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80.64% [BL] The Invisible Prince / Chapter 50: Chapter Fifty

Chapitre 50: Chapter Fifty

Many years ago in a different kingdom, there was a prince known as the 'dragon mage'. Everyone believed he was the strongest fire mage in the world, rumored to be stronger than a dragon after he singlehanded hunted and killed a dragon that for years was terrorizing his kingdom.

After his father's death, even though he was young, he was the most popular heir to become the next king, and so he was the chosen heir to become the next kingdom's ruler.

Although he was the most popular warrior, a powerful knight, and a skilled general, as a ruler, he was nothing but tyrannical. Rulying a realm was nothing like commanding a battalion of knights.

He was too severe and merciless with everyone that went against him. It didn't matter if it was a peasant or a noble, he spared no one, not even his family.

His iron fist government in practice wasn't going as well as he thought it was. Hunger, poverty, revolts, and wars started to ruin and break his realm. A kingdom that once was prosperous and abundant, was ruined under his cruel leadership.

Even though many of his people had died and the economy was in ruin, his wounded ego didn't let him choose a peaceful way to end an internal war that had been going on for years when he had the chance.

But the chaotic and dark times the realm was fated to have because of its proud ruler, were interrupted by a goddess that cursed the king so no more tragedy could happen to the common people in the realm.

The goddess turned the king into a dragon, saying that being a dragon suited him better than being a human after all because all he knew was destruction.

But she was merciful enough to tell him that the only way to break the curse and turn back to being a human was the tears of someone that deeply loved him.

But for such a cold man that has never loved or had any sympathy or care for his family and the people that loved and cherished him his whole life, knew that such a thing would never happen.

The king, now a dragon left his kingdom running away after being hunted by his own knights that didn't recognize him after the curse. And so he lived the next years in solitude.

Until he met her.

A young girl surrounded by wolves lost in a forest alone. When the dragon intervened, he just wanted to save the girl and help her leave the dangerous forest, he wasn't expecting the girl to stay with him.

He didn't understand why the girl seemed attached to him, but deep down he was glad he was not alone anymore.

As the years passed by, the dragon started to realize what was carrying about someone else.

The little girl at first was just an annoying kid that barely knew how to take care of herself, she was too clumsy to hunt or gather food for herself, and she was always depending on him.

Even though at first he just wanted the girl to leave him and go back to live with the other humans, as a year passed by and the girl felt the need to visit a town he felt anxious, anxious that something bad could happen to her, anxious that she wouldn't come back.

But she did, she always did.

It was the first time the dragon had someone relying on him and being glad by his presence, always treating him so kindly. There was always a warm feeling in his heart whenever the girl smiled at him.

And as the years passed by, the little clumsy girl he was so used to taking care of, wasn't little anymore and wasn't relying on him as much as she used to.

The little girl was already a woman, she didn't need him anymore.

The dragon knew this day would come, and he wanted to it happen at first, but when the time finally came the dragon realized that he didn't want to leave her.

When the girl said to him that she wanted to live with the other humans he felt desolate, but when the girl asked him to stay hidden in the forest nearby so she could keep visiting him, he felt glad, glad that she wasn't leaving him.

The days she came to see him always was enough to make him forget the solitude he felt without her.

After years of having someone by his side, living alone again was harder than it used to be.

Even though the dragon knew the risk of staying too long in the same place, he didn't want to leave the girl, he didn't want to be all alone all over again.

So, when he heard the screams for help from the girl and saw her being attacked by mercenaries he knew there was nobody else to blame but himself.

And that was why when he was shot by the royal knights in the air, all that mattered to him was the girl's safety.

Feeling the life leaving his body when he saw the girl crying saying that loved him, all he wanted to say was ["I love you too."].

When he thought he was dead, he saw the goddess once again standing in front of him. There were just the two of them in a beautiful camp full of flowers.

Different from the last time he saw her, she didn't seem mad, she actually was smiling calmly at him.

["The time has finally come."] She said.

The dragon, now a man, asked her feeling relieved, but also sad. ["Am I dead?"]

["No, not yet."] The goddess said, surprising him.

["Why am I here?] He asked, confused.

The goddess smiled and said. ["I just wanted to congratulate you.]

["Congratulate…me?] he asked, perplexed.

["Yes, you are finally a human again."] She said, glad.

But he didn't share the same happiness, all those years all he kept asking himself was. ["Why me?]

He knew he wasn't a good ruler, he knew he caused suffering to so many people and that he failed his people as a king. But with all the cruel and horrible things that happened throughout all human civilizations, why he was the only one to be punished? Why did the goddess hate him?

