Using his new [Lapidary] Development Ability to his advantage, Vahn spent close to two hours cutting and polishing red beryls for the twins before affixing them to necklaces. So that they had some functional qualities, he left a small Orichalcum sphere inside the center of the beryls and filled the core with a drop of his own crystallized blood. The final product looked a little bit like a bloody teardrop since the beryl was supposed to hang freely and Vahn didn't want the girls to get scratched by any faceted edges. When he was finished, Vahn named the pendants [Beryl Teardrop]s since he couldn't come up with a better name within a short period of time...
[Beryl Teardrop]
Rank: C
Slots: 0
P.Def: 0
M.Def: 170
Abilities: Light Emission(C), Magic Vessel(C)
A simple pendant forged by a [Master Smith] using uncommon techniques. Though small, it can shine like the light of hope during times of duress.
Though they didn't look like great treasures, Vahn found the simple design to be very beautiful as he always preferred simplicity that belied complexity. When he had more time, Vahn intended to forge pendants that were more suitable to the two inordinately loyal girls. They may not act like it all the time, but Maemi and Emiru were somewhat similar to Mikoto in the fact they wanted to become his weapons and guardians. Even without his assistance, they were quickly reaching near the peak of Level 2 and weren't far from obtaining Level 3 through their own efforts. Though they previously teamed up with Arnya, they typically ventured into the Dungeon with Lunoire and had become a terror for monsters between the 1st and 23rd Floors.
Since there was still a bit of time before dinner, Vahn decided to do what he considered the most sensible thing and avoided his first instinct of going to help out in the kitchen. The twins had been very 'cautious' of him all day and Vahn didn't want to set them off or cause any accidents to happen. Instead, he headed up to the third-floor balcony and just relaxed until it was nearly time for dinner. He spent his time looking out at the surrounding buildings and observing the Manor's belonging to the other gods of the Alliance in the distance. Though they were separated by residential districts and various shops, each Manor was relatively large and they weren't difficult to see from a high vantage. Most notable was Anubis', as it had the closest proximity and was a giant pyramid structure that stood out from the surrounding buildings...
Thinking of Anubis, Vahn felt like he needed to treat her better when she officially moved into the Manor in the future. She seemed intent to 'serve' him for the rest of his life, which likely would continue indefinitely into the future, so Vahn wanted to make her happy. Like Fenrir, Fafnir, and Terra, she was a very loyal and faithful 'subordinate' that would potentially be at his side for all eternity. Unless he could break her free from the constraints of her Divinity, she would likely feel 'compelled' to serve him for a period of time Vahn couldn't really imagine.
Fortunately, by the time he returned to the Danmachi record in the far future, Vahn would be near the peak of Tier 6, or potentially even at the starting point of Tier 7, enabling him to easily break such vows and free the gods from the burden of their Divinity. Though it might take him thousands of years to return, Vahn knew that he would be able to remove the shackles from the gods in a period likely less than one-hundred years, at least from their perspective since he intended to freeze the world with a dimensional anchor.
As he was often in a position to think about the future, especially after experiencing the Divination, Vahn had already considered what he would be doing when he traveled to other records in the future. He had originally wanted to visit a variety of different worlds that he found interesting, but those 'seemingly' interesting worlds had lost a bit of their vibrancy at this point. Now, he loved the life he was currently living and he wanted to do his best for all the women who had shown him so much love and affection. He would now focus on worlds that could help him increase his strength, preferably those that he could also bring about great change and save those he felt obligated to save, such as Eva.
Vahn thought about Eva a lot whenever he was alone since she was the person that had experienced the most similar suffering as his own. She had been exploited by people, forced away from her home, and grew up without the love of others simply because someone had found her 'interesting'. Since her world was Tier 5, Vahn could become much stronger if he reached the pinnacle of that world. However, before he went there, Vahn needed to increase his strength in another record so he would be able to contest against the Mage of the Beginning shortly after entering the world. Unless Eva herself wanted him to go to a timeline when she had already suffered from the curse, Vahn wanted to prevent the event in its entirety. Though he may lose the love of the original Eva, as she would just be the young daughter of a noble, Vahn didn't want to be selfish simply because he fell in love with her future self's memory fragment...
