenrir lightly tapped her tail against the tatami with a gratified smile on her face. As for Asuna and Arika, the former just gave her outfit a quick once-over before seemingly losing interest, turning her head up and asking, "Will you brush my hair again?"
Since Asuna let her hair down to take a bath, her reddish-orange locks extended to the floor when she was seated. Her hair seemed to grow unnaturally fast, so, despite being only two-years-old, it nearly reached the middle of her calves. As a result, she had to tie it up in a rather unique style of twin-tails that used gold ribbons to extend the hair outward five centimeters on both sides. All of her outfits also had a strangely 'oriental' feel to them, making her look like a tiny martial artist with her long-sleeved tunic, black leggings, and laceless shoes.
As it had pretty much become his job to help Asuna fix her hair, Vahn dutifully nodded his head before using his chopsticks to pick up a tiny piece of fish. He found it rather amusing when Asuna immediately opened her mouth in anticipation, even if the food wasn't actually intended for her...
Resisting the urge to tease her too much, Vahn extended the piece of fish toward Asuna, allowing her to chomp down on it as he looked Arika and asked, "How early do you want to set out in the morning? This is the first leg of your journey so we can walk around and explore for a bit if you'd like. Some of the locals might not be too fond of us, but that is no reason not to enjoy the sights and sounds of the city. We can even register at this country's version of the Adventurer's Guild if you want to try and make a name for yourself as something other than a Queen."
Without having to consider her response, Arika shook her head, explaining, "I have never agreed with the Guild system. It should be the responsibility of the state to protect its people and manage things like trade and resources. Allowing people to privatize such services leads to conflict and a vast disparity between the living conditions of the citizenry. There is nothing wrong with seeking to make a fortune, but, to expect people to risk their lives just to make a living...I cannot agree with it at all. I would rather help people without the promise of a reward, content with the knowledge my actions have aided those in need. I do not believe in pitting the people against each other just to turn a profit..."
Hearing Arika's response, Vahn couldn't help but admire the woman a little more than he already did. She could be a little prideful, but she was always thinking about what was best for the Magical World and its citizens. The Guild System was actually a very serious issue in most countries, but, due to the nature of the Magical World, densely populated with monsters, ruins, and massive labyrinths, most people considered it 'necessary'. Becoming a famous Adventurer or Mercenary was the only way in which most people could improve the quality of their lives, so, despite tens of thousands of people dying every day, there was no end to the number registering with the Guilds...
You only needed to look at the countries that focused on education and the empowerment of their people to understand the flaws inherent in the Guild System. The average graduate from one of the various Academies could completely wipe the floor with even a veteran member of the Guild. It was these same graduates that often rose to prominence within the Guilds, a fact most aspirants within the community completely ignored. They simply saw these graduates as children who were able to achieve a meteoric rise within the Guilds, so, without taking into consideration the disparity in both training and experience, many people overestimated their own chances at fame...
The sad truth of the matter was that the most famous Adventurer parties and Mercenary groups were generally comprised of the 'failures' from the Academies. Most of the nations that placed a heavy focus on academics didn't have the Guild System as they wanted to keep their talent within the country, not send it abroad. This meant, with very few exceptions, most graduates joining the Guild did so because their prospects back in their home country were bad. As a result, they sought to become famous Adventurers and Mercenaries, choosing to show off among people who lacked proper training since they were unable to compete against their actual peers...
While continuing to passively feed Asuna, Vahn considered the matter of their identification before nodding his head and explaining, "I agree with your views on the Guild System, but, with your and Asuna's status, it will become a problem entering the territory of other nations, even if it is to lend a hand. You will need a new identity if you want to avoid causing an international incident. Becoming the enemy of an entire nation is a simple matter for me, but, as a nation's Queen, there are quite a few things you need to take into account."
Hearing Vahn's words, Arika fell into deep thought for a few moments, staring blankly at the food on her plate before raising her head, a resolute light in her eyes as she said, "I understand what you are trying to say, but I cannot agree. I do not believe you are an evil person, so, even if we have to take extreme measures, I believe it is for the greater good. Deposing corrupt officials, undermining illegal organizations, and providing aid to those in need...these are not things we should fear being associated with. Even if it causes an international incident, Ostia will not bow down to the tyranny of other nations who prioritize their own interests over their people. This journey is meant to represent a change from a passive approach to a more proactive means of fulfilling our duty. Though I will try and abstain from causing an incident, I will not shy away in the fact of corruption. Ostia has forever been a mark for nations who exploit their people, so, the moment we show weakness, our enemies will feel emboldened."
