Kalah dalam perang, Putri Swan, yang telah diintimidasi sepanjang hidupnya dan dicacat oleh ibu tiri dan saudara perempuannya, dikirim untuk menjadi pengantin Raja Binatang—Gale Stormfront—sebagai hadiah atas kemenangannya. Swan mengira bahwa binatang buas itu akan memakannya. Dia akan dikunyah sampai tidak tersisa apa-apa selain tulang. Tapi bagaimana jika Gale menginginkannya sebagai obat untuk rut yang konstan? Ini adalah kisah tentang seorang putri yang cacat dan pemalu dan raja binatang yang ditakdirkan untuk berubah menjadi binatang yang tidak berpikir, yang putus asa mencari jodoh takdirnya untuk menyembuhkan kutukannya.
The Ricca crime family has a magical ancestry, one that manifests in prophetic dreams and secret abilities. Vanessa, the sheltered princess of this magical mafia family, can see others' secrets. She calls this her "shadow vision." No one is supposed to know about it, because it's an ability that would get her killed. Ivan Volkov, the heir to a Russian crime family, discovers Vanessa's secret and wants to use it to find a traitor in his crew. Vanessa is taken and forced to live with Ivan and his cousin Dominik until she can provide them with the traitor's name. But the man betraying Ivan is the one person immune to Vanessa's gift. He's also the one person Ivan would never expect: his cousin. Dominik and Vanessa are fated in this enemies to lovers story of mystery, magic, and mafia. In order to overcome the darkest evil and help Ivan's victims, they need to let go of their distrust, secrets, and give in to scariest, strongest thing either of them has encountered: each other. A CEO of Seduction sequel and standalone. Published exclusively on Webnovel.[Avertissement : contenu mature r18+/fort] "Je suis sûr que tu trouveras mes bras plus confortables que n'importe quoi d'autre en ce monde..." Le Roi Darius Grant - le puissant souverain du Royaume de Cordon. Il était impitoyable et impétueux face à ses ennemis. Sa simple présence criait d'autorité virile ; son aura seule suffisait à faire admettre leur défaite à certains de ses ennemis et à les faire fuir rien qu'en le voyant. Mais malgré tout cela, il était impuissant et éhonté face à une femme… sa compagne - la Princesse d'Ebodia qu'il refusait de lâcher. Découvrez comment les choses vont se dérouler pour notre Roi possessif qui est fermement décidé à utiliser l'Entrapment de la Couronne pour faire de sa compagne la sienne par tous les moyens nécessaires. Réussira-t-il à conquérir tout son être - corps, cœur et âme ? * Note : Tome 1 & 2 : Histoire principale Status : Terminé (Chapitres 1 à 555) Tome 3 : Histoire secondaire Status : Terminé (Chapitres 556 à 641) "Je ne peux me déclarer vainqueur que lorsqu'à la fin je parviens à conquérir ton cœur..." Tome 4 : Histoire secondaire Status : Terminé (Chapitres 642 à 701) "L'amour n'a jamais fait partie de mon vocabulaire quand il s'agit de femmes, jusqu'à ce que tu arrives..." Tome 5 : Status : Terminé (Chapitres 702 à 805) "Je te choisis... toi qui occupes avidement toute la place dans mon cœur..." Chapitres spéciaux et suivants - terminés **** PS : Couverture de livre commandée, propriété de l'auteur ! Ne pas l'utiliser !
Une course nocturne a changé la vie d'Aila pour toujours après s'être retrouvée au milieu d'une bataille entre des loups-garous et des chasseurs. Elle est soudainement kidnappée par lesdits chasseurs et découvre des secrets sur son passé et son avenir alors qu'elle se lance dans un voyage pour découvrir qui ou ce qu'elle est véritablement. Les problèmes surgissent les uns après les autres quand elle échappe enfin à l'emprise des chasseurs, pour être ensuite recueillie par l'Alpha féroce de la Meute du Croissant d'Argent. Contrairement à la plupart qui le craignent, Aila défie son autorité à chaque étape de son apprentissage sur elle-même et sur l'Alpha dominant et possessif qui tente de la revendiquer. Les têtes vont-elles se heurter dans une bataille de volontés, ou peuvent-ils collaborer pour aider à protéger le monde caché des créatures des chasseurs ? Rejoignez Aila dans son voyage de redécouverte, aimez, riez et pleurez avec elle dans ce roman d'amour intense, mouvementé et passionnel. ----- Gagnante de la médaille d'or dans le concours de prompt d'écriture #161 - Métamorphes. ------ *** APERÇU *** [ CONTENU MATURE ] "Les yeux en haut, Aila." Il claqua des mots ; sa voix dure la fit regarder dans ses yeux, et elle fut immédiatement piégée sous son regard de glace. Elle ne pouvait pas détourner le regard des siens alors qu'il s'approchait d'elle, ses mouvements lents comme s'il était prêt à bondir sur sa proie. Sans réfléchir, elle se leva de sa position, prête à s'échapper, mais il la saisit et épingla ses mains contre le lit. Il avança son genou, écartant les