Since he couldn't lounge about all day, Vahn's fluffy time with Fenrir and Nanu eventually had to come to an end. With the accompaniment of the two girls, he brought his two halves to the same place and, before their shocked gazes, fused into a singular entity once again. Vahn had rarely felt as refreshed as the moment he became one person again, even though he could see the two halves of his soul swirling around each other like a taiji symbol. This was one of the largest benefits of being able to create an Avatar, being that the two bodies could become one without any complications.
Momentarily distracted by the floating figure of his second body resting peacefully within his soul, Vahn had missed Fenrir's question so he asked, "Sorry, can you repeat that? I'm a little distracted at the moment..." Fenrir blinked, tilting her head to the side with a thoughtful look on her face as she once again asked, "Are you like Emiru and Maemi now?" Understanding her question, Vahn shook his head with a smile and explained, "It isn't quite the same, as I don't really experience an increase in power like they do. Their power is something like the melding of two complete souls, whereas mine is just combining two halves back together..."
As Vahn was speaking, he actually began to wonder if he became any weaker after splitting his soul into two halves. There wasn't any such downsides mentioned in the manual itself and, soon after that thought passed through his mind, Sis explained, (*Your soul itself, as a result of its fusing with The Path, is functionally limitless. If you had a normal soul, there might be some decrease in power between your two bodies but, with The Path as an intermediary, you don't have to worry about that kind of thing. In truth, your soul isn't actually split into two parts. It just appears that was from your perspective since you're still bound by the concepts of Space and Time.*)
Vahn blinked in confusion while walking along with Fenrir and Nanu to the dining room to eat a quick breakfast before he left for the day's interviews. He didn't quite understand what Sis was trying to explain but, being the infinitely patient and helpful entity she has always been, Sis extrapolated, (*It is a little difficult to explain, as I don't really have an easy way to comprehend it myself...well, essentially, Space and Time are powerful laws that influence most records but, on a basic level, don't actually exist. It is the mutual consciousness of the entities comprising a record that allow for things like distance and time to be measured as, without something there to observe them, they fundamentally lose their power and cease to exist. Just remember, before you entered the record, all of the past, present, and future had already happened. Even the record itself, seemingly infinite in size, shape, and time, could be as inconsequentially small as a grain of sand from outside.*)
Hearing Sis' explanation, Vahn started to realize, very loosely, what she was trying to get at. She was essentially saying that, while very real, everything that happens, in reality, is only able to exist because entities possessing a soul are about to perceive its existence. The soul itself was something that existed outside the records, meaning they were fundamentally beyond the concepts of Space, Time, and all other Laws. It was only by entering a record, passing through several layers of restrictions, that the souls to be loosely influenced by the Laws. However, this was only because the soul entered into a vessel that only existed in accordance with the laws of the record itself. It was these same laws that allowed for the creation of things like his Avatar but, from what Sis was saying,, Vahn could now interpret that his soul was actually not affected at all, just his perception of his soul...?
Sis began to giggle within his mind before comfortingly saying, (*It isn't something you really have to worry about at this point in time, Vahn. As long as you keep in mind that your soul isn't something so easily impacted by the Laws of the world, that's fine. Have more confidence in the actions you take and endeavor to overcome the restrictions that have been placed on your physical body and your perception of the world...*)
With Sis' words, Vahn experienced a momentary pause with an equally short epiphany as he started making sense of her words. If he was interpreting her words properly, which she would likely correct him on, Sis was saying that the mental strains he experienced when having his body split into two were something he 'created' for himself. In truth, as his soul wasn't actually split into two, and it exists beyond the concepts of time and space, it wasn't burdened at all by the 'separation'. His limited mental faculties were the 'real' limiter of things, much like how his perception of the laws had always influenced his growth and power.
