After the three-versus-one battle between the gods and a mortal boy, Vahn emerged victorious with the use of his 'legendary' [Hands of Nirvana]. He usually held back, but things started to escalate more than he had expected so he took control of the situation and ended up leaving his room nearly two hours later with all three goddesses snuggled up next to the sleeping Hestia. Though he had felt refreshed when he first woke up, now Vahn felt a sense of accomplishment, especially after he got Loki to 'beg' for leniency.
Fortunately, the soundproof barrier was going strong so, even though they had been quite loud towards the end, most of the others within the Manor were completely unaware of the epic battle that had been fought so early in the morning. Of course, there was someone that had been aware of the climactic battle, as they had shown up outside of Vahn's door and had even peeked inside after nobody answered. The soundproof barrier went both ways, so nobody on the bed had heard the knocking. If not for Vahn's ability to sense auras, even he wouldn't have caught Syr sneakily peering in through the crack after slightly opening the door. Vahn could only blame himself for failing to lock it as he sent her a sideward glance that made her 'scurry' away with a blush.
When he finally came downstairs, Syr had been waiting in the corridor leading towards the bath and was carrying a towel and a change of clothes, likely intending to join him if the smile on her face was any indication. Vahn walked toward her without any hesitation and asked in a teasing voice, "I never expected you were the type to peek at others, Syr, was there something you needed me for?" Syr blushed at his words but managed to keep her smile before she responded in a teasing tone of her own, "Ara~? I was just wondering if you were still inside your room. When nobody answered, I was going to head inside to clean up yet when I opened the unlatched door, I saw something quite unexpected. Fufufu, I never knew Hephaestus-sama was so flexible~"
Now it was Vahn's turn to blush slightly before he covered up his embarrassment by pulling Syr into his embrace and sealing her lips for a short while until the warmth in his cheeks faded. When he pulled away, Syr began to laugh in a coy manner before whispering, "Do you not have any plans today, Vahn? I wouldn't mind keeping you company for a while..." Vahn pinched her nose in response before picking up the towel she had dropped as he said, "Sorry, Syr, but I was planning to go visit Tsubaki today. I'll explain everything inside the bath, care to join me?" Syr showed a pretend pouting expression before sticking out her tongue and accepting the towel and heading inside.
Vahn explained his plans to Syr while carefully attending to her body and she obediently listened while writhing about under his hands. Because she was being so 'well behaved', Vahn had started 'rewarding' her with increasing intensity as long as she was able to properly respond to his words. During this time, Vahn realized that his expectations were beginning to compound and his tensions had been progressively increasing ever since he woke up. Though he started the day completely relaxed, it was starting to seem like his entire schedule was turning into something tinged with eroticism. Even now, though they had simply started off talking, Vahn was somewhat aggressively kissing Syr's neck from behind as he stroked her belly and chest with his palms.
Things eventually came to an end when Vahn detected another presence heading toward the bath so he 'released' Syr and pat the top of her head to help her calm down before, of all people, Riveria entered the bath. She stopped at the entrance for a moment before walking over and entering the bath after nodding to acknowledge them. Vahn briefly glanced at her beautiful body before releasing a silent sigh and bringing his bath time to an end. It justified his actions by telling himself he was just venting a bit before heading into the Dungeon for an extended period of time. All he needed to do to calm down was to find a member of the youth troupe since all the other girls were a little too receptive to him at times like this.
During breakfast, Vahn met several of the other girls and Syr began 'pacifying' them before they tried to have Vahn commit to any other plans for the day. True to his earlier intentions, Vahn was sitting next to Fenrir and Preasia during breakfast and helping feed the happy wolf girl for the first time in a while. As he had expected, it was very easy to calm down with the loveable little pup and all of her words and actions helped ease his somewhat tense heart. As for Preasia, Vahn was doing his best to pretend that he didn't notice her sneakily sniffing the aroma coming from his body. After all, giving his current 'excited' state, there were several girls present that were also taking whiffs of the air. Vahn could see their nostrils flare up periodically and was very aware of the pink tinging their auras.
