As a result of the fact that Vahn's personal regeneration enabled him to always top her off, while Fenrir actually had limitless stamina as long as she had energy within her body, the trio was able to continue their path through the Dungeon without the need for any long breaks. Vahn actually didn't get that hungry himself, unless he had exerted himself for long periods of time, and Lefiya just kept munching away at snacks periodically. Since Fenrir's 'hunger' was related to her emotional stability, she could survive for thousands of years without any need for food at all. A few head pats, a bit of source energy, and a healthy amount of praise were all the small wolf girl needed to keep going.
Lefiya had been very uneasy early in the excursion, but she eventually got used to Vahn's hand on her shoulder and began focusing more on casting spells. She had noticed the changes in her own body and how her magic was becoming progressively stronger and it inspired her to put in more efforts. The only thing that bothered her now was that Vahn would often ask her if she needed anything to eat whenever they had completed a fight. From the moment she started thinking about food, her stomach seemed to have a mind of its own, almost as if it were trying to answer for her. As for his reasons for doing so, Vahn had been paying attention to Lefiya's metabolic processes as well and noticed that her body processed the food at an astronomical rate and broke down what she didn't need to sustain herself as mana.
It wasn't an exaggeration to say that she was very similar to Fenrir in that regard, except for the fact that Fenrir 'could' eat anything but didn't 'need' to eat. Lefiya, however, required a surprising amount of food now and Vahn was actually starting to worry if she would have been able to live if there wasn't someone like him with an endless supply to give her. Fortunately, it didn't seem like she actually felt hunger pangs and it wasn't as if her body actually required additional nutrition. The food she was eating, after hesitantly accepting it from his hands, went more towards her mana pool and revitalizing the cells in her body than towards the normal metabolic process.
After having defeated a group of seventeen Black Rhinos, eleven of which were killed by Lefiya's magic, she was once again nibbling on a cat-shaped cookie with her head lowered slightly in embarrassment. Unlike in the past, where she would get 'full' after eating a few bites of food, Lefiya never felt that feeling any longer and it was almost like she could eat infinitely. It was very worrying for her but Vahn had allayed her fears somewhat by explaining the process that was taking place in her body. It made her feel a bit giddy that Vahn was so 'aware' of what was going on in her body, but she did her best not to think about it too much as she pulled another cracker out of the bag of goodies Vahn had given her earlier...
Since it was somewhat bad for the mind if you were in extended engagements for long periods of time, Vahn had brought the excursion to a temporary halt after more than three hours of fighting. Because Lefiya's firepower was so high, their efficacy for clearing out the floor was somewhat startling and they had hunted a total of 503 Black Rhinos and 25 Deformis Spiders over the relatively short period of time. The main reason for this had been the fact they had encountered a Monster Party, which Vahn personally triggered after Lefiya was nearly finished with her area of effect magic. Since the spawns didn't trigger until people were already entrapped, Vahn had her begin her chant long before the fight actually began so she was able to sweep through the entire horde the moment they spawned.
Unfortunately, of the 528 monsters hunted, 387 were killed by Lefiya so Fenrir was a bit angsty which was the primary reason Vahn had called the break. He now sat against the wall while pampering the somewhat pouty Fenrir as Lefiya sat a little away from them atop a cushion. She seemed to be lost in thought and only awakened from her reverie whenever she was 'surprised' to discover her snacks had once again run out. Over the course of the half-hour they had rested, Lefiya went through several small pouches of cookies, crackers, and sliced fruits. Though she knew about the 'Gourmand' ability, Lefiya didn't really understand why her body felt compelled to eat so much, even though she wasn't that hungry at all...