If Vahn wanted to continue increasing his Soul Tier, which would be necessary for his linking of the records, he would have to undergo a large shift in his mentality. His comprehension of the Laws would have to be above even the gods that create entire universes. Yet, at this moment, he was struggling to even control 'himself', even if it was split into two parts. Realizing his own weakness, Vahn couldn't help but frown as the icy influence of his [Will of the Emperor] kicked in. Though he had already been determined to master the ability, Vahn now felt an urge to master is much faster than before. Previously, Vahn 'believed' that it would be difficult and, as a result of this belief, it would likely remain difficult until he started believing it was easier. Now, however, Vahn 'refused' to let such an ability, which was far beneath the limits of his actual capabilities, slow him down for any great length of time...
Always aware of what her Master was thinking, Fenrir turned her gaze towards him and produced a small smile of encouragement. Vahn was momentarily surprised by her action before feeling a warmth spread through his heart and, against the expectations of both girls, reached forward to hug Fenrir spontaneously. Her eyes opened wide because he had given her a bear hug and spun around, all while rubbing his cheek against her's as he said, "Fenrir, you're too good for me sometimes. Ahahahaha~."
Fenrir didn't think her small encouragement would have such a large impact on her Master and, for one of the first times in her life, she became flustered and moderately embarrassed. However, she didn't try to break free from his grasp and instead tried to wrap her arms around him with a smile on her face. In actually, she didn't care much for all the 'restraint' that was necessary to adhere to if you wanted to behave and act 'normally' around people. Fenrir would much rather just follow her instincts, much like she had in the past before her time in the orb. Having her Master spontaneously hug her made some of the tension she had been harboring in her heart and mind melt away with the warmth of his body against hers...
After setting Fenrir back on the ground, Vahn always ruffled Nanu's head and ears as he confidently exclaimed, "I've been holding myself back for too long. From now on, I'll do better, not just for myself, but for everyone I care about!" With Sis' words as a catalyst, Vahn once again realized that he had been arbitrarily placing a greater number of restrictions on himself ever since he entered the world. While some, such as his relationships and bonds, were ones he willingly tolerated, Vahn realized there were several that he didn't need to care about at all.
Just as he had slowly stopped caring about how other people saw him, Vahn wanted to stop acting with so many inhibitions since it inevitably just led to more problems, especially with his mental state. If he wanted to be able to master controlling two bodies simultaneously, he needed to stop holding back all the time and just act as he pleased. After all, if he couldn't even do what he wanted with his first body, how could he harbor any hope of controlling two bodies simultaneously? In a way, this would also make it easier for the girls as well since they had also been holding themselves back a lot. If he made himself more open and approachable, like he had been before his daughters were born, Vahn was confident they would be happier and open up more often...
It felt like a long time had passed, as a result of his intense thinking, but Vahn arrived at the dining room just a few short minutes after reuniting his two bodies. Many of the girls had come out of the orb to eat breakfast as well so Vahn took the opportunity to address everyone, saying, "I know a lot of things have changed ever since the girls were born, and I'm grateful for the patience and tolerance everyone has shown...however, from now on, please don't hold back too much on my account. Though we obviously need to show restraint around the children, you don't have to hold yourselves back if you want to be around me. I'd like for everyone to be more honest and open about their feelings in the future..."
Vahn looked around at everyone that was present, making up a little more than half the girls that lived within the Hearth Manor, and smiled. They had all become quiet as he was speaking and, seeing that they were still listening, Vahn added, "Also, let me apologize early on if I accidentally embarrass you. I don't want to keep holding back my feelings all the time, so I may end up doing something that skirts the borders of your comfort zones. Please be honest with me and I'll always do my best to make you more 'comfortable'..." This time, as Vahn looked around at everyone gathered, he had a bit of a teasing look in his eyes. Understanding what he was trying to convey, the girls had a variety of different reactions but, with only a few exceptions, they shared a very similar blush.
The only reason Vahn felt free enough to make comments like this was that Ina, Vana, and Erika weren't present at the table. He would have had to change up his word choice a bit with their presence but, trying to bring about the change he wanted to see, Vahn didn't restrain himself since they were absent. It also helped that Loki and Hephaestus were both missing, as the former would have probably taken advantage of the situation while Ina and Vana would undoubtedly accompany the latter...
