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16.66% Overlord Unleashed: A Reignited Era! / Chapter 9: Ruler of Death

Chapitre 9: Ruler of Death

Chapter 9: Ruler of Death(Edited)

As Ainz floated in the expanse of space, his mind went blank with disbelief at the unexpected journey. When the black hole emerged before him, he had anticipated being transported to somewhere in Ainzland.

The notion of an undead mind in disarray would likely be scoffed at, yet Ainz found himself grappling with precisely that.

Amidst the void of the space fissure, Ainz was awestruck by his surroundings - enveloped in unrelenting darkness and an untamed energy which he dubbed the "space energy."

The energy pervaded all, a weight both light as a feather and heavy as a mountain. It was both infinitesimally thin and infinitely vast in scope.

Within the space crack, Ainz grimaced at the irksome sensation of holy power searing his bones. The intensity of the burn was reminiscent of an 8th-tier spell, leaving him to endure its searing pain.

It was common knowledge that anything below 7th-tier spells would prove ineffectual against him. Despite extensive research conducted in Ainzland, even 8th-tier spells could only inflict limited harm before their damage was transmuted into negative energy for his body's reparative processes.

Ainz had christened the skill as <Corrupt Absorption>, though negative energy was often synonymous with malevolence to many, it was an excluir to him.

Cognizant that the world transfer might be a singular occurrence, Ainz activated a skill he had developed to assist him in dealings with mentally draining situations - Demiurge and Albedo: <Supreme Insight>.

Ainz's <Supreme Insight> bestowed upon him the ability to recall any and all information he saw or heard in a given moment. Its drawback, however, lay in its voracious consumption of mana.

Perhaps due to the spell's genesis from his own concept and Ainzland's principles, Ainz had been unable to discover anyone - including the NPCs - who could acquire the skill apart from himself.

Upon activation of the skill, the space crack materialized before Ainz in crystal clarity, revealing the intricacies of how the space energy arose. Despite his newfound insights, however, Ainz recognized that comprehending the vast expanse of knowledge of space was an undertaking beyond his current capacity, and thus avowed to revisit it at a later time.

Ainz had several reasons for delving deep into the theoretical concepts of space. The foremost reason was his wish to determine whether understanding the fundamentals of such a mystical force would grant him greater power.

Additionally, he aimed to investigate the possibility of amalgamating the theory of space with <Gate>, leading to the creation of an all-encompassing teleportation skill.

This form of teleportation spell would obviate the need for prior knowledge of the destination, as he could simply traverse through space to reach it.

While contemplating the marvels of space, an obstruction abruptly impeded Ainz's thought, resulting in a momentary loss of consciousness.

Upon regaining consciousness, Ainz surveyed his surroundings, taking in the bleak and desolate environment.

Although the place appeared to be in a state of disrepair, Ainz did not concern himself with the appearance of his surroundings.

Rifling through his inventory items which he had carried over from Ainzland, Ainz scanned through to verify that he had not left behind any critical belongings. He breathed a sigh of relief upon confirming that everything was present and accounted for.

Had Ainz discovered that he had lost his personal possessions, especially his incredibly valuable Einherjar's Planar Scepter, he would undoubtedly have been outraged.

Despite the potential loss of other vital items in his inventory, it was the thought of losing the meticulously crafted scepter that caused him the most apprehension.

The absence of this crucial item would extinguish any likelihood of his successful return to Ainzland. Even though he valued the Einherjar's Planar Scepter above all other items, Ainz was apprehensive about testing its limits, as he was uncertain about its capacity to transfer him to different dimensions.

Ainz had tested the valuable item and concluded that it could indeed teleport one back to Ainzland - Nazarick with zero errors but that's on worlds in the same dimension. Across dimensions? He didn't dare make a guess.

The prospect of the Einherjar's Planar Scepter succumbing to malfunction after activation made Ainz uneasy. He would undoubtedly hold himself responsible if the scepter was to fail him in any way.

After concluding his inventory check, Ainz focused his attention on the mental image he had in his mind of the place he currently found himself in. He could manipulate the image with unmatched precision, observe everything from a god-like perspective, and examine every detail inside the location at his leisure.