This was one of the downsides to having nearly half the residents within the Manor being beast-humans. Without exception, they were far more susceptible to scents and pheromones than Humans, Elves, and Dwarves. Fortunately, Fenrir seemed to either be immune to the scent or didn't care at all as she acted perfectly normal. Vahn considered this a blessing since even Tina and Shizune were giving him periodic glances. Ever since her first period, Tina had been overly aware of Vahn, even though she already had a crush on him in the past. Vahn would have to be more cautious in the future and potentially even use a masking perfume to hide his smell so as not to trigger any of the other girls from now on.
By the time breakfast had come to an end, Vahn had gone over his plans with the members of the Loki Familia and the senior members of the Hestia Familia. Vahn put forth the idea of venturing down into the 30th floor, kind of like a practice expedition for the future. Generally speaking, going anywhere beyond the 25th floor was considered too dangerous, but if they had a large enough group it would be safe. One of the troubles would have been taking enough supplies for the trip and then escorting back the loot, but Vahn's existence almost invalidated the need for such preparations. Unless he somehow ended up dying, he could provide logistical support that exceeded an entire expedition's standard supplies requirements. (A/N: To put it in perspective, Vahn's Inventory could fill the volume of 68 full-sized Olympic swimming pools. If he stored nothing by liquid inside of it, it would hold nearly 65 million gallons.)
The reason why he had decided upon the 30th floor, even though he had never gone beyond the 18th, was for the sole purpose of hunting Bloodsaurus and obtaining their blood. During the last expedition, the Loki Familia had been able to process several thousand liters, but it still wasn't enough to last for a long period of time with continued use. Vahn wanted to nip the problem in the bud and gather enough of the precious resource to supply the entire network with enough ink to function indefinitely. He wanted to actually increase the power of the network in the future, but that would be impossible if there weren't enough scrolls and magic pens to go around. Vahn also had the dual purpose of wanting to study how the scrolls and ink was made so that he could have a better understanding of how the scrolls themselves worked and try to improve upon them in the future.
Though there were still preparations that would need to be made, it was decided that Vahn, Tiona, Ais, Tione, Lefiya, Ryuu, Haruhime, Riveria, and, perhaps most importantly, Fenrir would be making the trip. The twins, Emiru and Maemi, wanted to come along but Vahn said they weren't ready for such a dangerous excursion. Haruhime herself was also not qualified for the trip, but her unique support magic made her a special exception. Her Innate also had incredible practical use during combat, so she was going to be acting in the backline under the direct protection of Riveria. Lili and Naaza were also interested in going, but they were denied for the same reason as the twins, even though Naaza's ranged capabilities put her on par with some Level 4's. Vahn did, however, promise to go into the Dungeon with both of them in the future so they could benefit from his [Mentor] skill and spend some time alone with him.
As for everyone else, they would be holding down the fort and protecting the Manor from any potential enemies that might rear up. The girls from the Hostess of Fertility almost all had secret identities, and it was impossible to enter the Dungeon undocumented, so they were more of a hidden card that supported the Hestia Familia. They also needed to be around for the grand opening of the new pub tomorrow, and would likely be very busy for the entire week. Lastly, since they needed someone to actually be around to represent the Familia itself, Aki would be taking charge while Vahn and Ryuu were away.
After confirming all of the plans, Vahn left things for the more experienced members to take care of as he made his preparations to go visit Tsubaki. He was looking forward to the meeting and wondering how things would develop when it was just the two of them alone once again. Of course, he didn't forget about his other plans either and asked both Chloe and Arnya if they would be free in the evening. Chloe had immediately agreed, but Arnya was acting a little strangely and awkwardly tried to talk around the issue without directly refusing. Vahn had been worried about her and tried to ask if anything was wrong, but the only thing he got in response after affectionately touching her cheek was Arnya spontaneously wretching and running off to a bathroom with hurried steps.