Hestia and Eina had been sitting at Vahn's sides and, hearing his 'announcement', they also had light blushes on their faces as the former said, "Just don't get carried away, Vahn..." As for Eina, she had been about to say something similar so she instead added, "Well, Vahn is a very sensible and considerate boy. I believe he won't do anything too out of line..." There was a playful glimmer in Eina's emerald green eyes that made Vahn laugh uninhibitedly, surprising everyone in the dining room, especially when he brought his arms around the blushing Half-Elf and Goddess before kissing them on the forehead in turn.
Eina's blush became rosier than it had been before as she gave him a look of mock reproach that had little effect as a result of her smile. As for Hestia, she was happily laughing in an 'ehehehe~' manner since the sudden display of affection had made her very happy. She was always happier when Vahn himself was happy since the bond they shared was a very powerful one. Since his happiness and excitement was radiating off of him like a vibrant sun, Hestia couldn't help but feel the same emotions building up inside of her. Thus, shortly after Vahn had released their shoulders, Hestia took the liberty of sitting in his empty lap. Doing so, she felt Vahn become ever happier and, even though some of the girls gave her envious looks, Hestia didn't mind at all~
With the sudden announcement, the atmosphere around the table became far more lively than before. Many of the girls asked about Vahn's ability to make a second body, as they had yet to see it, but Vahn told them to wait until later before he showed it off. He still needed to leave for the interviews soon and it took time to adapt between having his body split and recombined. Though he wasn't remotely as concerned as he had been previously, Vahn wasn't going to be negligent and cause himself problems when he had other things to tend to. He could train with his two bodies when he returned so, for the time being, he just enjoyed his time with the girls instead of putting on a show.
Towards the end of breakfast, Hephaestus showed up with Vana and Ina, the latter of which put on a 'defeated' expression the moment she saw Hestia in Vahn's lap. Vahn noticed Hestia tense up a bit so he just hugged her waist comfortingly while looking towards the three girls with a smile as he said, "Good morning, Hephaestus, Ina, Vana. You're all looking exceptionally cute today, especially you two, my darling daughters~." Vahn had a teasing undertone to his words that made Hephaestus poke her tongue out at him with Vana just laughed, pleased by her Papa's praise. As for Ina, she also smiled but it was very obvious she wasn't nearly as happy as the other two girls. However, it faded away pretty quickly when she remembered the previous incident with Shizune...
Seeing Ina's expression soften, Vahn looked towards her with an undisguised gentleness in his eyes, something she had noticed as a small blush covered her tender cheeks. This time, Vahn laughed in a pleased manner while moving his fingers with practiced dexterity, causing Hestia to also laugh as she writhed around on his lap. Unaware of the earlier conversation, Hephaestus and Ina had confused looks on their faces while Vana happily joined the vibrant and lively breakfast. Vahn eventually gave Hestia a reprieve, patting the outside of her right thigh where his daughters couldn't see as he said, "I need to get going pretty soon. Let me give my daughters and wife a goodbye hug and kiss..."
After Hestia vacated his lap, wearing a light blush and breathing somewhat heavily from the tickle attack, Vahn rose to his feet and picked up Vana. She had been the closest to the table so he started with her, bringing her body up to his chest in a firm embrace before kissing her on the cheek. Vana laughed in her characteristic 'shishishi' manner before grabbing his face and giving him a kiss on his own cheek before saying, "Papa is different today. I hope you're like this more often~." Vana then gave him a tight hug around the neck as Vahn pat her back a few times, each dispersing a wave of comforting energy into the young Vanir.
Setting Vana down on the ground, Vahn then turned to Ina with a smile before spreading his arms. Ina, regardless of any thoughts she might have been having previously, immediately ran into his arms as Vahn picked her up in the same manner as Vana. He hugged her tightly while also wiggling his body slightly in the process, making Ina feel both happy and confused at the same time. She could also see the changes in her Papa but it didn't matter much after he gave her a kiss on the cheek and said, "There might be a few changes you'll have to adapt to in the near future, but I'm confident my brilliant little girl will be able to deal with them." Though still confused, Ina felt happy when she heard her Papa's words and, much like Vana, gave him the strongest hug her tiny arms could manage.
