Master Wang had a total of five disciples. They were Wang Zhiheng, Mo Ziming, Yue Banban, Dong Chen and Li Chen.
At this moment, the five disciples looked at each other in disbelief. "There's actually a traitor among us?!"
Master Wang chased after Aunt Qing and asked, "Who was it? Who did you see?"
The others were also curious. "Who was it?!"
Master Duanmu sneered. "There's no such thing! Elder Qing, control your wife!"
Seeing his warning gaze, Elder Qing couldn't play dumb anymore.
He tugged at Aunt Qing and glared at her.
Aunt Qing shook off Elder Qing and turned to look at Master Duanmu. "I really saw it with my own eyes. I even knew who that person is. I was just curious at first, but since you care so much, Master Duanmu, it means there's really something going on!"
Master Duanmu was furious. Why did this woman like to ruin his plans?!
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