After the elders came out, the dark-green color faded a little, becoming a lighter shade.
Feng Wu did some calculations and knew she could still fit many people into the liquid.
Seeing that Elder Mo had finished cultivating, she whispered something in his ear.
Elder Mo nodded and headed for the colonels' quarters.
Poor Elder Mo.
He had been downgraded to a messenger, but he rather enjoyed it.
He found Wang Zhaole and told the latter to gather everybody in three minutes and take them to mine No. 3. The whole thing should be kept a secret, and no one was allowed to leak the information. Otherwise, they would be punished by military law.
It was now a time of war, and everybody was prepared for emergencies like this.
Some colonels had gone to the Dayless Woods to carry out missions, and the rest were in the fortress.
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