With a bit more difficult that Vana, Vahn set Ina on the ground and ruffled her silky blond hair before moving over to the smiling Hephaestus and embracing her. She put more strength into her arms than normal and whispered, "You seem happy..." Expanding his awareness to make sure his actions couldn't be seen, Vahn slowly moved his hand down over Hephaestus' soft and supple butt as he, in turn, whispered, "I have every reason to be happy...I'm not sure why I was so worked up before..." With his words finished, Vahn gave Hephaestus a relatively tame but loving kiss that was somewhat 'ruined' towards the end when he put a bit of strength into the hand he had on her rump. Hephaestus released her contained breath through her nose before pushing gently against his chest with a look of blame on her beautiful smiling face. Vahn just chuckled in response, giving her one more quick kiss before turning towards the rest of the girls and saying, "Okay, I'll be back later, everyone. Let's go, Fenrir."
Fenrir appeared at his side in an instant as Vahn completed his wave and exited through the door and made his way towards the Manor's entrance. The girls followed his departure with their eyes, remaining absolutely silent until they heard the sound of the door shutting. As if awakened from a spell, Hephaestus turned towards the girls seated at the table and asked, "Can anyone explain to me what exactly happened...?" While speaking, Hephaestus was still a little 'too aware' of the warm feeling that was still radiating through her right butt cheek. Vahn had left an 'imprint' there with his [Hands of Nirvana] and it was still 'bothering' her a little bit.
Hestia, being the most 'senior' person present, began to laugh in a happy and excited manner as she exclaimed, "I'm not entirely sure, but I believe it's a good thing~!" As if following some sort of agreed-upon cue, all of the girls present nodded their heads in concert at Hestia's words. Seeing this, Hephaestus became even more confused before walking over to the table and taking a seat. When she sat down, the 'imprint' on her rear seemed to radiate through her body, causing Hephaestus to release a somewhat hot sigh that drew the attention of most of the girls. They had all been paying attention to her previously so her action hadn't gone unnoticed. Hephaestus, realizing her 'slip', showed a light blush on her face as she once against reiterated, "Explain..."
(A/N: Alternate Titles: 'If a universe comes into existence, but nothing is around to observe it, can we say it exists?','Vahn Levels-Up, Mentally','Godhand's Imprint...(o,...,o)~!') <-(p.atreon link)
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After leaving the Manor, Vahn quickly made his way across the sky with Fenrir following close behind him. Today would be the last day for conducting the preliminary interviews so Vahn was looking forward to wrapping things up so he could begin his training. As for his worries about the Noble faction, and the Smiling Reaper, Vahn suddenly found that they seemed inconsequential in the grand scheme of things. Right now, the girls weren't haphazardly moving around and, regardless of how strong the Smiling Reaper was, it would be very difficult for her to target any of the girls directly. The fact she had been 'scheming' around him showed that the Nobles didn't actually want to draw his attention and ire directly, as the potential consequences weren't something easily shouldered.
Vahn speculated that her purpose had been to try and infiltrate the School and, now that she had failed, it was likely they would try to use other means instead. Given the nature of the Nobles, using their wealth and influence as leverage against other people, Vahn expected they would target his employees and their families. To avoid drawing attention, this would likely be through backroom dealings and agreements. It ultimately wouldn't matter that much, as most of the 'important' teachings would be kept a closely guarded secret. Every student would be required to take a vow just to qualify for the class and all the other classes weren't exactly something 'proprietary' to the School he was establishing.
If the Nobles decided to copy his example and teach the children similar lessons in a second School, that was their own prerogative. Thus, even if they 'bought' the loyalty of some of his future employees, it wouldn't make a big difference with their system that vetted and evaluated the teachers every six months. If it was seen that the instructors were trying to exploit and scout the students for the Noble houses, they would be fired and replaced very expediently. This meant that, in order to be proper agents for the Nobles, the people they hired to steal information would still have to teach and mentor the students properly.