The image caught Ainz's attention as he focused on two elderly men, whose bodies seemed feeble, with wrinkled skin and black robes that obscure their identities. He scrutinized the pair, trying to discern more details about them.

Ainz couldn't help but wonder how these individuals managed to go unnoticed by his gaze, as even a 10th tier spell would have difficulty hiding from him, particularly an illusion spell.

Ainz's attention had been arrested by the two elderly men in the image when he noticed wisps of a mystical, mana-like substance hovering behind them. As he scrutinized the swirling substance intently, he detected two distinct colors, a deep red and a dark black.

From the visual depiction alone, Ainz could distinguish the red swirl of mana as representing bloodshed, slaughter, and sacrifice. In contrast, the black swirl was something Ainz was far too familiar with - it was Death! The black swirl represented death in its purest form, evoking a sense of unease in Ainz.

Ainz halted for a few moments, pondering the origin of his newfound ability to discern the swirling mana behind the two men. Has he gained a special power? That seemed the most logical explanation since he couldn't recall having cast <Mana Sight>. But then again, it could also possibly be an additional effect of one of his spells, or it might be something different altogether? The curiosity of discovering the source of this ability swelled within Ainz.

As Ainz pondered the significance of the mana behind the two men, his mind drifted back to his intense research on gods. Despite having acquired a wealth of knowledge concerning the theory of mana and its workings, he had yet to ascertain how or where the residents of Ainzland acquired their powers when they prayed to the divine. Nevertheless, Ainz learned that in the realm that operated under the Laws of Mana, an infinitude of possibilities existed. However, there were also several flaws in the Ainzland's structure. Ainz noted that these imperfections were one of the main causes behind the realm's chaos and instability, as chronicled in his book.

On Earth, the laws that governed its functioning were unyielding and rigid, allowing no leeway for those who dared to deviate from the predetermined order of the universe. However, the realm that adhered to the Laws of Mana was absent of such rigidity. Instead, there were no laws that would dwarf the potential of a spellcaster as the mana laws were fueled by the caster's ingenuity and imagination. Nonetheless, Ainz was cognizant of the fact that his understanding of the Law of Mana was not all-encompassing, and he was eager to delve deeper into its intricacies. Thus, when he witnessed the two distinct streams of mana behind the two men, he was taken aback.

Observing the two streams of mana emanating from the men, Ainz concluded that the Laws of Mana governing this world were more potent and organized than those of both Ainzland and Yggdrasil.

During his time in Ainzland, Ainz had never witnessed the manifestation of mana in such a manner. Indeed, this was the farthest he had ever progressed with his research into the workings of mana.

During his time in Ainzland, Ainz had formulated a hypothesis regarding the nature of mana and the rules governing the world. Yet, despite devoting considerable thought to this idea, it had remained nothing more than a conjecture. However, after being present for less than a minute in the current realm, Ainz realized that his assumptions were correct.

In the grand scheme of things, Ainzland was a creation of the universe, a virtually faultless entity, while Yggdrasil was the creation of mortals, who although flawed, made up for their shortcomings with their intelligence. From this, one could deduce that the laws governing the two worlds were not on an equal footing.

Prior to the arrival of the first Player, the laws of Ainzland were flawless and unyielding. However, with the advent of these beings, the rules governing the world became malleable and inconsistent, thereby deviating from what was originally deemed permissible by the Laws of the world.

When the developers of Yggdrasil created the game, they never could have fathomed that the entities they brought to life in that virtual realm would one day become real. Consequently, they did not establish any definitive rules for the world to operate on.

It is unfair to expect the developers to have foreseen the kind of impact their creation would have - they were not divine beings, and even if many of the NPCs hold them in high regard, they still do not possess god-like powers.

The interaction between the perfect laws of the Ainzland universe and the flawed, incomplete rules of Yggdrasil leads to a conflict. This conflict limits the creatures of the Ainzland world, preventing them from surpassing the level 100 threshold. Simultaneously, it causes Players who enter the world to become the most powerful beings, by virtue of their inherent ability to transcend the limits imposed by the world's rules.