Vahn just stood there blankly for a while with his hand still in the air until Chloe, who had been nearby, remarked, "Ah, I know why Arnya is acting weird~nya!" As they hadn't been the only two in the area, there were others that understood Chloe's words from her outburst and Arnya's reaction. Aki and Milan began to laugh before following the earlier path of Arnya. Seeing the two girls that were taking action, Vahn came to a realization of his own and dropped his hand. From the side, he could hear Chloe laughing in a cheeky manner before saying, "Arnya is experiencing morning sickness~. It looks like you have another mouth to feed in the future, maybe more~nya?"
Because she hadn't taken a contraceptive after her first time, Vahn knew it was very likely that Arnya would get pregnant as a result. She had said at the time that she would leave it to chance, but Arnya had to know the odds were well over 90% and had accepted what was closer to an inevitability than a simple game of playing the odds. Vahn wasn't sure if this was exactly what she wanted, but Arnya was now carrying his child in her belly regardless. Since he had actually been planning to go visit Tsubaki, Vahn now felt a little awkward and wondered if he should be helping to comfort Arnya instead of heading out to meet another woman...
Though he hadn't stalled for too long, it was enough time for Syr to walk over and place her hand on his shoulder as she said, "Go, we'll take care of things here. There isn't much you can do for Arnya right now that can't be handled by the experienced women in the Manor. Just make sure to treat her well when you return, that will be enough. Besides, I don't think it would make her happy if you treated her too kindly when you haven't done something similar for Hephaestus-sama, Loki-sama, and Aki..." Vahn had been comforted by the first part of Syr's words, but he felt a weight in his stomach as she continued. With a bit of hesitation, Vahn lowered his head slightly and asked in a low tone, "Am...I a bad father...?"
From his left, Chloe cocked her head to the side in confusion before matching gazes with the equally confused Syr. After thinking over the matter for a moment, Syr seemed to understand Vahn's concerns likely related to his own past and origins. She didn't know exactly what to say, but she decided that speaking was better than keeping silent so she hugged Vahn for a brief moment before saying, "Don't be an idiot, Vahn, you can't do everything yourself. Just being gentle, kind, capable, and caring, will make you a better Father than most. The only thing you need to worry about is protecting our family and, most important of all, making sure you are always able to come back to us...look around, I don't think anyone here would believe for a single moment you're a bad Father just because you don't rub someone's back every morning..."
Vahn looked around at the girls surrounding him and saw comforting and encouraging expressions on their faces. He didn't think about it much, but Vahn knew that almost everyone present was either an orphan or without one of their parents. This was one of the reasons everyone was able to bond together so closely in such a short period of time, because they could easily empathize with each other and were all connected through him...In a way, though not even remotely, he was kind of like their surrogate father figure...or at the very least, a man of great importance in each of their lives. The most important thing, however, was that Syr's words about him not doing everything alone were absolutely true, as it was the strength of the network that even allowed him to act in the first place.
After looking over everyone once, Vahn nodded with a happy smile on his face and said a series of words he didn't use enough, but wanted to convey at this moment, "Thank you, everyone, I love you all so much..." Even though there were some girls that he didn't actually feel 'love' for, Vahn still made the statement all inclusive since the very idea of specifically telling each individual girl he loved them was rather awkward. If some of the girls that had affections for him were left out, Vahn knew they would feel sad about the situation so he just played it safe.
In response to his words, there were various smiles, even some laughter, but everyone seemed to be in a happy and pleasant mood all the way up until Vahn was kicked out of the Manor for tarrying too long. Tsubaki had already been informed through the network earlier, and Syr told him that it was rude to keep a lady waiting. Vahn laughed awkwardly as he felt the cold morning air on his skin before disappearing from the spot using Shundo. He decided to pamper Arnya when he returned in the afternoon, but for now his focus should be on Tsubaki and trying to break down her defenses.