["It seems you still think of your experience as a punishment and not as a blessing.] The goddess said looking at him as a mother looking at her child.

["How… how could this even be a blessing?"] He asked, feeling betrayed.

["I took you away from the path you would deeply regret and you never had to pay for the consequences of your horrible acts.] The goddess explained, calmly.

He was wordless when the goddess said smiling, glad. ["Also you found someone to love and be loved, isn't that a blessing?]

When he opened his eyes the goddess wasn't there anymore, in front of him there was the girl, confused with tears falling down her face.


Even though she never saw this man before, looking into his eyes she was sure he was indeed her beloved dragon and embraced him tightly, until the royal knights decided to intervene, trying to use force to arrest them, after all, how could a dragon turn into a man?

But the dragon, now a human, was stronger than he was as a dragon, he was as strong as he was before being cursed.

And soon, rumors of the death of thousands of mercenaries and knights caused by a dragon-man spread around, and people knew that the 'dragon mage' was back. The most powerful fire mage was alive.

His kingdom, now fragmented without a ruler, was weak, and fragile after the constant inside wars seeking the throne and power. When their powerful leader appeared once again, they accepted him back as their King.

The nation was being invaded by a powerful kingdom, the same kingdom the girl ran away from.

The dragon-mage, the tyrannical king, became for them their last hope, a blessing from the gods to save them.

This time he promised himself and everyone that he would make things different, he would honor his people, and make the kingdom prosperous once again.

And then, he didn't just win the war, but he also invaded the other kingdom, subjugating the royal family, imprisoning them, and making his beloved wife, that was once known as 'the royal family's disgrace', the legitimate Queen, unifying, then both kingdoms.

The little princess, now a Queen, and her beloved dragon, now her husband and the King, ruled their nations together, had children, and they lived happily ever after in the most powerful and prosperous kingdom in the world they created together.

[The End.]

I was feeling conflicted after finishing the book.

'Was this goddess of the tale the same woman that made me reincarnate in this world?' I asked myself.

"Maybe this was not just a fairy tale, then…" I thought out loud.

The story of the royal family of this kingdom was that an angel gave them a gift the power to kill all chaos monsters. That's how the light and lightning magic appeared too.

'And also why we all have golden eyes like her.' I thought.

I sighed frustrated.

"At least the dragon had a chance to talk to her." I thought out loud, hoping that I would also have an opportunity to talk to her again one day.

After placing the book back where it was I said. "Now I know why Prince Noah burned this book."

Though it's just a fairy tale, it reflects at least a few things about the societies of this world. As I read in the history books, most of the nobility and royalty of this world has magic.

'So, if a noble child is born without magic, it's not hard to think that they might suffer a similar fate as the little princess in the book suffered.' I thought.

"The royal family of this realm even killed all royal children that weren't born with "royal" magic." I murmured to myself.

'Even in this world, life is hard for the ones that are born different.' I thought frustrated and sighed.

The little princess of the book and Prince Noah are not so different, she wasn't born with magic, and Prince Noah was born without "royal" magic. Both were royal children that were born "wrong" and society judge them because of it, even though they didn't do anything wrong.

'Maybe that is why he burned the book, because of how much his own history is similar to the little princess in the book.' I thought.


"Alex, are you already done?" Ethan asked me when he saw me.

I was surprised he didn't leave, I wasn't actually expecting he would keep his word after me taking so long to appear.

"Yes." I said approaching him.

"Are these the books Prince Noah asked for?" Ethan asked, looking at the three books I was holding, curious.

Since I wasn't actually sure Ethan would still be waiting for me, I took three random books just in case.

"Yes, they are." I said.

"Is Prince Noah studying about monsters?" He asked curiously noticing one of the books I had with me.

Since I wasn't thinking much, I just took a few books I am always reading, and they are all about monsters and magic creatures.

"Y-Yes, huh, Prince Noah was feeling curious about them, I-I think." I said, embarrassed, not sure if it was or not a good subject for a royal child to be seen reading.

"Hm…" Ethan said looking at the books, but then he looked at me smiling and said, surprising me. "I also love reading about them."

"Really?" I asked, surprised.

Ethan nodded.

"Yes, I think they are fascinating. What about you, Alex, do you like them?" He asked looking at me.

"Yes, I do!" I said a bit overly excited since I never had the chance to talk to someone else about this topic.

Ethan didn't seem surprised, he just asked me, smiling. "Which one is your favorite?"

This took me by surprise, making me think. "I believe it is… The phoenix."