While Vahn was grooming her fur, Fenrir let her body relax as she lazed about as a result of the comfort she was feeling. She had been frustrated at first and tried to 'protest' a little by pouting but, after about five minutes of his care she gave up and almost forgot why she was even mad to begin with. After releasing a 'too-wide' yawn, Fenrir said in a sleepy voice, "Vahn should be like Fenrir more often..." as she rested her head against his chest. Vahn had felt his danger senses trigger when Fenrir had opened her mouth much wider than normal and he got a clear view of her sharp teeth. Though she was relaxed, Fenrir was still in her battle-ready state which included sharper teeth and slightly longer claws. However, when he heard her words, Vahn felt a bit of warmth spread through his heart as he poked her nose. He had returned to his human form before bed, so he didn't accidentally scratch the sleeping girls, and hadn't changed back into a Vanargandr since then...
Just as the half-hour he had designated for their break came to an end, Fenrir's eyes opened and she extricated herself from Vahn's body without him having to remind her. He wasn't sure how she processed the passage of time so well, but his intuition told him she didn't pay attention to it at all and got her queues from his behavior. Since he had been thinking it was about time for them to continue the hunt, Fenrir had woken up in an instant and was ready to go a few seconds later, almost as if she hadn't been sleeping previously.
Vahn smiled at her before rising to his feet and ruffled her hair somewhat firmly since she had told him in the past that she liked 'heavy' pats more than soft ones. Fenrir squinted her eyes with a pleased expression on her face and felt like, once again, Vahn was the 'best to her'. She was so happy that, when Vahn helped Lefiya rise to her feet like a gentleman, Fenrir was only slightly bothered and let it slide. As for Lefiya, she had been slightly startled when Vahn called out to her and had grabbed his outstretched hand without thinking at all. When he pulled her to her feet and supported her shoulder, Lefiya's eyes opened wide as her brain stalled for a few seconds before she said, ""
The second half of their excursion proceeded in much the same manner as the first three hours, except this time Fenrir lingered around Vahn more until they got relatively close to the monster spawns. Vahn knew she was probably started to become a little jealous of his interactions with Lefiya, so he walked with his left hand on Lefiya's shoulder while he rested his right hand atop Fenrir's head. He couldn't help but feel like they looked a little 'strange' but there was nobody present to judge them other than a few unfortunate monsters that crossed their path. Fenrir seemed 'offended' by their existences now, as it took away from the time she could spend with Vahn, so she was especially fierce in her attacks when they managed to get near.
Vahn shook his head as a slightly exasperated sigh escaped his lips when Fenrir jumped at a one of the Black Rhinos and sunk her teeth into its neck as she sunk her claws deep into its body. A veritable tide of blood emerged from the wound and covered her face and body. Fortunately, the [Nezha Lady's Togi] couldn't be stained by the blood, but it didn't stop it from reaching down to her uncovered abdomen and staining parts of her thighs. By the time the monster had dispersed into purple smoke, resulting in Fenrir jumping at the next one and leaving four huge gashes in its head, there was more blood visible on her body than exposed skin. When the enemies were finally dealt with, she used the sleeves of her top to try and wipe away some of the blood before running back over to Vahn with slightly averted eyes.
Lefiya laughed at Fenrir's behavior but caught herself quickly and coughed to cover it up when Fenrir showed a slightly pouty expression and gave her a sideward glance. Vahn reached out and ruffled Fenrir's hair again and said in a soothing tone, "Fenrir, you shouldn't get upset so easily...Lefiya is a good girl, so the two of you should get along well." When he began rubbing her head, Vahn used his left hand and began pulling the blood away from Fenrir's body using his 'cleaning' magic. Lefiya watched the process with interest on her face while Fenrir seemed to be contemplating Vahn's words. She knew that Lefiya was a 'good' girl that was well-behaved and always did what she was told, so there was no reason for her to be upset with her. By interpreting Vahn's treatment of Lefiya as his reward for her being 'good', Fenrir suddenly found herself feeling a strange bit of uncertainty since she was essentially 'punishing' Lefiya for being 'good'...