Vahn knew Tsubaki wasn't the type to easily let things come to a head, but he wouldn't stop trying until she eventually gave in or outright refused his advances. He had no intention of forcing her at all, but Vahn knew she would probably never take the step forward unless he took the initiative. Tsubaki was very similar to Hestia in that when it came to actually cross that final line, she hesitated at the last step and required Vahn to take action to ease her anxieties. Vahn didn't know what burden Tsubaki harbored in her heart but, if she failed to open up to him he had a backup plan already prepared. Though it might be sneaky, and he had put it off for quite a while, Vahn was willing to use her [Heart's Desire] if it came down to it...he didn't want Tsubaki to continue living alone anymore, no matter what it took.
(A/N: Alternate Titles: 'Author Style: Infinite Bait Jutsu!',' Author Style: Triple Cliff Summoning Jutsu!','Tsubaki Style: Stalling Techniques!')
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Vahn arrived in the streets outside of Tsubaki's Manor and stared at the archway where the Hephaestus Familia Emblem could be seen. This place had once been an important sanctuary for him in the past, and it hadn't even been that long since he spent a few months in Tsubaki's care. So much had changed in such a short period of time and now, a woman who he had never thought about as anything more than a mentor and trusted ally, was waiting for his arrival as they both prepared to take the next steps towards their future. Without any further hesitation, Vahn stepped across the threshold and felt a pulse of energy pass from his body that would alert anyone with the formation key about his arrival.
As he had passed his perception over the Manor, Vahn knew that Tsubaki wasn't in her reception room, nor was she in her private quarters. Instead, Vahn could detect her aura in a very familiar location and followed the once-familiar path towards the training area where Tsubaki had helped him understand what it took to become stronger. It was also a place where, when he had trouble deciding the path to take, Tsubaki would help to show him the way forward. It may not have been the correct way, but life was lived according to the path you walked toward the future, not the emphasis and time you spent concerning yourself over matters of the past.
When Vahn arrived at the training area, he could see Tsubaki's beautiful brown skin reflecting the dim sunlight as she wore nothing but a sarashi around her relatively large breasts. She was wearing her traditional attire of a red hakama, maroon undershorts, and a pair of black sandals with red ties that held them to her feet. Currently, Tsubaki sat in seiza with her back toward Vahn and he could see her long black hair tied together in a loose ponytail by a white ribbon. She was just sitting there, even though she had obviously noticed his presence, and was polishing an incredibly large and ornate katana, known as a zanbato.
Vahn could feel the cold morning air graze against his skin and there was still a light mist that added to the atmosphere and solemnity of the scene. Though she was sitting silently, Tsubaki had the air of an unsheathed blade that was waiting for a single moment of weakness before it would strike you down without hesitation. He wasn't sure exactly what she intended, but the one thing he could be certain was that Tsubaki didn't plan to make things easy for him. However, instead of showing any fear or hesitation, Vahn stepped into the training area and assumed a position around 20 meters away from the seated Tsubaki.
The very same instant his feet came to a stop, Tsubaki said in a husky and cold tone, "'ve come, Vahn..." Vahn remained silent for a moment before replying, "I have come for you, Tsubaki..." Without saying anything, Tsubaki bobbed her head in affirmation as she continued to polish the zanbato in her hands. Several minutes passed in absolute silence as the tensions in the air continued to increase to the point that the actual air began to stagnate and come to a stop. The only movements were the rising and falling of Vahn's chest and Tsubaki's ceaseless polishing of the blade in her hands.
Vahn continued to watch Tsubaki without making any large movements as he tried to make sense of her intentions. Though her affection was still at 100, her aura was completely stable and was filled with an azure blue color and a light green, completely different from the rosy pink he had seen in the past. The only explanation was that Tsubaki had completely calmed her mind in anticipation of his arrival, likely by performing a practiced habit like polishing a sword. Since he couldn't see through her at all, Vahn didn't know if she wanted him to attack or if she was testing his patience. After a while, however, Vahn remembered the past and how Tsubaki literally beat him up for hesitating and worrying about things too much...