It was difficult to imagine how his mindset would change, but Vahn expected he would mature a lot over the years and this would greatly affect how he treated other records. Instead of simply allowing himself to be dragged along by the plot of a record, Vahn expected he would become the type to take decisive action to bring about change in the worlds. Since the records he visited would likely become linked with him through The Path, Vahn wanted to make sure the worlds he visited were better for his presence rather than having them become worse. He would strive to break apart the corrupt structure of various governments, likely overthrow kings, or potentially topple entire Empires. As long as he could restore hope to the common people of the world, Vahn didn't mind 'suffering' against the influence of Karma on their behalf.
Since it was nearing time for dinner, Vahn ran his fingers through his hair and enjoyed the breeze one last time before heading inside to join the others. Thinking about matters of the far future helped him calm his mind greatly and he now felt more confident about the actions he was taking right now. Tonight was yet another step forward on the path he had decided for himself and Vahn didn't want to stumble so soon after he found his resolve to oppose the flow of fate and bear the burdens of the world itself. Fortunately, even if he stumbled a bit, Vahn was surrounded by capable women who would always help him find his footing once again...
Dinner was a relatively lively affair but there weren't any significant events other than Tiona's endless endeavor to find Lefiya's limits when it came to her 'Gourmand' curse. Lefiya had long grown accustomed to Tiona's behavior at this point and happily ate almost anything that was offered to her, especially if it came from Ais. Though it wasn't often, Lefiya sometimes came to his workshop and talked about her thoughts and actions. She had become somewhat chatty when they were alone together and even sat right next to him when they were talking. Vahn sometimes teased her, though it wasn't because he wanted to 'bully' her since Lefiya herself had asked him to do so on occasion so she could get used to it. His most effective method was to mention the 'heavy petting' slip she had been holding onto, generally causing her to immediately turn beet red for several minutes...
After dinner came to an end, Vahn immediately headed toward his room since he knew the twins would need to make preparations of their own before coming to him. They had been eyeing him throughout the meal and everyone present at the dinner table had been very aware of it. Many of the more mature girls gave them teasing looks that caused the two typically stable girls to become somewhat bashful and avoid conversing with others. Fortunately, everyone avoided talking about it directly because they understood it was a moment that needed to be shared between Vahn and the two girls, not something they should get involved with by teasing them. Of course, tomorrow would be fair game and it was highly likely that everyone other than Preasia would be 'bullying' them all day.
For nearly an hour, much longer than he actually expected to be waiting, Vahn sat inside his room and contemplated the best method to tend to the two girls. He knew from the evening they had shared the same bed that the girls didn't have the same disposition as Anubis, which had been a bit of a surprise. They were the type that didn't mind being teased but wanted to reciprocate with actions of their own instead of 'suffering' one-sidedly. The best thing he could do for them would be to take the initiative and 'pretend' to be a bit selfish to satiate their 'service' mentality. If he sought them somewhat 'selfishly', Vahn knew the girls would be very happy and would walk away from the evening with a powerful memory to fuel their somewhat overactive imaginations...
By the time their presences had appeared outside his door, Vahn had already mentally prepared himself and assumed the air of a 'Master' with an 'immoral' relationship with his own maids. As he expected, the twins showed up in full maid attire and, soon after entering the room, bowed low in a very practiced manner as they said, "Master, please forgive us for our late arrival. We got a bit carried away in cleaning our bodies..." Though they had apologetic expressions, Vahn's eyes were fixed to the fluffy long tails of the girls that tantalizingly swayed in an almost perfect mirror of each other. Their synchronicity through their [Gemini] had been getting increasingly refined and their coordinated actions always made Vahn feel very intrigued by the two lovable Snow Leopard girls.
Vahn was sitting on his bed with his legs crossed, leaning against his own palm while looking at the two girls with deep intrigue etched into his face. It wasn't difficult to 'pretend' that he was interested in them because the truth of the matter was that he was already 'very' interested in them. They were very unique and Vahn was incredibly curious about them, both as individuals and twins that shared an incredible bond through their Innate. With a slightly infatuated look on his face and a glint in his eyes, Vahn dismissively waved his hand and said, "I know the two of you were simply doing your best to properly prepare yourselves before coming here. Don't mind it too much, as I'm grateful for your efforts..."