Though she had a deep frown on her face for a brief moment, Fenrir looked over at Lefiya and said, "Fenrir is sorry for being...jealous of Lefiya...Lefiya is a good girl, so Fenrir will be nice to you too. Fenrir doesn't want to be a 'bad' girl that punishes 'good' girls..." Toward the end of her words, Fenrir looked at Vahn for guidance and saw the pleased smile on his face before he reached to the side of her ear and began scratching it. Fenrir tilted her head to make the angle better as a smile appeared on her face and she enjoyed the sensation. Vahn knew all the 'best' places to touch her and she knew she had done the right thing now.
Lefiya saw Fenrir's treatment and felt a slight incredulity at the sudden happenings because she hadn't expected Fenrir to apologize to her for being 'jealous'. Now that she suddenly saw Vahn 'rewarding' Fenrir, Lefiya had a strange feeling in her heart that was slightly different than anything she had felt in the past. For the first time in her life, Lefiya felt like it had been her misfortune to have been born as an Elf. If she had been a Chienthrope, Cat Person, or another race with big fluffy ears, Lefiya felt like she could have enjoyed Vahn's pampering just like them. Instead, just thinking about him pampering her made Lefiya feel very tense and it would immediately cause her heart to begin racing in her chest. She couldn't muster up the courage to appeal to Vahn, and also didn't have the tolerance to 'accept' his affections even if she did...
Seeing the satisfied expression on Fenrir's face, and the somewhat 'sad' look she had when the petting came to an end, Lefiya couldn't help but comment in an 'almost' inaudible voice, "How envious..." Vahn hadn't heard her at all, but Fenrir's ears twitched slightly before she looked over at Lefiya with a contemplative expression on her face. Fenrir's reaction startled Lefiya and her heart began to throb as a result of her anxiousness until Fenrir turned away as if she hadn't noticed anything. When Vahn turned his head to stare at her, Lefiya flusteredly turned her head to the side and refused to make eye contact with him until he said, "Lets...keep going?" As if she had just received a lifeline, Lefiya nodded her head rapidly and began walking ahead of Vahn and Fenrir as if she couldn't wait to return to killing monsters.
After the strange interaction, Vahn noticed the Fenrir had returned to 'normal' and was doing her best to kill enemies as efficiently as possible to avoid getting dirty again. Her [Severing Claws] allowed her to avoid getting messy if she fought properly, so she tried avoiding attack trajectories that would cause blood to spurt at her. As for Lefiya, she had startled a bit when he returned his hand to her shoulder but manage to calm down and focus on the fights after a few minutes. Her magic had grown to the point where the massive bolts of light continued forward after colliding with enemies and it was almost to the point where the single-target spell had become an area of effect one. Vahn had noticed this change and saw that there was a wispy white tendril that had intermixed with the other bands of mana within her body now.
Though mana was in all matter, it was also immaterial at the same time and Vahn likened it to a person having three bodies overlapping each other whenever he saw the flow within a person's body. There was the physical body, which was made of all their bones, organs, muscles, and nerves, while underneath it, overlapping with it but never touching, there was a magical body as well. The magical body nourished the physical body and allowed for phenomenon like skills and magic to be used by people. Within the magic body, there were several 'cores' present with the largest one being located in the navel.
The majority of a person's mana formed their main cored and it fed to all the other smaller cores that were located in the heart, brain, wrists, and ankles. Previously, the mana in Lefiya's body was light pink in coloration, especially around her primary core. Now, however, there was a distinct white band present within her navel that would spread through her body, passing through the cores in her wrists, before feeing into the staff in her hands. It wasn't source energy, but something closer to 'pure' magical energy and it seemed like Lefiya's body had adapted to its use after intermixing with his own source energy for so long.