With a small smile on his face, Vahn took a step forward and dispersed the gentle mist that had settled on his body. Because his body temperature was so hot, whenever the cold air settled on his face, hair, and clothes, it had turned into small beads of condensation that gave Vahn a strangely ethereal look as he calming walked toward Tsubaki. Almost immediately after he took the first step, however, Tsubaki's aura converged to a point and she spun around in a fluid motion that actually carved a path through the void and traced and afterimage behind her as she swung the massive zanbato toward Vahn's neck with an emotionless expression on her face.
Vahn's instincts all triggered simultaneously, but he ignored them entirely and continued forward to take a partial step with his arms slightly open as Tsubaki's blade came to a stop at his neck. Since he hadn't made any efforts to dodge, or even stop his step, Vahn's body carried forward and the impeccably sharp blade cut a shallow mark against his skin. Tsubaki's brows furrowed slightly and she moved her blade away before backstepping out of range of Vahn's hands. The action that he had taken to counter Tsubaki's assault was a very simple one; Vahn had decided to give her a hug and had refused to fight back at all.
Seeing Tsubaki dodge away, Vahn followed her retreat with a somewhat sad smile on his face. Tsubaki frowned and said in a cold voice, "Are you not going to fight back? Do you think I won't beat you into the ground if you just stand there? Hahahahaha, you might have grown up, but it looks like you never developed any common sense. How many thousands of times did I beat you in the past?" Without saying anything more, Tsubaki stepped forward in a low drawing stance and swung her blade vertically towards Vahn's abdomen.
Vahn grit his teeth slightly but didn't stop his step even as the blade passed nearly 3cm through his skin and left a bloody line right below his navel. Tsubaki frustratedly threw her sword to the side and it embedded itself deeply into the wall of her Manor as she stepped forward and punched Vahn squarely in the chest. He felt the impact pass through his body before spitting out a mouthful of blood and showing a somewhat sorry expression to Tsubaki as he continued to stand his ground.
Tsubaki stared at him with a serious expression on her face with her deep red eyes and said simply, "I gave you a chance, Vahn, but you've failed...go back to your other girls and live a happy life." Without explaining anything, Tsubaki gave a glance at the wound on Vahn's stomach and started to walk away but was barred passage when Vahn appeared right in front of her with Shundo. She furrowed her brows again and grabbed the hand that he was trying to embrace her with before hurling his body over her and slamming him into the ground.
Vahn coughed up another mouthful of blood and felt some of his bones fracture as Tsubaki stared down at him from above. She released a sigh and turned away in order to retrieve her sword before stopping as Vahn said, "I feel're losing every time you hit isn't like the past at will you get even with me like this?" Vahn had crawled back to his feet with a pained expression on his face yet still managed a smile as he began walking toward her once again.
Tsubaki released another sigh and explained, "You know, after you reformed my body like this, I had made the resolve to dedicate myself to you. However, I don't want to just be a girl that you can call at your convenience, Vahn, I wanted us to be closer to equals. I wanted you to treat this matter seriously so we could fight it out and build up a bit of excitement before the winner claimed their prize...but you're not playing along at're just...being you, I guess..."
Shaking her head, Tsubaki turned away and continued in a low voice, "You know nothing about me Vahn, not my origin, not my past, not even what I had hoped for in the future. Though you might have accepted the me you came to know, I want someone that cares about the rest of me as well. I didn't even mind have a physical relationship with you, but I can't build a family with someone that only sees me as a conquest...when you don't even have the courage to come and claim me for yourself. Do you want me to just walk into your arms and swoon like a maiden...? I am first and foremost a warrior, secondly a [Master Smith], and lastly a woman. What are you, just a boy that wants everything handed to him on a platter? Are you a real man, or will you just wait for others to give you what you want by making use of their traumas to get close to them?"