Maemi and Emiru raised their heads and had matching smiles on their faces as their tails overlapped and curled behind their backs before making a heart shape, something they had practiced several times to appeal to him. Vahn squinted his eyes and said, "You two are so unbelievably adorable...tell me honestly, what is it that you desire? If it's within my power, I will grant your wishes..." Though he had expected them to 'play' along, Maemi and Emiru surprised him by looking toward each other with thoughtful expressions for several long seconds. Vahn felt a little left out and could feel a strange pressure spreading through the room suddenly. When their conversation came to an end, Vahn saw Emiru's eyes change into an icy blue color before she burst into similarly colored particles and completely vanished.
Maemiru smiled with a strangely predatory look in her eyes and a much larger aura than the two individual ones that had been present when they were split. Currently, in their fused state, Maemiru had a total of 14,608 parameters and they had the equivalent strength of a Level 5 based on parameters alone. They weren't nearly as strong as Vahn himself, but he could still feel the pressure radiating from their body and the underlying sense of danger they represented. Fortunately, their devotion toward him was even stronger when they fused and, though she gave him a somewhat 'predatory' look, Vahn felt very at ease and wasn't worried they would try anything 'funny'.
Though he had some idea of what they were thinking, Vahn received the answer from the girls' mouth before he even asked the question. Maemiru began walking toward the bed with very slow steps as they explained in a sultry and seductive tone, "We decided that our first time with Master would be 'together'...even if our senses are linked, it would be very lonely to lose our virginities at different times. It feels more meaningful like this and we believe Master can help us maintain the form even if we exert ourselves~." By the time their words had finished, Maemiru had reached the edge of the bed and began crawling toward Vahn with a 'hungry' look in their eyes.
Vahn expected something like this to happen at some point but he was somewhat surprised things were going to start with them fused together. Thinking about it, Vahn could understand their thought process and understood it would actually strengthen their bond greatly if they lost their virginities together instead of separately. If they didn't break the link, their hymens would have still been broken at the same time, but Vahn would have only been making love to one of them. This was a 'better' method since it was a similar outcome but they could now experience it together instead.
With a smile on his face, Vahn didn't shy away under the girls' gaze and casually said, "If that is your desire, I won't back is a little unfortunate though..." Hearing the first part of his words, Maemiru's eyes shone with an expectant light before confusion appeared on their face immediately thereafter. Vahn dashed away their confusion in an instant when he produced the two [Beryl Teardrop]s, causing Maemiru's expression to freeze as she processed what her eyes were seeing. Almost as if compelled by an irresistible force, their body shone with a magical light before Emiru 'plopped' into existence next to Maemi's body. Vahn's smile widened greatly and he explained, "I want to respect your heritage, even if you left it behind when you came to the City. Though they aren't the highest quality items I've forged, they are the first necklaces I formed using my new Development Ability. Please, accept this gift as a display of the affection I feel for the two of you..."
Maemi and Emiru stared at the pendants in Vahn's hands with somewhat teary-eyed expressions as the 'mewled', "Master..." in an almost sobbing tone. Before Vahn was able to lean forward and place the pendants around their necks, the twins moved forward at the same time and hugged his body as he fell backward on the bed. They rubbed their cheeks against his in an oscillating manner and Vahn could feel their auras wrapping around him as the passionate red took on a vibrant and happy yellow. Though it was a bit of an unexpected development, Vahn didn't mind taking things slow so he hugged the girls around their waists and comforted them for a while until they were able to calm themselves...
After around twenty minutes, Maemi and Emiru had managed to collect themselves and looked much happier than they had been previously. They had been very tense when they first entered the room and decided to 'act' boldly in order to ease their tensions. Now, after feeling the care and affection Vahn had for them, they had calmed down a great deal and were affectionately staring at the pendants Vahn had placed around their necks. In their tribe, this would have essentially made them married, even though their culture didn't actually have 'traditional' marriages that were validated by governing bodies.