As for the final body, this was the one Vahn had almost no awareness and understanding of, which he called the 'spiritual' body. It was almost impossible to detect and even Vahn could only see an 'illusory' version of it if he focused his mind. Much like the magical body, the spiritual body also had a core but this one was located near the heart. Vahn felt like this was actually the soul of a person, but even Sis wasn't sure about the true nature of the spiritual body for the time being. The most important thing to note was that Vahn could only see this from the girls that possessed his flame seed within their chest, so it was very possible it was just a byproduct of the skill nourishing their body and had nothing to do with his other assumptions at all...
(A/N: Alternate Titles: 'Lefiya has become a foodie','Fenrir's jealousy','Vahn's over here casually changing things within Lefiya's body...')
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Though they could have continued for a while longer, Vahn ended up calling the excursion to an early end after a little over five hours because he had started to feel a strange 'fullness'. All of his joints ached slightly and hit total parameters had just crept over the 6,500 mark during their earlier battles. Even though he wasn't contributing that much to the actual fights, Vahn was expending a great deal of energy while sustaining both Fenrir and Lefiya while also practicing his elemental control when it was suitable. He wasn't gaining a lot of exillia, but his mastery of his own Innates and his comprehension of the laws themselves were promoting his growth. Just like when he experienced huge developments in his Magic parameter in the orb, as a result of his Innates increasing in strength, Vahn was circumventing the worlds restrictions a bit.
After the exited the 51st floor, Vahn decided to take a short rest to increase his own Level so he turned to Fenrir and Lefiya before saying, "There isn't anyone within 509m of our location, but I can look around for a bit and make sure there isn't anyone beyond that either. I'll set up a basin if the two of you want to wash up and then I'm going to increase my Level. You can wait until we return to the encampment, but I can update your Status Board here if you want to check your growth..." Fenrir raised her paw like a rocket and said, "Fenrir wants to take a bath~!" before Lefiya had any chance to offer input of her own. Not wanting to make an enemy out of the small wolf girl, Lefiya showed a small smile and said, "I don't really need to take a bath...but I'd appreciate it if you set up a tent before checking the area. Taking off my clothing in the open forest is a little..."
Vahn nodded his head and removed one of the already established tents he had set up previously. Other than his large tent, Vahn had several smaller ones that were already in a condition to be used at a moments notice. To get around having to stake them down to the ground, Vahn had developed flat stone slabs that the tent rested on so he could create an entire encampment with the wave of his hand if necessary. Lefiya thanked him before making her way into the tent as if she were retreating while Fenrir was content with having an open-air bath. She wasn't worried about anyone showing up at all because she would have been able to smell the scent of any enemies if they had been in the area recently.
After filling a large basin with the 'essence' water and heating it up to a steamy temperature, Vahn scouted the surrounding area for a few kilometers and updated his minimap before returning a few minutes later. Other than a few small animals and insects, there were no other life signs and Vahn could tell by the relatively stagnant currents of mana that there hadn't been anyone coming through this area while they were down below. The only signatures he could pick up were small spatial fluctuations he had created earlier in the day and there were no discernable tracks left behind by other Adventurers. As an extra precaution, Vahn sent out several pulses of his sonar-like ability just to make sure there were no 'invisible' enemies trying to exploit a momentary gap in his awareness.
Satisfied with the relative security of the area, Vahn made his way back to their makeshift encampment and nearly fell over when he landed nearby. Though she had said she didn't need a bath earlier, Vahn found Lefiya trembling slightly as she scrubbed Fenrir's hair and fur with a special shampoo that had no scent, as Fenrir was very sensitive to 'perfumes' of most cleaning agents. She had removed barrette that held her golden-yellow hair up in a ponytail so it drapped around her back and shoulders as she made a futile attempt to hide her naked figure behind Fenrir's body. As for the wolf-girl in question, Fenrir waves both paws at Vahn with a smile on her face and said, "Fenrir and Lefiya decided to take a bath together. Vahn should take a bath also~."
