"After you? Why would that woman be after you?" Chen Ge also walked to the window. The faceless woman with the red hairclip, Chen Ge noticed, had been purposely following them.
"How should I know? I don't even know her!" Wu Jinpeng did not look like he was lying. The eyes when he saw the woman only spoke of fear—there were no other emotions mixed within.
"Why are you so afraid of this woman?" Chen Ge asked another question that he had no answer to. "Is she going to kill you? What will happen to you if she manages to catch up to you?"
After hearing Chen Ge's question, it was Wu Jinpeng's turn to use a strange gaze to study Chen Ge. "Isn't it scary enough to be chased by a faceless woman? Brother, if she'd managed to catch up to me, do you think I'd still be able to stand here to have this conversation with you?"
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