Vahn sat in front of the two bubbly girls and watched them affectionately until they finally turned their attention back to him. He smiled in response and said, "Don't apologize...I'm happy that you're so pleased with my gift. Thanks for accepting it, Maemi, Emiru..." The twins had 'forgotten' their self-imposed status for a moment and were about to apologize for making Vahn 'wait' for them yet again. However, he had easily seen through them and kept the momentum in his favor, effectively silencing the two girls as they struggled to think of how they 'should' be acting. Vhan saw they slightly chaotic auras and reached out his hands, stroking the two girls' heads as he softly said, "There is no need to push yourselves to behave in a certain way...we can worry about that later. For now, just be happy since your smiling faces are very beautiful."
Maemi and Emiru showed complicated expressions on their faces and Vahn could see their auras transition from yellow, through pink, and clear into the color of a passionate red in several short seconds. They sent each other a look before saying, "Master, we want to be with you even more now...please don't force us to wait even longer..." Considering that they could actually just 'relax' after the fact, Vahn didn't have any intention of making them wait so he nodded his head and said, "Sure, but I'd like it if the two of you put on a bit of a show before fusing together. I feel like seeing two naughty maids doing a striptease would satisfy my sensibilities a great deal..."
Vahn had immediately transitioned back into the 'act' he had decided up at first and it seemed very effective as both girls' eyes shone with a fervent light. They quickly opened up a bit of a distance from him and remained kneeling on the bed as they stared into each other's eyes for several seconds. Vahn had learned that this was not only a form of communication between them but also allowed them to 'synchronize' their thoughts better. The reason why they often looked toward each other was essentially so they could 'plan' their future actions by overlapping their wills. Thus, after around twenty seconds of silence, they both turned toward him with seductive smiles as they began to strip away each individual piece of their maid outfits...
(A/N: Alternate Titles: 'Lapidary Represent!','Forward Thinking','Gemini In Action')
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Seeing Emiru and Maemi almost perfectly mirror each other's movements as they stripped away their clothing made Vahn's brain buzz in excitement. He made no effort to conceal his intrigue either, so both girls were putting more effort into their actions as they turned their backs to him and unfastened the bodices of their dresses, allowing the loosened fabric to fall from their shoulders, revealing their fair-skinned backs to Vahn. The fabric caught against their tails and remained on their hips as they loved of their shoulders and smiled in a seductive manner before 'wiggling' their butts free from the clothing along with their inordinately long and fluffy tails. Vahn habitually licked his lips before sucking in his bottom lip and biting it with his teeth as his heart began to 'itch' in anticipation.
As he had expected Maemi and Emiru were wearing their 'victory underwear', so Vahn got a clear view of their unblemished mounds when they poked their butts out, clearly intending for him to see. Along with the somewhat 'dangerous' underwear, the twins were wearing a thin strapless bra that was covered in frills to match the color and design of their panties. As was the case with most Beast Humans with a feline heritage, the twins were very lithe and had thin and fit figures. Their breasts were rather small, only around an AA-Cup from Vahn's previous measurements, but the curve of their bodies leading into their pert buttocks was very beautiful. They were somewhat pear-shaped with their marginally wider hips and Vahn always marveled at how wonderful the butts of girls with tails could be. Because they had more complex muscles around the area, the shape was often very appealing and seeing two 'identical' posteriors made Vahn feel a pressure in the bridge of his nose.
With their dresses removed, the only clothing left on their bodies were their cute and 'ornate' looking bras, their incredibly 'dangerous' and revealing panties, and the garter belt/stocking combination that greatly enhanced the 'balance' of the seductive outfit. A playful look appeared in the eyes of the girls at this point as they turned toward each other and pressed their bodies together in a manner reminiscent of the first time they had appealed to him. Instead of trying to earn his pity, however, the twins had amorous looks on their faces as they looked directly at him for several seconds. Vahn watched as they hugged each other's bodies and traced their hands along each other before slowly drawing their faces together...
Vahn's eyes widened slightly and he couldn't stop himself from swallowing as he watched the distance between their lips reach a near-zero distance. However, just before they made contact with each other, Emiru's body vanished in particles of light leaving the giggling and seductive Maemiru behind, saying, "Did Master want to watch two sisters making out with each other? How naughty~." Vahn's mental faculties came to a slow crawl that matched Maemiru's approach as she traced her hands around his shoulders and whispered, "We'll show you plenty of interesting things later..." before licking his cheek in a single slow lapping motion.