Though the basin Vahn had set up for Fenrir's use was quite large, as she liked to splash around a bit in the water, it wasn't a size that would be comfortable for three people to use. He scratched the side of his hair with his eyes averted to the side as he thought of a solution but was surprised to find that Lefiya, who was still using Fenrir as a shield, peeked around and said, "I...I don't m-mind..." Vahn looked over at Lefiya's fiercely blushing face and she once again hid behind the grinning Fenrir who seemed especially pleased, almost like a child that had completed a prank. Vahn had only been gone for about seven minutes earlier so he had no idea what Fenrir had done to convince Lefiya to go to this extent...
As Lefiya had likely mustered up a lot of courage for this act, Vahn decided not to disappoint her and the mischevious Fenrir. After unequipping his clothes, Vahn made his way over before lowing himself into the basin, opposite of Lefiya with Fenrir between them. Because of his height, his legs intertwined with Lefiya's which caused her blush to turn crimson as she breathed loudly through her nose. Other than when she had cared for his body, this is the closest Lefiya had willingly been to Vahn during their bath when other girls weren't around. If not for Fenrir blocking her line of sight, and her unwillingness to stare at him, there wouldn't be anything blocking her from viewing Vahn's figure up close...
Vahn could see Lefiya had lost herself in her thoughts once again and decided to let her come back to her senses on her own as he picked up a sponge and began wiping down Fenrir's body. She lifted her chin up high in response and spread both of her arms so Vahn could get all the nooks and crannies. Fenrir liked being washed by Vahn more than anyone else and it always made her feel very happy, like there were little fairies dancing about in her stomach. Fenrir had never eaten a fairy before, but she felt like this was the most accurate description because she knew they spread happiness.
While he washed her body, Vahn was passing his eyes over Fenrir with a bit of intrigue and concern as he carefully attended to her. Even though it had been several months, Fenrir's body hadn't changed at all and even the arrangement of her fur was exactly the same. Though her parameters were also increasing, there were no signs of their influence on her body and Vahn felt a similar concern for her as he had for Eva within the orb. He knew she would one day want to do 'adult' things with him but Vahn was worried it would be a very painful experience for her unless he could find a way to help her body mature and evolve even further. As she was genderless as a Kobold, Fenrir's transition into becoming a female included some of the 'troublesome' aspects as well. As he often tended to her body, Vahn knew that she could be considered a 'maiden' and there was a very high chance she would always be one...
When he had been talking with Eva about her past, one of the things she confided in him was the reason why her real form was a virgin even after six-hundred years. Though her real body wasn't developed, Eva could change her form with magic and emulate the appearance of an adult at the cost of a bit of mana. However, she 'complained' to him about how creepy most men were during her time as a Shinso Vampire and that regeneration almost guaranteed the event would be very painful. As she was an immortal with nearly instant regeneration, Eva would be as much a virgin before having sex as she was during and after the act came to an end. Though Fenrir didn't have instant regeneration, she still returned to her default state after enough time passed which meant her body would always be trying to 'return' to normal instead of 'healing'...
Unaware of what he was thinking, Fenrir pat her paws on the water surface, since Vahn already washed her arms, and said, "If Vahn was like Fenrir, she could wash him...Fenrir really wants to wash Vahn sometime..." Broken from his mild rumination, Vahn looked into Fenrir's eyes and saw the briefest hint of a plea contained within them. Since he was afraid that he might accidentally scratch Lefiya, Vahn pulled his feet closer to his body until he knees came out of the water before a magical light appeared and caused his body to change. In even less time than the past, Vahn completed his transformation into a Vanargandr and instantly felt his legs get soaked through by water. Fenrir was ecstatic at the change and immediately dove at Vahn before nuzzling affectionately against him like she had the first two times he adopted this form.