Not expecting Arika to be so resolute, Vahn was at a loss as to how he should respond to her rather 'bold' words. In the end, he settled on smiling widely, an appreciative glimmer in his eye as he said, "Well said! Trying to compromise with people who only see others as a means to secure profit and power is a waste of time. Such people will only listen if they think it benefits them or if they believe their foe is simply too powerful to oppose. There is nothing wrong with being more forceful in your methods, so long as you never lose your sense of purpose!"
Feeling Vahn's aura radiating outward, Arika felt a giddy feeling in her stomach, her hand naturally moving to comb through her fringe bangs as she nodded her head with a gratified 'Nn...'. His words were strangely pleasant to hear, filling her with a peculiar sense of validation that seemed to permit her to push forward without fear of censure. She had always felt dissatisfied with the current state of the world, so, hearing Vahn's supportive words, Arika couldn't help but feel a little excited about the future...
(A/N: Alternate Titles: 'The legacy of the Godhand has been passed unto a new world...','Guess the next Record is Tier 6 Shokugeki no Souma? Toriko? Fighting Foodons?','Giving a prideful woman a sense of validation is very dangerous o_o...') <-(p.atreon link)
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Now that he had a better understanding of Arika's intent, Vahn explained his own to her, including his intentions to become a deterrent. This subtly changed the dynamic in their relationship, as, due to his desire not to be directly associated with any nation, Vahn would continue to act as he pleased when the situation called for it. He would help Arika grow stronger and support her aspirations, but, in the end, many others would fall under his umbrella. He wasn't going to act in the interests of the Ostian Royal Family, and, depending on the circumstances, she might have to 'fight' political battles and such without his direct support.
As she had never expected Vahn to be the guarantor of her authority, Arika had little to say about the shift in their dynamic. She understood that her actions were somewhat selfish, so, just knowing he would support her was enough to give her a boost in confidence. As his status grew, so would her perceived backing, and, if she put in an adequate amount of effort into her training, her power would increase exponentially. This was something she was absolutely certain of, as, after seeing the incomprehensible display of skill demonstrated by Vahn, Arika felt like her horizons had broadened beyond compare...
Following the rather eventful dinner, there was little else to do other than make idle conversation or sleep, so, after cleaning up all the dishes, everyone retired to the same room. Asuna would insist on sleeping in the same room, so, rather than make an issue out of it, Vahn had asked Fenrir to transfer the futon from the second room into the first. She would be sharing a futon with Arika, but, as the two mattresses had been laid next to each other, Asuna wouldn't be too far away.
Though it would have been possible to force Arika and Asuna to stay in their own room, Vahn took pity on the two girls who had lived isolation for much of their lives. Asuna had already imprinted on him, so it was virtually impossible for him to break her heart by pushing her away. As for Arika, Vahn knew she would have put on a strong front, but, in reality, she would have felt lonely to be the only one staying in her own room. He might not be willing to reciprocate her burgeoning affections, but that didn't mean he was going to force her to experience isolation even after finally leaving Ostia.
Fortunately, Asuna was a strong 'barrier', so, with Fenrir laying on his left, Asuna laying on his right, and Arika laying on the opposite side of her, the chances of any 'accidents' happening were slim. It was also fortunate, albeit a little strange to witness, that Asuna slept like the dead when she finally passed out. He noticed Arika didn't really move much at all after going to sleep on the Airfish so it was highly probable she shared the same constitution. This was a little worrisome, for a number of reasons, but, as it prevented the girls from moving around while they slept, Vahn felt it was a boon during times like this...
As Asuna slowly faded off into the land of dreams, Vahn watched with intrigue as her presence itself seemed to fade away. Her biological functions slowed to a crawl, and, if you didn't observe her very closely, it was impossible to tell if she was even breathing. One of the scariest parts was, even if you opened her eyes, it was as if the life had completely drained from them. They didn't move or twitch in the slightest, and, if not for the phenomenal amount of electrical activity in her brain, Vahn would have assumed she didn't even dream...
Confirming Asuna was asleep, Vahn rose to a seated position, finding Arika's eyes staring straight back at him as she curled up next to her younger cousin. Then, without raising her head, she asked, "Is there something else you wanted to discuss? I'm not particularly tired, so I can humor you for a short while."