In my past life, the existence of phoenixes was just a legend, but in this world they are real.

"I see, the phoenixes are indeed majestic creatures." He said, smiling.

"Yes, they are." I said remembering the drawing of them I saw in the books before.

'I hope I can see one of them one day,' I wished, optimistic.

"What about you, Ethan? Do you have a favorite creature?" I asked, curious.

"It's the toxicus-rabbit." Ethan said without thinking much.

"R-Really?" I asked, surprised.

"Do you know about them?" Ethan asked me.

"Yes, I do. They are a rare specie of rabbits that when feeling in danger pretend to be dead, and release a toxic and poisonous substance that can kill almost instantly anyone around them, isn't that so?" I asked.

"You are right. I think it's fascinating how such a creature that seems so inoffensive, fragile, and weakling like them can be so dangerous and mortal, don't you think so?" Ethan asked me.

I nodded. "Y-Yes."

The toxicus-rabbit is such a dangerous creature that though they inhabit only a few specific woods and fields, made rabbit meat be seen as a bad and filthy thing.

The areas they inhabit have tons of normal rabbits predominantly inhabiting the area too. Because of their toxicity, most predators in the area evict eating any rabbit, and the same happened to the humans, everyone tends to not hunt any rabbit in these areas, since the chance of being a toxicus-rabbit is high.

"I have something to give you." Ethan suddenly said, calling my attention. Then he took one of the books that he had with him and said. "You can have it."

"R-Really?" I asked surprised by his sudden attitude.

"Yes, you said you liked the book I had with me before. This one is from the same author. Personally, it is one of my favorite books." Ethan said smiling.

Unsure, I accepted the book.

"Thank you, Ethan." I thanked him and bowed respectfully.

"I would love to hear your opinion about this book. Since I will stay for a while for the ceremony, it would be nice having your company." Ethan said, smiling.

"A-As soon as I finish the book I will tell you!" I said, feeling nervous about Ethan's kindness.

Ethan smiled, and then he asked. "Can I meet you again here tomorrow, Alex? It's a shame, but I have to go now."

"Sorry, but I don't know if I will be able to meet you here tomorrow, Ethan." I said, being honest.

'It all depends if Prince Noah will let me or not.' I thought.

"I see…" Ethan said, seeming to be sad.

"U-Usually, at night I'm free, if you want we can meet here tomorrow night, Ethan." I said, trying to cheer him up.

"Yes, of course!" Ethan said, seeming to be happy again.

"See you tomorrow then, Alex." Ethan said smiling, taking his leave.

"See you, Ethan." I said smiling back at him.


After Ethan left the library I decided to stay in the library a bit longer, reading the book Ethan gave to me. And, as I was already expecting being from the same author of the book Ethan had with him when I first met him, it was a mystery book.

I just wanted to read a few pages, but I ended up reading until sunset, engaged by the book's fascinating plot.

'I-I think I should leave now.' I thought, forcing myself to close the book.

Then, before leaving I put back the books I took before since Ethan wasn't around for me to keep lying it was for Prince Noah, anyway.

I left holding only the book Ethan gave me. I was invisible since I didn't want to be seen leaving the royal library by the Head Maid or someone else and get in trouble.

On my way back to Prince Noah's room, I saw three noblemen walking together coming from the opposite direction from me. It was an old man and two middle-aged men, all with fancy clothes that only the nobility could ever have.

When I got near them I noticed surprised that they were all royals, they all had golden eyes.

"...are you sure?" I listed one of them saying, surprised.

"I couldn't be more sure of it." The other said, convinced.

"I wasn't expecting to be alive to see such a thing happening again." The oldest of them said, chuckling.

"How can you laugh about such an important thing!?" One of the other royal men asked, mad, he seemed pretty anxious and nervous.

The old man looked at him with cynical eyes and said. "There is no reason to worry, he will soon be dead, anyway."

"Indeed, there is no reason to be anxious, the King ordered the whole special force to go after him, soon it will be like he never existed and everything will go back to normal." The other man said, calmly.

"What if they don't find him?!" Asked, again nervous, the other royal.

The oldest royal chuckled and said. "Hundreds were killed in the past, do you think this one will be different? As I said, there is no need to worry, after all, this royal bastard will soon be dead too."

'...Royal bastard?'

LenoAuthor LenoAuthor

Fun fact about this chapter, when I started writing this novel I had in mind at first a simple and short plot with only 50 chapters at most, but now I'm pretty glad I changed my mind hahaha

Sorry for taking so long to update and thank you all for the support!

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