The combination of Ainzland universe's stability and Yggdrasil's unpredictable influence leads to the emergence of numerous hitherto unknown creatures in Ainzland, which Players had never encountered in Yggdrasil. It is worth noting that many of these creatures were created after the arrival of the first Players, who brought with them the influence of Yggdrasil.

Amidst his studies, Ainz observed the two mana swirls gradually fading away until they were no longer visible. Ainz conjectured that the manifestation of the swirls would have required a significant amount of mana, which they likely lacked, ultimately causing them to dissipate.

Although it felt as though time was moving at a sluggish pace, the events that transpired occurred within the span of a second. The ability <Supreme Insight> grants the observer the impression that time has come to a halt, accelerating their cognitive processes to a level where they almost seem to move faster than light.


Sensing the force that had slammed his head into the ground had dissipated, Abel gingerly lifted his head up, trying to extricate it from the soil. Despite his embarrassment, he was relieved that no one else had witnessed his awkward tumble, except perhaps the High Priest, who was no stranger to such indignities.

Possessing the power of a Demonic Mage, he commanded considerable physical strength, which, while not on par with that of a god or an apostle, far surpassed that of a common human. Thus, he effortlessly dislodged his head from the ground and surveyed his surroundings, hoping to catch sight of the creature that they had conjured through the aid of God. However, what awaited him was a sight that left him reeling.

The revelation of the creature's identity weighed heavily on him, causing him to feel a sense of profound disappointment and disbelief. A Bone Dragon or an Undead Warrior would have sufficed, but staring back at him was a meager skeleton, the kind that even a regular individual could summon with ease.

Hold on a moment! Abel's eyes lit up with intrigue as he noticed that the skeleton before him bore certain peculiarities that set it apart from the ones he had previously conjured and those chronicled in the Necrologium.

The skeleton towered at a stunning height of 2.5 meters, with a regal set of broad shoulders that exuded an aura of majesty. It was clothed in a magnificent robe resembling that of a magic user, a black academic gown intricately embellished with gold and violet edges. The rings on both of its bony fingers glimmered with a magical radiance, unsettling Abel's heart. At the center of its abdomen, a large, ominous red orb measuring seven inches in diameter pulsed with a dark, sinister aura akin to that of a beating heart. Topped off with a halo-like hood that enshrouded its head, the skeleton was the spitting image of Death itself.

"This is no ordinary undead," Abel muttered under his breath, for the skeleton's bearing alone commanded reverence. Its slightest movement was enough to make one feel compelled to bow before it in worship. Clearly, this was no commonplace creature.

Abel's mind was awash with thoughts, one being the idea of commanding the skeleton himself. However, he quickly dismissed the notion upon recalling the God of Death's instructions to treat the undead with respect.

Even if the God of Death hadn't given him such a warning, he wouldn't have dared to attempt it, knowing it could end in disaster.

With this in mind, Abel rose to his feet and performed a deep bow. "Welcome, my lord," he proclaimed humbly, "we are honored and grateful that you have graced us with your presence." As he spoke, beads of perspiration began to form on Abel's brow, for he had failed to take into account the full extent of the skeleton's power. Its formidable aura threatened to shatter his mind completely.

Even when the gaze of the God of Death had descended many years ago, Abel had never experienced such profound pressure as he did in that moment.

A disturbing notion crept into Abel's thoughts: could this skeleton possibly be stronger than the God of Death? He quickly dismissed the idea, believing it to be impossible.

Ainz deactivated <Supreme Insight> and resumed his normal movement. He cast his gaze upon the human and gave a nod as the man spoke, "It is my honor. I assume you summoned me?"

Abel answered with a strained voice, enduring the sensation of his mind teetering on the edge of collapse, "Yes, my lord. It was us, Soul Eater, who summoned you with the help of the God of Death."

'Soul Eater? God of Death? How intriguing,' Ainz mused, contemplating the implications of his sudden connection to a deity and an entity named Soul Eater. 'And to think, I've only just arrived in this world. What's more, the god is aligned with my element.' He stroked his chin thoughtfully, pondering the possibilities and attempting to discern the surrounding circumstances.