Without beating around the bush, Vahn plainly stated, "There is something you need to know since we will be traveling together from now on. It is about the truth of this world, the people instigating this war, and important matters regarding the future. I had originally intended to remain silent and allow you to uncover the truth on your own, but, after hearing the conviction in your tone, I believe it would be unfair to withhold too many secrets."
Hearing Vahn's words, Arika began to feel somewhat nervous, but, without letting it show on her face, she, too, rose to a seated position, plainly stating, "Go on..."
Ignoring the urge to roll his eyes, Vahn adopted a serious expression as he explained, "Though it has irreversibly changed due to my interference, I am privy to information regarding the future of this world. My knowledge is limited to what is recorded and passed down through the annals of history, but, prior to my descent, I memorized almost everything that was meant to take place over the next hundred years. I possess encyclopedic knowledge regarding significant people, places, and events..."
Arika wasn't quite sure what she was expecting Vahn to say, but, the moment she realized he wasn't just messing with her, an uncharacteristically serious look appeared on her face. She was well aware of the existence of Magic that governed both Space and Time, but, after the Age of Gods had come to an end, such things had all but vanished. Vahn's words made it sound like he had come from the future, but, as she listened on, it quickly became apparent that there was a lot more to it than that...
Vahn knew he was taking a risk by revealing bits of the truth to Arika, but, if the Akamatsuverse was anything like the Nasuverse, being obscured from the perception of the Overseer implied there was a fair chance the current Time Axis simply didn't exist from their perspective. If they were absolutely omniscient, it would be impossible to hide from them, so, as he had experienced personally, it was far more likely that they were only truly aware of the things they were interested in. This meant, so long as he didn't attempt to establish contact with the Overseer, it was highly likely they oblivious to the changes he was making to the current Time Axis.
Since his support of Arika and Asuna would drastically alter the course of fate, Vahn felt personally responsible for ensuring they were able to live happy lives. He had originally intended to guarantee this through less direct means, but, after hearing Arika's statements during dinner, he couldn't help but feel inspired by her conviction. She didn't seem like the type of person to be swayed by things like prophecies and predetermined fate, so, rather than keep her in the dark, he decided to bite the bullet, explaining much about the 'truth' of this world. This also included the part she was meant to play, the ultimate fate of her country, her fated meeting with Nagi, and, most importantly, matters involving the Mage of the Beginning and Eva...
Needless to say, Arika was somewhat skeptical, but, after several hours of questioning, she seemed to completely believe his words. This left her feeling shaken and uncertain, but, after a long period of silence, lasting nearly half an hour, she ultimately raised her head, stating, "The history you speak of never accounted for your presence, correct? That means everything that is currently happening is a deviation from the intended course of history. Depending on our actions in the present, even the most significant of future events could be completely invalidated..."
Nodding his head, Vahn reiterated, "In the original timeline, the fate of your mother and aunt was never recorded. You were announced as the Queen of Vespertatia after the war had begun, and, if not for Ala Rubra, we would know very little about what took place behind the scenes. Even then, it is impossible to know what happened to people like Vesperina, but, based on what happened with Asuna, it is safe to assume she had been killed during the latter's kidnapping..."
Hearing Vahn's reminder, Arika looked towards the sleeping Asuna, her expression morphing into one of pain and conflict as she imagined what it must have been like for her cousin to experience so many tragedies. Not only was she kidnapped, losing her mother in the process, but it seemed as though her memories of the event had been completely erased. This might seem like a mercy, but, after hearing about Asuna fighting alongside her 'son', Arika couldn't shake the feeling her cousin had been manipulated. She went from being a weapon used by the enemy to one used by the very people who were supposed to protect her, all without knowing the truth until months before she had little choice but to sacrifice herself for the sake of a world she knew nothing about...
Though it could all be 'coincidence', Arika found it rather unbelievable that her son would end up as a teacher at the very school Asuna had been enrolled in during the exact period of time that Cosmo Entelecheia made a comeback. It was obvious that everything had been carefully orchestrated, and, based on Vahn's revelations, it seemed like her son had even been orphaned shortly after his birth. She had completely disappeared from the annals of history, and, despite being the strongest Mage in the entirety of Mundus Magicus, even her would-be husband vanished.
To further emphasize the fact everything was part of some convoluted plot, it seemed that her son had been left completely ignorant of the truth, only finding out after he visited Mundus Magicus for the first time. After that, he was manipulated by the people that were supposed to be the allies of his parents, people who had virtually ignored his existence until he became strong enough to be of use to them...