When Vahn and Fenrir arrived outside the cafe, there was already a small crowd of people that were grouped around, all waiting for the opportunity to be interviewed. Word had spread about the benefits offered so Vahn wasn't surprised to see nearly a hundred people outside, comprised mostly of women and their children. Vahn knew that they were trying to play him a bit, as some of the children didn't even look to be related to the women, but that was easily dealt with during the interview. He quickly gathered everyone and had them organize into an orderly queue, warning them not to stir up trouble and be patient if they wanted an opportunity to be interviewed. Those on the list he had would be prioritized, but there was plenty of time to go through a few dozen prospective employees from among the general populous.
After making his preparations, and enjoying a nice cup of coffee, Vahn began his last day of interviews on a high note since the person at the front of the line was someone that caught his eye instantly. Thus, when a rather diminutive looking young man walked into the room, possessing peculiar white hair and faded grey eyes, Vahn couldn't help but smile as he said, "I didn't expect a god would lower themselves to interview with a mortal." Though they had never met before, Vahn rose to his feet and gave a slight bow to the youthful god.
With an amused expression, the god began to chuckle in a somewhat raspy manner before saying in a strangely mature voice, "There is no need for formalities, young Sage. I have come here at the behest of my sworn-sister, Amaterasu. It seems you have some fate with the Far East and, to ensure there will be no ill-will between our people, I have come to observe and make peace with you." At the end of his words, the youthful look god bowed slightly lower than Vahn himself, a sign of respect that would have made most people feel very awkward. However, having dealt with Takemikazuchi in the past, Vahn was somewhat used to the gods of the Far East being very polite.
Even so, Vahn was still surprised to learn that this god had traveled all the way from the Far East at the behest of a goddess he had yet to meet. His knowledge of Amaterasu showed that she was a very influential goddess in the Eastern Pantheon so it meant a great deal for her to send an 'envoy' of sorts such a great distance. For the time being, he decided to get a better understanding of the situation by saying, "I have no enmity towards anyone that hasn't taken unnecessary action against myself and my family. If you only came here at the behest of your sister-goddess, please tell her not to worry. So long as they don't give me a reason, I will never go out of my way to stir up trouble with other people..."
To this, the god began to laugh once again, seemingly finding Vahn's words amusing. Walking over to the chair, he sat down and said, "Well, I'm afraid some things cannot be avoided so easily. I'm aware there are several young women surrounding you that have roots in the Far East. With your nature, I'm certain you will one day go to the Far East on their behalf. When that time comes, I fear you will not be so tolerant with your words and actions..."
Vahn raised his brow, surprised by the yet unnamed god's words. He seemed very sure of the matter and, after considering the pasts of girls like Haruhime and Shizune, Vahn couldn't help but agree that he would likely take action at some point. Haruhime would one day want to visit the grave of her mother and, though Shizune had been less 'focused' on vengeance, that would likely change if she actually found the group responsible for her torment. Vahn also knew that Inari resided in the Far East and, knowing how she had influenced their culture in such a negative way, Vahn would likely have some conflict with her followers.
As if seeing through Vahn's thoughts, the god smiled with an amused light in his eyes as he said, "It seems you have some awareness, that's very good...I hope you will show that same level of insight when it comes to actually making decisions in the moment. Remember, young Sage, the actions you take in an instant have far-reaching consequences. Just as you put in so much effort and planning for the decisions you're making right now, you should also carefully consider your actions during tense and strenuous moments."
Hearing this, Vahn took a deep breath and exhaled through his nose before waving in a dismissive gesture that surprised the 'young' god. Vahn was still riding the momentum of his earlier decision 'not' to worry about such things so he said, "Listen...what was your name?" The god, still showing a small amount of surprise on his face plainly stated, "Tenjin." Vahn gave a curt nod before continuing, "Okay, Tenjin, I'll be straight with you. This world isn't exactly a pleasant place and, regardless of how much it might upset those that cling to power, I am determined to change it. Don't worry, force isn't the method I have chosen, as that will only perpetuate a pointless cycle of hatred. The only time I take a hard stance is when people threaten my family, my friends, and those I've sworn to protect. If there is to be a conflict between myself and the Far East in the future, it will be because someone from your side instigates it. The only other reason would be that things are so horribly corrupt that I'm 'forced' to take action as a result of being unable to tolerate selfish people oppressing others for their own gains...if you have a problem with that, then you 'created' a problem with me."