Vahn was having a bit of trouble understanding what Tsubaki was saying at the moment, after all, the very last time they saw each other she was flirting with him and had even teased him. Now, however, she was acting cold and distant while saying biting words that struck directly at his heart. He liked to battle quite a bit, but his instincts, other than the ones that had been telling him to flee, were saying to keep walking forward no matter what happens. Though things might have turned out as Tsubaki said, Vahn knew that the Tsubaki he made love to wouldn't be the real her, just the version of her she had created to compromise with him. Vahn knew she didn't want him to worry so much about her, as she was a very independent and capable woman, but he couldn't simply leave her alone, no matter how much pain she caused him in order to push him away.
Step by step, Vahn continued toward Tsubaki until she turned around and 'glared' at him with her fierce red eyes. She pulled the zanbato out of the wall and said in a serious tone, "This time, I'm not going to stop my blade just because you aren't willing to back down. If you don't dodge, or fight back, prepare to lose an arm at the very least..." Without further warning, Tsubaki turned into a blur, but Vahn was able to follow her with his eyes and they continued to stare at each other as she drew her blade in an upwards arc aiming toward his left armpit. Vahn simply smiled in return and even spread out his arm slightly to make the cut easier for her as he continued forward.
Tsubaki stopped the blade by twisting her waist and using her shoulder to collide heavily with Vahn's body and sending him back several meters. He grimaced in pain and took several labored breaths because one of his ribs had shattered while several others were heavily fractured. He released a laugh combined with a cough as he said, "I think you need to polish your sword arm is still attached...haaa...haaaa" Tsubaki released another sigh before jamming the blade of the zanbato into the ground. She gave Vahn an exasperated look and said, "What exactly are you trying to accomplish by just walking forward constantly? The least you could do was try to catch me or something..."
Vahn laughed in a pained manner as he held his ribs and tried to set them using his [Hands of Nirvana]. Though it was somewhat agonizing to laugh at the moment, Vahn couldn't help himself as he saw the frustrated face of Tsubaki staring back at him. When he finally managed to calm down, he answered simply, "You were the one that taught me to never stop going I'll keep going. As for what I'm trying to accomplish...I just want to live a free and happy life, without regrets. We have our whole lives to fight, forge, and love, but here, at this moment, the only thing that matters is me being able to break your facade...I wouldn't be able to forgive myself if I fell for a person that wasn't the same woman that I learned to respect, the same woman that I had learned to love. You cared for me during a time where simply living was something I had trouble with, so why should I back down when you're the one struggling? Why should you be the only one to make sacrifices on my behalf...?
The entire time Vahn was speaking, he was also taking slow steps toward Tsubaki without pausing for a single moment regardless of the pain. He wasn't even using [Will of the Emperor] to resist the pain and remain calm and just kept fighting through it using his own willpower and resolve. By the time he had come to the end of his words, Vahn was standing in front of Tsubaki and breathing heavily as he said, "I've...come...for you...Tsubaki..." In response to his words, Tsubaki held up her balled fist and said in a cold tone, "Grit your teeth, Vahn..." Following her words, Vahn did indeed grit his teeth, but only after showing a toothy smile while trying to reach forward once again.
Seeing his silly expression, Tsubaki's brows twitched as she stepped forward and twisted her waist as she jerked her arm around in a devastating right hook that completely whiffed behind Vahn's head as a result of the step they both took. Vahn finally managed to grab Tsubaki's waist just as the strength left his body and he said, "I caught you...see, I just had to keep walking forward. Thanks for taking the last step yourself...haha...ha." Tsubaki held up Vahn's limp body with a tired expression on her face as she averted her eyes away from Vahn and murmured, "At this rate, you're going to have to use 'Nirvana' on me again, because this kind of stress is going to give me endless amounts of wrinkles..."