Since he knew they would want to take care of it themselves, Vahn had left his clothing on but was now 'regretting' his earlier decision. Though it was very obvious they were pushing themselves a bit, as maintaining their fused state was very taxing, Vahn appreciated their efforts and was feeling a bit 'eager' himself. However, he did his best to remain calm and just loosely held Maemiru's waist as they slowly peeled away his clothing while periodically licking his body. Vahn was making sure they had enough energy to sustain the form since it would likely break much faster when they began 'exerting' themselves. They could last nearly fifty minutes if they were completely relaxed, but had never managed more than four minutes during actual combat. Sex wasn't as 'intense' as combat, normally, but it would definitely put a burden on their body since they were still a virgin.
After removing his tunic, Maemiru paused for a while before nuzzling into his neck and deeply inhaling Vahn's scent. He didn't mind it at all, as it wasn't uncommon for the Beast Girls to get 'drunk' off of his scent when they were excited. Though they weren't exactly the same as Cat People, Maemiru's Snow Leopard heritage was a derivative species so their bodies experience 'heat' in a similar fashion. When they were excited, especially during their first time, the girls would be very affectionate and often rubbed their faces and bodies against their lovers for a long period of time before they actually had sex. Strangely, this would be followed by a short period of 'avoidance' after the fact, though Vahn didn't think that would be the case given the twins' natures.
Once they had gotten their fill, Maemiru pulled her face away from his neck with a hazy expression in their eyes as they said, "Master...smells nice...mauuufuuu..." Hearing their sensual verbal tick. Vahn's own breathing began to increase as Maemiru pulled her body away slightly and began unfastening his trousers. They had previously been moving their hips against his bulged and his dark-grey pants already had a stain on them that caused Maemiru to blush slightly as she pulled down his zipper and saw the thin fabric of his briefs. For several long seconds, they stopped and just stared at his 'tent' before making Vahn's heart race when they leaned forward and began affectionately stroking their face against his lower body.
Doing his best to maintain his rationale, Vahn displayed his own affection by stroking their hair and ears without reprimanding them for losing themselves in the moment. Vahn had long grown fond of how affectionate his various 'kittens' could be and it made him feel a greater attachment to them when he saw them behaving like this. Maemiru's emotions were always at a hyper-elevated state compared to Maemi and Emiru and their sense of smell was also greatly increased. At this point, it seemed like they had completely forgotten their 'play' and were 'drowning' in the moment as a result of the sensory overload they were experiencing. Even their aura, instead of 'clinging' to him, writhed across his body as if it was stroking against him in the same way as Maemiru herself.
After several minutes of this rather peculiar experience, Maemiru began to make low and drawn out 'mau' sounds and Vahn could tell they had completely lost themselves and couldn't move forward on their own anymore. Vahn put a bit of strength in his palm movements and pulled the 'drunken' looking Maemiru away from his waist. Instead of showing any signs of dissatisfaction, Maemiru eagerly pressed against his palm and rubbed her own face and head against his hands. Vahn eventually held her head with both hands, causing Maemiru to released a muffled 'mauuu~' as her body wriggled around. Pulling her face toward his, Vahn leaned forward and kissed Maemiru on the lips to 'guide' her further up his body. They eagerly returned his kiss as Vahn slowly pulled his head back, causing the girls to 'chase' after his mouth and crawl up his body.
At this point, more than forty minutes had passed and they hadn't even progressed to the climactic moment for the fused girls. Vahn was very interested in their current behavior and was tempted to 'spoil' them a bit but wanted to move things along since there was plenty of time for such things later. He was greatly enjoying this moment, but Vahn's own tensions had already been drawn taut and he was feeling a bit 'impatient' and 'eager' in his heart. One of the things that had changed in his relationships with the girls was the fact that he had been learning to enjoy sex both physically and emotionally. He had his own urges to needed to be sated and the girls' actions and behaviors had riled him up a great deal at this point...
