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Title: Feitan Ellfire: The Chosen Vessel
Feitan Ellfire, often referred to as "The Chosen Vessel," is a relatively short and slender individual with a fair complexion and black hair. He is typically seen wearing a black suit. Feitan's most striking feature is a large tattoo-like mark on his right cheek, which resembles a full moon.
Feitan possesses the Demon from the Land of Ente Isla, which one of the powerful demon. This demon allows him to convert pain into energy and unleash devastating attacks in response to the amount of pain he experiences. His Demon main ability has different forms, each corresponding to a specific level of pain. The more pain he endures, the stronger his attacks become. Feitan's strongest form is called "Globe of Darkness," in which he generates a powerful explosion of aura and dark fire that engulfs his enemies.
Feitan is known for his calm and composed demeanor, rarely showing any emotions other than a somewhat sadistic pleasure when engaging in combat. He is a highly skilled fighter and strategist, making him a formidable adversary for anyone who opposes him.
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Écrire un avisAuteur KAIZERBLACK10
vert good black you're really good I'll wait for the next chapter I rated it the highest so that many more can read your novel goodluck to your first novel!