Vahn laughed lazily as he rested against the buxom and fragrant breasts of Tsubaki as she held his body in her arms. Though he knew it probably wasn't the best timing, Vahn felt incited by her words so he let his hands fall from her waist before coming to a stop on her impeccable bottom that he himself had helped shape. He couldn't muster a lot of strength, but he still managed to get in a gentle squeeze as he remarked, "You're already beautiful, but I'll use it as many times as it takes as long as it makes you happy...hahaha..." Feeling his sneaky hands, Tsubaki squeezed Vahn's head into her breasts and began laughing, proving that her earlier demeanor was an act, as she said, "You little brat, just you wait, I'll make you take responsibility for what you did to my body...I wonder how you'll be able to resist when you can barely move~?"
Hearing her words, Vahn just laughed as he continued to fondle her butt and said, "It's fine, I trust you more than almost anyone else, Tsubaki. You are a kind and gentle woman...with strong motherly instincts, so I think I'll be okay even if you take the gentle with me though, I broke a few ribs earlier...hahaha..." Tsubaki's arms loosened a bit when she heard what Vahn said as she asked with a moderate amount of concern in her voice, "You really didn't defend yourself at all, did you? I held back a lot, but you got thrown around like a rag doll...I'm starting to feel less annoyed at that Tione girl after experiencing need to train harder, Vahn. If I had less control, you might have ended up dead...and I can't imagine I'd be far behind once those girls found out."
Vahn started to laugh as he continued to nuzzle into Tsubaki's breasts and said, "Don't worry, we're the only ones here right now so it will be our little secret. I want to avoid a lecture if I can, after all, I did what I thought was best and just wanted to reach your heart...I don't have any regrets at all, even if it hurts quite a bit..." Tsubaki frowned and made a strange 'Muuuu' sound before picking up Vahn's body in a princess carry and walking towards the interior of the Manor with hurried steps. Along the way, she continued to pinch his side periodically while saying, "Go ahead, keep telling me how much it hurts, Vahn. I already feel bad enough about it as is, go ahead and keep rubbing it in, please, feel free!"
If not for the fact she was pinching the soft flesh of his waist, Vahn very well might have continued teasing her. For the time being, however, he was too busy trying to keep his facial expression from breaking down as he resisted the urge to yelp. He kept his silence all the way until Tsubaki had carried him to her room and set him down on the futon. Vahn noticed she had laid out an extra layer, likely in preparation for the 'main event', and this realization made him smile until a shiny blue potion smashed against his forehead and splashed its contents all over his body. Before he had recovered from the sudden 'attack, Vahn felt several streams of liquid pouring down on him from above as Tsubaki emptied several expensive elixirs onto his injured frame. Each vial could easily cost more than 100,000Valis and Tsubaki was using ten of them at once to practically shower Vahn in the healing liquids.
After he was completely soaked through, all of Vahn's wounds had miraculously healed after his body absorbed the potion through his pores. Tsubaki nodded her head and said, "Now you have nothing to complain about..." At the same time she was speaking, Tsubaki removed the band at her waist and her red hakama fell to the floor in an instant. Vahn's eyes opened wide and Tsubaki gave him a strange look as she asked, "What, decide not to have sex with me at the last minute? I already told you, it's too late for regrets now, I'm going to make your body take responsibility for what you've done to me. And no using that little trick of your's to try and get an advantage either. You refused to fight me earlier, so we'll have to settle this the old fashioned way between a man and a woman!"
Tsubaki hadn't stopped undressing while she was speaking and, by the time her words had come to an end, she was standing before Vahn in all her naked splendor with her arms crossed under her nearly flawless and ample breasts. She had a challenging look in her eyes as she gazed down at the still clothed Vahn that was completely soaked from head to toe. Vahn squinted his eyes at her before standing up in a casual manner as steam appeared from his body that evaporated the liquid from his clothing before he unequipped it in an instant. Though it was only a very slight reaction, Vahn saw Tsubaki swallow a bit when he suddenly became nude and her aura began to flare up with a rosy pink tinged with a passionate red.