For several minutes, Vahn continued to tangle tongues with Maemiru as he infused her body with energy to keep her form stable. There was a very real chance that something could go horribly wrong and, if their body split while he was inside them, he would probably suffer a very grievous and traumatic injury. Though he would undoubtedly recover, Vahn wanted to avoid that somewhat nightmarish scenario so he remained patient until they were completely stable. Like Cat People, they preferred the seated position for their first time and Maemiru had already been eagerly grinding against his hips with her tail affectionately coiling around his waist pulling them closer together.
Vahn separated from Maemiru, watching as they absentmindedly stuck out their tongue as if they were looking for his own before their eyes snapped back to awareness and they tried closing the distance on their own. Instead of kissing them again, Vahn hugged Maemiru's body close to his own and allowed them to adapt to the change as she began licking around his neck and shoulder. The moment he began moving their waist, Maemiru's body began to react and they became easy to move just by guiding their lower back with his palm. Since they had failed to finish undressing him, Vahn unequipped his own clothing, causing his hot glans to shoot up toward their steamy mound and cause their body tense up.
Fortunately, their evolution deviated away from biting so Maemiru just tucked her head tight against his body and 'squeezed' him with their long tail. Vahn reached his hand between their thighs and positioned himself properly, probing into their hot vulva with his glans before finding the entrance of their vagina. Maemiru immediately coiled up their body even more but Vahn noticed that their lower body remained completely relaxed as an instinctual protective measure to make it less painful for them. He had noticed this phenomenon in the past, but the slow buildup with Maemiru and the potential 'dangers' entry posed made Vahn very aware of everything that was happening.
After firmly pressing himself against the entrance, allowing his glans to penetrate into their vagina slightly. Vahn moved his hand to Maemiru's backside and began infusing energy into her nerves and muscles to ease any pain they might feel while enhancing their pleasure receptors. With a slow and firm pressure, Vahn began forcing Maemiru's hips down, gently rocking them from side-to-side so that he could probe even deeper into their tight and hot depths. Since she was in heat, Maemiru's body temperature had skyrocketed and her vagina had 'fallen' slightly to meet his glans earlier than he expected. Barely after he was halfway inside her body, Vahn felt the 'back' of Maemiru's vagina but noticed that it was strangely elastic, something that usually only happened after their body had adapted to entry.
Maemiru hadn't even flinched when he broke their hymen, but they began to release a low and groaning moan when he pressed his hot glans against their cervix and began pushing against it. They began to breathe very rapidly and Vahn could feel their heartbeat accelerating quickly through their rather small breasts. Even now, Maemiru was still wearing their bra but Vahn could still feel the softness underneath the smooth fabric and the two firm beads scratching against his chest. Vahn did his best to comfort Maemiru as her body slowly adapted to his entry and she sunk lower against his hips by wiggling her own lower body, similar to how Aki and Chloe had done in the past.
By the time the resistance of their vagina had increased to an insurmountable extent, Vahn was around 70% inside Maemiru, which wasn't bad for their first time considering their petite and lithe figure. Once things had reached this point, Vahn could feel the heat in their body increasing even more as their cervix 'massaged' against his glans as it if was trying to suck the fluids from his tip. Vahn knew it was very 'difficult' for those with a feline heritage until he ejaculated into them for the first time so he began to rock Maemiru's hips when she had gotten accustomed to his entry. Maemiru seemed to have a very high pain tolerance, or perhaps she was still 'drunk' from her earlier actions, since she began to 'mau' in an adorable fashion that made Vahn's brain buzz.
Equally as adorable was how Maemiru used their tail as an extra limb and she would 'pull' her own body against his every time she lowered her hips slightly. He wasn't doing any major pistoning, as he didn't want to cause her any discomfort, and just continued to poke against her cervix which followed his movements in a strangely eager fashion. Even when he moved out of her vagina slightly, her cervix would descend as if it refused to separate from his glans and it made Vahn smile as he affectionately stroked Maemiru's head. They seemed to have completely forgotten about kissing him and was just 'clinging' to his shoulders while taking rapid breaths and 'mau-ing' in a quiet and sensual manner.