Even if she knew there must have been a reason behind everything that happened, Arika couldn't help but feel a little sick to her stomach when imaging the actions of her future self. Just knowing she had enslaved her people, even if it was for their benefit, caused a shudder to run through her body. What made this even worse was the fact that, instead of doing everything she could to try and liberate them, she ran off to give birth to a child she wasn't even going to raise. There was a fair chance she had died during childbirth, but, based on the strengths of her supposed allies, it was far more likely that she had simply abandoned him in order to further some unknown objective...
Sensing the chaotic fluctuations in Arika's aura, Vahn was preparing to console her until she looked back at him and said, "I do not care about such a dismal future. Now that I know the truth, I will do what I can in the present to make an even better future. Thank you for telling me these things. Even if there is a chance you are lying, the fact you saved my mother is irrefutable. Had you arrived even a few days later, I would have been mourning her passing right now. For that, you have my endless and undying gratitude..."
As she was speaking, Arika felt like she was beginning to understand why her mother had pushed her to follow Vahn. It wasn't simply to allow her and Asuna to experience the outside world, but, as they had discussed prior to the departure, following him ensured the survival of the Ostian Royal Family and the prosperity of Mundus Magicus. He had seemingly come to their world in order to protect it, and, though it was clear he was still keeping some things from her, Arika knew she had benefited greatly just by hearing him speak about the future...
Understanding why her 'other' self had made so many mistakes, a feeling of unbridled conviction swelled within Arika's chest as she firmly stated, "I want to become stronger."
Hearing the spirited Queen's words, Vahn nodded in understanding, a wry smile spreading on his face as he said, "That was always my intention. As I explained during dinner, I have my own path to walk. I will do what I can to protect the world, itself, but the prosperity of its people penultimately lays in the hands of those who will lead them. You are one of the candidates I have recognized, but you are not the only one. Do you best to build strong bonds with those you encounter during your journey, as, in the end, they will be your strongest allies when it comes to unifying the people and bringing peace to the Magical World."
Though she didn't believe Vahn would play as inactive a role as he implied, Arika still nodded her head in understanding. At the same time, however, she wondered what she should do concerning the members of Ala Rubra, and, most importantly, Nagi. Her current impression of the man was that he was an idiot, albeit a very powerful one. She didn't understand how her other self had fallen in love with him, but, after hearing about her two-year imprisonment and subsequent rescue, it almost felt like she had simply 'given up'. The fact he was only fifteen-years-old was the most obvious sign that she had given up, as, based one what Vahn had said, this was his age in Mundus Ventus. If this was translated into Mundus Magicus years, he would only be around eight years old, and, inversely, she would be well over thirty back on Earth.
Members of the Ostian Royal Family aged very slowly, allowing them to live well over two-hundred years within the mana rich environment of Mundus Magicus. This translated to nearly four-hundred years back on Earth so Arika could only think her other self had been desperate to become involved with someone who might not survive a quarter of her lifespan. He would gradually grow into an old man in a relatively short period of time, leaving her married to someone who looked several times her age despite being much younger.
Arika didn't consider herself vain, but she simply couldn't understand what kind of circumstances had led to her involvement with Nagi. Knowing the future of their child and the fate of her cousin only filled her with even greater doubts, making it seem like she had completely lost her mind. Yes, she would do everything she could to protect Mundus Magicus and its citizens, but, no matter how she looked at the situation, partnering with a human boy just to produce a child they would both abandon didn't seem like the most 'effective' solution. This wasn't even taking into consideration the fact Nagi had apparently imprisoned Eva in the same school that her son became a teacher at, ultimately leading to her becoming his Master and turning him into an immortal vampire when he was only ten years old...
Feeling as though everything was part of some contrived scheme, Arika resolved herself to handle things herself this time around. She wouldn't leave the fate of Mundus Magicus in the hands of her child and her cousin. Instead, she would take matters into her own hand, and, if she wasn't strong enough, she would simply become stronger. There were countless ways to extend her training time, and, with Vahn's support, Arika was confident she could reach the pinnacle...
(A/N: Alternate Titles: 'Someone put this kid in a sleep study...','Is this the legendary 'truth bomb', the rarest item in all of Fanfiction!?','Arika either just became the protagonist or the main heroine of the Record xD...') <-(p.atreon link)
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