Before she could say anything further, Vahn stated in a firm and confident tone, "You may be my better when it comes to strength, speed, forging, and even life experience, but you'll find I'm more than your match when it comes to the relations between men and women. Let's wipe the slate clean, Tsubaki, I'm curious how many times you'll be able to come out ahead...and how many times you'll call out my name before this is over. It'll be your victory if you can make me submit before the evening...however, if you fail..." Though there was a good chance she would get pregnant through natural means, Vahn still placed out the [Matryoshka of Fertility] on the table, just as he had done the night when he visited her room and performed 'Nirvana'.
Tsubaki saw the small doll and her aura flared up a fair amount before she turned her attention back to Vahn. Reaching out her hand, Tsubaki pushed Vahn back down onto the futon before reaching over and quickly snatching up the item. Vahn saw her action and wanted to say something but Tsubaki instantly placed the base of the Matryoshka a few inches beneath her navel. The moment it made contact, the small doll disappeared and an empty heart-shaped tattoo with the kanji for 'Fertility' was left behind. Tsubaki rubbed the mark with her thumb as if she were trying to remove it before staring down at Vahn and said, "What part of taking responsibility didn't you understand? So, what happens if I fail to make you submit now? Come on, lets up the ante a bit Vahn~!"
Seeing that Vahn didn't have an answer, Tsubaki showed a large grin and said, "Looks like I'll take the first point, hahaha. Let's see, if you can't come up with something about this, if I win, you'll have to come up with a name for our child? If you win, I'll let you give me one embarrassing order of your choice, how about it?" Vahn had been processing Tsubaki's words as she spoke and didn't really see how he 'lost' in the situation. However, he apparently failed to respond in time as Tsubaki pinned him down from above in a practiced motion and said, "I'll take your silence as another victory for me. Really, I wonder how you plan to get any points at this rate? Maybe you just want me to pamper you a bit, eh, Vahn~?" As she spoke, Tsubaki had grabbed Vahn's sleeping dragon as if she were trying to stir it from its slumber.
Vahn's mind came back to clarity by her awkward movements and a cheeky smile appeared on his face as he asked, "Having trouble?" Tsubaki shot him a glance and complained, "It's not getting harder at all...don't tell can't get it up for this old woman?" Tsubaki's eyes suddenly widened into saucers as she leaned down and asked in a voice filled with concern, "Don't tell me you're having a sudden bout of impotence? This doesn't bode well for the other girls..." Though he was intending to tease her a bit, Tsubaki's words cut Vahn deeply and, even though he knew she was just playing him, Vahn couldn't back down and immediately summoned his dragon.
Tsubaki had been mounting his waist so she felt it rise before slipping into the gap between her buttocks in a domineering fashion as it nearly reached her tailbone. She exhaled once through her nose and Vahn could feel Tsubaki's body shaking a bit even though she showed a teasing smile and said, "Ahahaha, looks like there is still a bit of pep in your little buddy..." Vahn reached out his hands and hugged Tsubaki's body tightly as he pressed her large breasts against his chest and started kissing her.
She used to be slightly taller than he was, but they were now both 170cm and easily lined up without any awkwardness to speak of. Though she wasn't that accustomed to kissing, Tsubaki still reciprocated his invasive actions and even tried to force his own tongue back into his mouth as if challenging everything he was doing...Vahn 'fought' back against her and resisted the urge to use [Hands of Nirvana] as he continued to battle against her on a level playing field. If Tsubaki was going to treat everything they were doing as a competition, Vahn was determined to come out ahead in every category...
(A/N: Alternate Titles: 'Unsheathed Sword','Even if you don't walk forward, the future will eventually find its way into your life. It's better to walk with your head held high than it is to lose yourself in the memories of the past. Live a little, laugh a lot, and love without regret~!','-Mortal Kombat Theme Song Plays-')
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