Clyde looked up from his phone and saw the troubled look on Arthur's face. What is going on inside this guy's head this time?
"Arthur, what are you thinking?" Clyde asked him and watched the guy meet his gaze and frown at him.
"I don't understand why you have to adopt this girl and not involveto anything relatively important on our company or the underworld," Arthur said and crossed his arms.
Clyde also crossed his arms before pointing his finger on the gun that was resting on the coffee table of the living room.
"A woman will only have a disadvantage on the battlefield, besides, she's still getting familiar in terms of being a person from a rich family, I don't want to put pressure on her growth and future," Clyde said to Arthur which earned a scowl from him.
What is happening here?
The ghosts of the first mission world are starting to emerge and confuse Clyde? What wiill happen now?
Fiind out more in the next chapter! See you all soon!
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