At this point, Tenjin's brows were raised high with a very surprised expression on his face. Then, against Vahn's expectations, he began to laugh uninhibitedly while striking his knee. It was Vahn's turn to be confused until Tenjin said, "Amaterasu was right about you, young Sage. You see, she isn't fond of how things had turned after Inari, Hachiman, and Ryujin descended to the mortal world. When you visit the Far East in the future, you will likely have to contend with those three fools...our only wish is that you show leniency towards the people. After all, it is not exclusively the fault of mortals to have become the pawns of wayward gods and goddesses...the lure of power and influence are powerful tools of control..."
Hearing this, Vahn couldn't help but furrow his brows slightly, agreeing with Tenjin's words but also finding them somewhat flawed. Yes, while gods could certainly give power to people, it was still the decision of those people to accept the power. Though many people may fall into the illusion that they have no choice but to bow to the people with a stronger fist, those at the top typically wielded such power willingly. Many of the clans willingly followed goddesses like Inari and, under her influence, reigned over the people with strict and unfair regulations. It was the same all of the world, just a bunch of people that came into power in the past and now rely on oppression and unjust regulation to keep that power. They feared progress and 'desperately' fought to eliminate any competition for fear of losing their comfortable and exploitative lifestyles.
Now, though he hadn't really been considering dealing with the Far East any time soon, Vahn suddenly felt a sense of righteous indignation towards flawed systems that had made victims of girls like Haruhime, Shizune, and Tsubaki's mother, Sakuya. However, he felt the same way about many of the systems in other countries, including Orario itself. Unless he went on a tirade and forcefully brought about change, Vahn's only option was to continue along his current path.
It was difficult knowing that he had the power to bring 'fast' change, but couldn't easily make use of it without feeing into a larger problem later on. With the power vacuum caused by his actions, a great many people would die as various groups fought to gain power and influence for themselves. The only real 'solution' was to either put people into power in those regions, much like how he had done in the Divination, or to enable the people from the country itself to seize power. Just as he was doing with the School, Vahn could empower a few honest and capable youths, groom them into strong and righteous leaders, and then allow them to lead their people towards a better future. Such revolutions would undoubtedly be bloody, but there wouldn't be a power vacuum and, at least for a time, things would certainly improve with the introduction of positive leadership.
Realizing this, Vahn had an interesting thought so he asked, " came here from the Far East, correct?" Tenjin nodded his head, a small smile appearing on his face that communicated a great deal of information to Vahn. He realized that this god before him, or perhaps Amaterasu herself, had a very similar idea to what had just crossed Vahn's mind. To make sure they were on the same page, Vahn asked, "So, you must have come with a trade caravan, or with the escort of a Familia...?"
Tenjin, still smiling, shook his head before saying somewhat exasperatedly, "Unfortunately, I had only descended to the mortal world a few months ago. It was only by the grace of my sworn-sister that I was able to make the journey from the Far East to this beautiful land of Eden. To ensure I would be well protected, she sent several samurai to accompany me. However, as the journey would be very long, many of the warriors that came with me brought along their families and would like to settle within the City one day. Currently, we've made camp to the south-east and have started constructing a small village...haaaa, it isn't easy coming to an unfamiliar land, much less make it a home. I'm certain some of the children would one day want to return to their home country..."
For several seconds, there was silence within the room as Vahn and Tenjin held eye contact with each other. Then, as if on an agreed upon cue, they both started laughing in a free and unrestrained manner. Several seconds later, Vahn smiled and said, "It seems your sworn-sister is a very wise goddess. Very well, Tenjin, I'll play my part and help bring peace to the Far East, even if it take a generation or two. Those warriors of yours would likely benefit from employment within the City and I have a few things in mind to make their transition easier. A friend of mine, a god by the name of Takemikazuchi, could use capable warriors within his Familia. They will be able to become Adventurers and take missions in the Dungeon to earn income. As for their children, I imagine it isn't easy for them to move such a vast distance while being so young. To help them adapt to the various cultures of the Continent, why not have them attend the School? As long as they work hard in their studies, their tuition and board will be taken care of."