Vahn felt that moments like this were very precious and he greatly enjoyed the 'slower' sex he had with individual girls compared to the 'events' he had with entire groups. Maemiru felt so small and adorable in his arms and each of their reactions was fresh and exciting, making him feel a greater affection for them. Being able to hug them like this while stroking their body and gently moving their hips was a very fulfilling experience and Vahn felt especially fond of them at this moment, greatly desiring to prolong things if not for the fact they 'needed' him to finish sooner. Fortunately, his tensions had already been very high from the start and Vahn made absolutely no attempt to delay things, allowing Maemiru to feel relief after a short eight minutes.
Feeling the hot substance enter their body, Maemiru's dazed expression turned into an almost 'agonized' look as they tilted their head back and squinted their eyes slightly, letting two beads of tears drop down their rosy cheeks. They weren't feeling any pain, their eyes had just been very watery from their overwhelming emotions and the sudden 'gentle' climax that ran through their body was unlike anything they had felt before. It was very satisfying and made them feel complete and full as their body trembled and they relied on Vahn's embrace to keep from falling backward. Vahn had a gentle smile on his face and affectionately stroked their body while feeding energy into their abdomen to keep them from spontaneously splitting apart. He had no idea what would happen if they were impregnated while fused together, but Vahn wasn't going to 'escape' at the last moment and did his best to remain calm and collected even during his own ejaculation.
At nearly the same time, Vahn and Maemiru both released sighs after her body had settled down and she limply lay against his body while he embraced her tightly. Since she was in 'heat', Maemiru was definitely ovulating and there was a high chance they would get pregnant unless they took preventative measures. Vahn knew they didn't actually intend to have babies so soon, as they wanted to increase their strength a lot more before then, but he was still curious about how Maemi and Emiru would be affected by Maemiru's pregnancy. He wondered if the egg would be split, effectively leading to a miscarriage, or if their body would produce two eggs at a time, allowing them to both get pregnant together. There were many unknowns so Vahn felt it was better if they got pregnant the 'normal' way instead of while being fused together.
After several minutes, where Maemiru just lay in a contented daze, they suddenly raised up their body and Vahn could feel their aura shrinking rapidly as it became placid and gentle. This was the moment when they would typically show 'disinterest' since they were successfully impregnated but Maemiru had returned to her senses at this point and didn't try to 'escape'. Instead, they showed a gentle and loving smile on their face as they simply muttered, "Master..." Though they had often referred to him as Master, this moment was distinctly different from previous instances because there was an incredible sincerity to their words and an 'annoying' notification from the system.
//Unique Entity [Maemiru] Wishes To Become Your Subordinate: (Y/N?)//
Given the fact that the notification occurred, Vahn knew it was their actual desire to become his subordinate so Vahn didn't try to talk them out of it. He had learned from his interactions with Lefiya that it had actually made her feel a little less confident when he had 'warned' her so many times in the past. Since it wouldn't appear unless it was their actual desire, Vahn accepted without overthinking the situation and just caressed Maemiru's face, saying, "From now on, we will always be together...thank you for choosing me as your Master, Maemiru..." Maemiru's eyes glowed with a fervent light and Vahn heard a shocking number of 'pings' within the system as their Loyalty parameter showed a shocking value of 24,226. The individual Love parameters of Maemi and Emiru had only been around 4,000 each, so it was somewhat unexpected to see the five-digit number.
Maemiru lifted their hands up and framed Vahn's face before showing a deeply affectionate smile that strangely 'radiated' a sense of loyalty as they said, "We will become the strongest weapon and the most durable shield if it means our Master can be matter how far you go, we will always follow close behind to protect your back...this is our eternal oath...the truest expression of our love..." With their words finished, Maemiru brought their lips close to Vahn's and gave him a very 'tame' kiss that felt far more passionate than anything they had done earlier. Though it was somewhat different than the normal oath, Maemiru had essentially just made an 'Eternal Vow' with Vahn and sealed the contract with a kiss. An invisible and awe-inspiring force spread through the room and Vahn could feel his connection with Maemiru become as solid as the chains of his [Enkidu]...
(A/N: Alternate Titles: 'Tantalizing Twins','Adorable Kitten','Love, Devotion, Reverence...')
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