The first phase of the contest needed those of the Sect of Hedon to decide who would be the participants, and who would act as the scammers who were supposed to set up stalls.
Not everyone was raring to go against Daneel. Ambition was not always a very common thing, and that was also on display here, as quite a few placed their primary goal to be that of scamming the scammers, and walking out after earning as many resources as they could.
Still, many decided to take up the mantle of scammers, and hence, they dispersed first, to privately think and decide what they were going to do before coming right before the event started so that they could set up their stalls.
tl;dr: Took time to handover duties and start writing full time. 3 chaps per day from tomr, guaranteed.(you'll see)
Full explanation below:
First, apologies for the unannounced break, but it was for a good reason.
I've made the decision to begin writing full time(well, almost)
Regular readers will know that I'm also an entrepreneur, and that takes up a chunk of time. But thankfully, my company is now at a stage where I don't have to spend much time on it-it's small, but it's growing steadily.
Over the last 2 days, I've taken the time to hand over my duties to others, so I'll be free to work on my passion(writing), in which my skill has now reached the stage where I'm confident to make it go mainstream.
For all of you, what it means is that I'll be posting 3 chapters a day to catch up slowly but steadily on backlog, and on the side, I'll also be finishing my Amazon books.
Basically, it's good news for all of you, and what I'll simply do is put my fingers where my mouth is...and keep pumping out chapters regularly. Let's finally get back to on-time steady releases! Cheers!