Tenjin's smile was very wide at this point as he stroked a nonexistent beard on his youthful face. He put on a show of seriously considering the offer before finally nodding his head and saying, "I had only intended to offer my services as a teacher at your School but, hearing you make such a kind offer, I can't help but accept it. Your reputation as a benevolent and wise Sage is well-earned, Vahn have this god's sincere gratitude." This time, Tenjin bowed low enough that his head nearly struck against the hardwood table in front of him. Vahn rose to his feet, helping Tenjin stand before patting his shoulder and guiding him to the door.
Their discussion had gone on much longer than expected and there were still numerous things for both of them to attend to. Vahn gave Tenjin a small slip for identification purposes and sent a telepathic message to Syr while writing the finer details into his network logbook. Tenjin would have to discuss the specifics of their arrangement with Loki and Takemikazuchi before anything was set in stone. Still, Vahn didn't think there would be any problems and, judging by the fact that Tenjin's Affection was 78(Respect), his impression of the youthful-looking god was quite high. However, this changed slightly when that same god turned to him at the door and said, "My sworn-sister is looking forward to meeting you one day, Vahn Mason. You should know...well, I'll leave that for you to learn on your own~."
For the rest of the day, Vahn continued interviewing prospective teachers and staff while thinking about Tenjin's words. Amaterasu was one of the three most influential gods in the Eastern Pantheon, with Susanoo and Tsukuyomi her equals. Above her, only the primordial deity, Amenominakanushi, had any greater significance to the devout of the Far East. Vahn was curious about what kind of person she was and, with Tenjin's enigmatic words, he was also a little nervous. In the Divination, his counterpart had come into contact with Inari and 'forced' change to take place. This time, however, things weren't likely to develop in a similar manner. Vahn wasn't sure if he met Amaterasu in the Divination, but she would certainly play a larger role this time around...
By the time he was wrapping up the interviews, Vahn had decided to see if he could get more information about the various gods of the Far East through Loki's connections. Her information network extended through both Heaven and the Mortal World. Vahn was confident she would be able to find out more information, including anything related to Amaterasu and any quirks the goddess might have. Given her power and authority, she had to be a first generation goddess like Hestia so Vahn knew she couldn't be a 'normal' goddess by any means. If she turned out to be another 540 million-year-old virgin, Vahn swore in his heart he would try to avoid entering into a relationship with her. Even now, the legendary 'clamp' of Hestia was something that would sneak its way into his thoughts at times...
While he was lost in thought, Fenrir poked his cheek with the paw pad of her index finger and said, "Master is thinking about lewd things...we should hurry home." Vahn was certain it hadn't shown on his face but, remembering his connection with Fenrir, he wasn't too surprised she had seen through him. This thought actually caused him to remember another girl he had a very powerful bond with though and, just as that thought crossed his mind, Vahn suddenly found the image of a smiling Hestia pervading his thoughts. The tensions in his body began to increase as a heat bubbled up in his abdomen. Nodding his head towards Fenrir, Vahn smiled and said, "Let's go home..."
(A/N: I tried to write the interactions between Vahn and Tenjin in the way you would expect a conversation from a CN to progress. If it comes off as them both being unnecessarily mysterious and footing around the actual topic of discussion, you can just consider that a quirk of the unique conversational habits of Far Eastern people. There are many instances where people speak in inferences just to 'measure' if the person they're talking to is 'capable' of understanding what they're saying. This is a way to make both parties able to show respect, one by being mysterious, the other by showing that they see through the mystery and are competent. It's very silly, yes, but I didn't invent the trope xD. Also, there will probably only be three chapters today. I'll be busy this afternoon o3o...)
(A/N: Alternate Titles: 'Vahn stops giving a damn','Tenjin is trying too hard to be mysterious','The legendary 'Vice'') <-(p.atreon link)
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