Lefiya had been stirred to awareness by the fluctuations of magical energy and was surprised to find Vahn's hair had turned the same color as Fenrir's as a large pair of ears drooped slightly atop his head. Though she wasn't entirely sure why, Lefiya felt a little less fearful now because she knew there was little chance of Vahn doing anything now that he had paws and claws. After releasing a small sigh of relief, Lefiya realized she had lost her 'shield' because Fenrir's butt was popping up out of the water as her tail splashed about. She lowered herself further into the water and covered her chest in an attempt to hide her breasts but noticed that Vahn wasn't really paying any attention to her. Though she had been relieved earlier, Lefiya now felt slightly vexed because she felt like she wanted him to look even though she would hide away from him if he did...
Though he might not have known the reason, Fenrir knew exactly why she acted in this manner every time her Master became the same as her. She felt a powerful compulsion to mix her scent with his, almost as if she were marking him with her scent. It was also very comfortable to rub against his body without having to worry about hurting him so it was very difficult to stop herself from indulging for a little while whenever he changed. When she was finally satisfied, Fenrir decided to keep true to her word by picking up the sponge and using it to wipe around Vahn's chest, neck, and arms in a very unskilled manner. She couldn't hold the sponge properly since her claws would just tear through it, so she had to compensate by holding it against Vahn's body like she was squishing it.
Vahn regretted his actions a little bit because Fenrir was 'eagerly' washing his body while straddling his hips. Fortunately, even though Syr had 'taught' him to react to a girl's actions, Vahn was still able to control himself and avoid a potential disaster scenario. He just enjoyed the somewhat unskilled washing of Fenrir and casually commented, "We can't do this too often, Fenrir, but every now and then is fine..." Hearing his words, Fenrir nodded her head several times before patting Vahn's shoulder with her paw and saying, "Fenrir will wash your back now~!" Then, instead of waiting for Vahn to turn around, Fenrir stood up from the basic and 'climbed' around Vahn's body before plopping into the water behind him. Vahn squinted his eyes as a small smile appeared on his face because of how 'clever' Fenrir was trying to act...
From behind him, Fenrir pushed against his head a little and said, "Vahn, you need to scooch forward or I can't fit." Vahn was very well aware of this but he wasn't the only one as Lefiya was looking at him like a small animal that had just encountered a hunter with their bow drawn. Her bottom jaw trembled slightly as her rosy complexion began to turn somewhat pale. However, though she had obvious inhibitions, Lefiya moved back slightly and pulled her feet up to allow Vahn more space to move. Vahn smiled slightly and said, "Lefiya, go ahead and turn around...I'll help wash your hair and also update your Status Board since its a good opportunity..." Though she was being very 'brave', Vahn could see Lefiya's aura sputtering like a flame caught in a powerful wind so he wanted to give her an 'out' that didn't result in her having to retreat and overtax herself.
When she heard Vahn's words, Lefiya felt a great deal of relief as she pulled in her legs close to her body and spun around in the basin without rising. She found that it was much easier to tolerate the situation with her back to Vahn and felt some small comfort knowing that he was worried about her. Though he smiled at her, Lefiya could see the concern in his eyes and knew he was giving her a 'compromise' that still allowed her to be bold. He didn't know it, but when Vahn had left earlier to scout the area, Fenrir had come into the tent and continued to tell her that she was a 'good' girl and that it was 'okay' to get pampered by Vahn.
According to Fenrir, it would trouble Vahn if she kept 'struggling' so much and it was very obvious to Fenrir that Lefiya wanted Vahn's attention because of her behavior and the earlier remark she uttered under her breath. It was a little strange, as Fenrir was somewhat ineloquent, but Lefiya found her words strangely compelling and she eventually decided to craft a scheme with the surprisingly 'clever' wolf girl. After mustering up all of her courage, Lefiya ended up getting into the bath as she anxiously awaited Vahn's arrival. Various thoughts ran through her mind and she was very curious how Vahn would react to her sudden appearance. However, she was also very embarrassed to be seen and her emotions were at war with each other and Lefiya didn't know which ones to focus on...
