At this most dangerous moment, Liu Xianxian found the statue they were looking for. This should have been a happy occasion, but Ma Yin found it so difficult to smile. She was certain that there was a third person hiding in the storeroom—maybe he was hiding in a corner, watching them at that very moment. Should they leave or take a risk?
"No, I still think it's too dangerous. Since we know where the statue is now, we can come back tomorrow. There's no need to rush this." Ma Yin tried to convince her best friend. "Listen to me, we need to leave."
"Two questions won't take that much time." Liu Xianxian was stubborn. The man that she loved had become a thorn in her heart. Releasing her grasp on Ma Yin, Liu Xianxian walked deeper into the storeroom alone. "It'll end soon. In a few minutes, I'll know the real answer."
She sounded like she was possessed.
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