"Miss. Xuan! Please! If you insist on attacking our guest, then we will have to respectfully ask you to leave! I request you to handle your matters outside!"
As Skrrag said these words with indignation on his face, Sister Xuan shrugged and was about to speak, but Daneel cut both of them off.
"It's all right, kiddo. I can handle her. In fact, I'll do so right now. Let's go to your place, Missy, because you've destroyed mine! I'll tell you all about where I'm from, so that your Matron doesn't go on a tizzy. All right?"
Crossing her hands and glaring at Daneel for a bit, Sister Xuan walked away, making Skrrag stare.
All pending chapters will be released this week, and we have new Bonus Chapter Goals:
Top 7: 2 Bonus
Top 6: 3 Bonus
Top 5: 4 Bonus!
Regular Chapter: 5/18(4 carried over from last week)