Vahn could sense Lefiya's struggle as he gingerly moved her hair to the side and traced a line of blood down her back. Though he had claws now, there were small paw pads on the ends of his fingers and Vahn had pricked into one of them while paying special attention to avoid touching her skin with his claw. A blue light shone on Lefiya's back as the blood disappeared and was replaced by the smiling clown crest of the Loki Familia interspaced with several hieroglyphs that were written in the language of the gods that Vahn was easily able to interpret as a result of The Path's influence.
Name: Lefiya Viridis
LV. 3(+)
POW: 421+(H119)->(G238)
END: 692+(H150)->(D557)
DEX: 1281+(G202)->(F330)
AGI: 1459+(G243)->(F304)
MAG: 1998+(D577)->(SS1008)
Skills: [Fairy Cannon:C->B], [Concurrent Chanting:E], [Prometheus's Blessing:A]
Magic: [Rattatoskr:Innate:(sealed)], [Arcs Ray:C], [Fusillade Fallarica:C], [Elf Ring:C]
Development Abilities: [Daughter of Wishe:Innate(sealed)], [Mage:C->B], [Abnormal resistance:F], [Spirit Healing:(sealed)]
Vahn saw that Lefiya's magic had already broken through the cap, which made sense seeing as how she had killed well over a thousand monster while casting spells almost non-stop, but the most shocking thing was the change in her Endurance. Lefiya hadn't been engaging in direct combat and hadn't been moving around much, which was why her Agility had suffered a bit, so there was no reason for her Endurance to increase so 'explosively'. The only explanation was that she had been influenced by Vahn's source energy and this was a very surprising revelation that he would need to test in the near future. Though it was only D-Rank, it was nearly reaching the combined totals of Lefiya's previous two levels so it was a significant matter that required further study.
After recording Lefiya's status, Vahn handed her the piece of paper for her own perusal as he explained, "As you might have expected, your magic underwent a qualitative change today and you already managed to reach the 'standard' peak. Though you might normally level up in this type of situation, your body should be capable of withstanding around 2,000-2,2000 additional parameters so I would encourage you to stay at your current level for a while longer..." While he spoke, Vahn had already started combing through Lefiya's surprisingly long hair as he treated it with a light oil-based shampoo that was popular with the girls that had long hair. Lefiya's trailed all the way down to her butt, and he had seen her using it in the past and knew she was fond of the slight citrus smell.
Lefiya had been so dazed by her own parameters that she didn't even have time to 'worry' about Vahn's expert-level care and just kept staring at her Magic stat with wide eyes. Though she knew it was possible, as she had accepted the flame seed from Vahn in the hopes it would one day come to pass, Lefiya still had trouble believing she was seeing her own stats. Now that it was confirmed she could indeed break through the 'limit', Lefiya felt a rising anticipation that spread through her body and made her tremble slightly.
This was irrefutable proof that she had the capabilities of becoming a powerful Mage that could even surpass her mentor, Riviera, who was considered one of the most prolific Mages in several centuries. She had always been lauded as a genius, but now Lefiya knew such things weren't nearly as important as pursuing your path with an open mind and making efforts to improve yourself...limits were something that was arbitrarily decided by other people, not something you needed to be bound by. When she thought of this, the image of Vahn appeared in Lefiya's mind and she was suddenly very aware of his actions in caring for her hair. Her body began to tremble for a slightly different reason, but Lefiya furrowed her brows slightly to resist it as the anticipation she had felt began to change into a resolve...
While he was washing her hair, Vahn saw an 'anomaly' appear all of a sudden and parted Lefiya's hair to get a better view. He had yet to lock up her status board, so the Loki Familia crest was still visible and Vahn had seen a slight change sneakily take place. Though most people might have missed it, Vahn was very attentive when he was treating a girl's hair and had seen the small shift. After getting a better view, a small smile appeared on Vahn's face and he was about to say something before a bit of soap got into his eye. Fenrir had been scrubbing around his shoulders and head once again and had lathered up enough shampoo that Vahn's hair and ears could hardly be seen now. He wasn't sure if she had done it intentionally, but a small trail of shampoo had trickled down his face when he parted Lefiya's hair before it traced a path directly into his right eye...
