The worm's teeth were so sharp that it chewed on the sword and swallowed it.
It ate the sword.
If it could eat metal without difficulty, what about human flesh?
Everyone paled.
Ye Han was still shocked, when a worm bit down on her neck.
Ye Han reacted quickly enough. The worm missed her neck and bit her on the shoulder.
It buried its teeth in her flesh, and blood gushed out.
Needless to say, it was excruciating. The worse thing was that the worms also fed on rotten meat they found underground, and their saliva was poisonous!
Ye Han was terrified and screamed at the top of her lungs.
Before long, Shan Jingfei was injured as well.
A worm bit her on the calf.
She screamed and kicked the worm away, but it was too late.
Her calf was swollen, and the affected area was expanding.
Shan Jingfei felt dizzy. Was she going to die?
More people were injured and fell.
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