Noticing the High Priest tremors, Ainz interrupted their conversation, "Pardon me, but before we proceed further, should we not attend to your friend first? It appears that he is trembling." He regarded Abel with a curious expression, certain that the other man was feigning composure despite his obvious unease.

Abel responded with feigned gratitude, "Thank you for reminding me. As we are in the presence of an esteemed being such as yourself, one must ensure we adhere to your every command." A hint of sarcasm laced his words, and Ainz's red dot shimmered as he struggled to maintain composure. It was evident that Abel harbored ill intentions towards the High Priest, and Ainz felt the tension in the room escalate.

The High Priest emerged from the ground, panting heavily, his breaths short and labored. Upon regaining his composure, he addressed Abel, accusation evident in his voice, "Abel, I know you noticed me earlier. Are you trying to get me killed by pretending to forget about me?"

Abel denied the accusation hastily, eager to conceal his true intentions. "No, no, you misunderstand. I was fully focused on our esteemed guest here. How could I have remembered you?" Despite his words, Ainz could discern Abel's hidden intention, and the tension in the air remained palpable.

Ainz grew increasingly agitated as he observed the men's incessant bickering. Without warning, he unleashed <Despair Aura I>, enveloping the two in a cloud of suffocating gloom that prompted them to question their very existence. The men were overwhelmed by the overwhelming force of the aura, never before having experienced anything like it.

For Abel, the already deadly aura exuded by the skeleton intensified tenfold, surpassing even that of the God of Death. The realization dawned on him that they had summoned a truly terrifying monster.

The two men shuddered in fear as they beheld the horrifying sight of the skeleton wreathed in black smoke. In an instant, they prostrated themselves and offered profuse apologies.

"Enough with the pointless bickering!" Ainz snapped impatiently, waving his hand with an air of authority. "Tell me why you have summoned me. I have precious little patience to waste on trifles."

"Speak quickly," Ainz commanded, his tone tinged with impatience. Abel opened his mouth to explain their request but was abruptly interrupted by Ainz's inquiry. "So, you require my assistance in destroying the Church of Sun and Sky?" His brow furrowed in skepticism. "But if they are your enemies, doesn't that make you the villains in this situation?"

Although Ainz spoke seriously, he couldn't help but chuckle internally at the irony of the situation, given his own high karma level. Despite this, he remained resolute in his willingness to provide aid, regardless of their moral standing.

The High Priest nodded gravely in agreement and spoke up. "It's true, we have blood on our hands and have committed heinous acts across the world. But that doesn't mean we're inherently evil." He explained that their coven had originally formed to learn ways to achieve immortality and save their founder's mother from death. However, after the founder abandoned them, the coven lost sight of its original purpose.

"We have a way to achieve immortality," he continued, "but are we supposed to just give it away to the world? No, we work for ourselves." This selfish mentality led them to commit atrocities that even the Demon Gods would shy away from. In the end, they were besieged by the Church of Sun and Sky and other forces with Apostles of Gods. The overwhelming number of enemies left them with little hope of survival, but they managed to strike a secret deal with Astraeus, the King of the Gods. They exchanged the secrets of immortality for their survival, which he has granted for many centuries since.

Ainz appreciated honesty, a trait he valued above the scheming of Albedo and Demiurge. "I understand the appeal of having a domain to yourself, so what is it that you require my assistance with?" Ainz questioned.

He found it difficult to justify their desire to attack the Church of Sun and Sky, especially given their prior actions. "From what you've told me, your previous actions would warrant this outcome. If I'm being honest, you should be punished for eternity," Ainz stated bluntly.

"My Lord, we aren't opposed to staying within the Death Fortress. However, we are in dire need of resources, and the only place we can safely acquire them is from the Church of Sun and Sky in Radiant City," Abel explained. "Our plan is to raid their resources and use them to develop the Death Fortress. Attacking the Church of Sun and Sky may appear to the outside world as a power struggle between two opposing forces, rather than a direct threat that would break the status quo," he added.

Abel quietly shared Ainz's unease about their actions, feeling that anyone would find them deplorable.

As he pondered the situation, Ainz began to warm to the idea of carrying out the proposed raid. He could use a break from the complex relationships he had with the women in his life, especially Albedo, Shalltear, and Evil Eye.

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