Vahn rubbed his eye and said, "Fenrir, I think that is enough shampoo..." before rinsing his hair with a wooden pail. Fenrir surprisingly started laughing in a somewhat mischevious manner before dropping the sponge into the water and hugging Vahn's back while leaning against him. She still had suds in her own hair so Fenrir wanted to get rinsed off at the same time as him. Understanding this, Vahn continued to pour the hot whatever over them as he remarked to Lefiya, who had turned her head slightly to look at them, "I'm not sure what changed, Lefiya, but I just noticed something very important that you need to be aware of..." Lefiya tilted her head slightly and asked, "What is it...Vahn?" as a blush began to rise on her face once again.
Though he wasn't sure what she was thinking of, Vahn smiled and explained, "You awakened a rare skill, but it shows up in the Development Abilities category as [Daughter of Wishe]. I'm not sure what it does, or how you actually develop it, so it'll be up to you to figure it out. If you need any help, feel free to consult either me or Riveria and we'll both do our best to help you..." Lefiya had been very curious about what Vahn was going to say but his spoken words were far beyond any of her expectations and caused her eyes to open wide. A rare skill was something worth discussion amongst an entire City while a rare magic was something that could become a 'legacy' for an entire clan. However, neither were comparable to a rare Development Ability and Lefiya even knew partially why it had awakened when it did...
Moments before she felt Vahn part her hair, Lefiya had decided to try her best to reach the true 'pinnacle' of magic, which didn't seem to even exist. The only way she could do this was staying at Vahn's side, but Lefiya didn't want to take 'advantage' of him just because she wanted to learn from him. Knowing that the flame seed in her chest was dependant on her affections for Vahn, Lefiya had resolved herself to do everything she could to become closer to him in the future. Though it was a strange comparison, Lefiya wanted Vahn to treat her in a similar manner as he treated Fenrir since the two seemed very comfortable and affectionate with each other.
Lefiya even had a slight delusion about him turning into an Elf, or even a High Elf, to match her as he washed down her body with the same attention that he showed Fenrir. When this thought had crossed her mind, Lefiya sent out a silent prayer to Wishe, one of the first Elves born from a spirit in the past. Even the magic she was most known for, [Elf Ring], used Wishe in the chant and Lefiya always felt a strong bond with the ancestor of the that she had awakened a Development Ability called [Daughter of Wishe], Lefiya wasn't quite sure of what to think but there were two things she firmly believed. From now on, she would become closer and closer to Vahn until there was no discernable distance between them. At the same time, she would endeavor to become one of the greatest Mages in history while studying and researching magic at his side. Though it took a bit of courage, Lefiya relaxed her body a little bit before turning around to face Vahn without making any attempt to conceal herself from his eyes...
//Lefiya Viridis Has Reached Maximum Affection//
//Lefiya Viridis Wishes To Become Your Subordinate: Y/N?//
//Quest Completed: [The Hearts Desire:C-SS]//
Completion Grade: S
Rewards: 10,000OP, 1x[Hearts Desire: Lefiya Viridis]
Grade Rewards: 1x[Wishe's Teardrop], 1x[Wishe's Blessing], 9,000OP
[Wishe's Teardrop](A/N: Dayum, Completion Grade: S rewards are legit...)
Rank: Unique
Use: If used within sixty seconds, this item can resurrect the dead and fully revitalize their body.
Restriction: Causes a strong impact on the soul and will result in the loss of parameters depending on the state of the corpse.
[Wishe's Blessing]
Rank: Unique
Use: Helps to purify the bloodline of any descendant of Wishe.
Restriction: Elves and High Elves.
(A/N: Alternate Titles: 'You thought this was a chapter about Vahn reaching Level 4?','Bath time with two gluttonous girls','I could really use a Wishe right now...')
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