jambes d'Aila qui ne résistèrent qu'une seconde avant de laisser entrer son genou. Il le poussa lentement à l'endroit entre ses cuisses, la faisant haleter au contact soudain. "Tu aimes me désobéir, Aila ?" Il grogna; Aila fut confuse un instant jusqu'à ce qu'elle se rappelle à quel point elle avait facilement défié ses ordres. Était-il vraiment encore en colère depuis tout à l'heure ? Mais lorsqu'elle chercha sa réponse dans son visage, elle la trouva rapidement. Il était définitivement furieux depuis plus tôt. "Pour être tout à fait honnête, oui. Ça te remet à ta place," Aila sourit quand elle croisa son regard enflammé. Il rapprocha son visage du sien, la pression de son genou entre ses jambes s'intensifiait, la faisant mordre sa lèvre inférieure. "Mauvaise réponse," Il grogna avant de mordre sa lèvre pour la dégager de ses dents. ----- *AVERTISSEMENT* CONTENU MATURE : Violence graphique Langage fort Contenu sexuel Abus -- 【 Volume 1 : Complet】 【 Volume 2 : Complet】 【 Volume 3 : BIENTÔT DISPONIBLE - Été 2024 】 -- Si vous appréciez l'histoire, veuillez voter avec une pierre de pouvoir, laisser des commentaires et une critique ! -- Image de couverture : Commandée par @if._art Mon Instagram : @kelly_starrz Mon nouveau serveur Discord : https://discord.gg/MHMdRRqUYa
``` Libro 1 ¿Vendida? [Volumen 1] Lo más aterrador que una chica puede imaginar es ser abandonada. Pero, ¿hay algo peor? Ser vendida en una subasta, desnuda y asustada y luego comprada como un juguete. Rosalie nunca pensó que realmente terminaría siendo vendida en una subasta. Su vida no era todo flores, pero aún así no quería terminar siendo una esclava. Cuando lo peor estaba sucediendo, es vendida a un multimillonario. Libro 2 ¿Poseída? [Volumen 2] Ser perseguida por gánsteres, ser secuestrada y luego forzada a convertirse en esclava de uno de los mayores jefes de la Mafia del país era la peor pesadilla de Azalea. Pero para empeorar las cosas, el secuestrador era el hombre al que Azalea había odiado toda su vida por privarla de su única familia. Libro 3 ¿Cautiva? [Volumen 3] Tras la desaparición de Azalea, Arius siempre se encontraba sumido en pensamientos sobre ella. Nunca la superó, pero ¿qué sucede cuando una pequeña alegría entra en su vida y se convierte en un camino para encontrar su amor perdido de nuevo? ```
Evelyn, a bullied omega who had nothing - not even a last name, was mated to the soon-to-be Alpha of the Blackmoon pack, who 'loved' her in return, despite her worthlessness. But when she thought that was the end of her miserable life, it became the start of a misery she never foresaw. “A worthless omega like her, with a lazy wolf that is always unconscious, does not deserve a talented genius, duo element wielder like Markkus,” they said. However, Markkus wanted her despite betraying her and shattering her heart into million pieces. Her body was a treasure trove - mating with her helps his cultivation, and makes him stronger. However, Markkus was doomed to fail from the day Alpha King, Lord Vladimir Kaelin, set his eyes on her. Vlad was cursed with erectile dysfunction for nearly a century, but when his body moved because of Evelyn's scent, she automatically became his chosen mate, snatching her from her undeserving mate. However, Evelyn didn't want to stay with him, but he had thousands of ways to make her come crawling to him for his protection and help. But things weren't going to be so easy for Vlad and Evelyn. Having a second chance mate came with a huge price to pay, one that would either change the continent forever, or destroy them both. ... Didn't they say that Evelyn was worthless and doesn't deserve a genius like Markkus? Why then are the most powerful Alphas around the continent begging her to marry them when she showed the world that she was the master of all elements? Didn't they say that her wolf was lazy and useless? Then, what is this beast that's about to attain immortality? Why is everyone worshipping it now? Ha! Markkus is begging her for a second chance, he even sacrificed his most precious cultivation base, wanting to become her gigolo and servant, but shouldn't Markkus ask Vlad if he's worthy to share his woman? Or is Markkus not aware of how possessive, protective, petty, and jealous Vlad could be?
Amalia, la ex mercenaria interestelar murió en misión. Fue transmigrada a un Mundo de Cultivo Urbano y se convirtió en el sacrificio de la familia Rodríguez. En su camino de venganza, conoció a un hombre extraño que le preguntó sobre el Conejo Blanco. Ella pensó que esa sería la última vez que lo viera, ¡pero nunca supo que el destino los uniría de una manera inesperada! ¡Esta fue la historia de cómo Amalia pasó de ser un simple sacrificio en el Mundo de Cultivo Urbano a una Gran Figura de los Tres Reinos!
Alexander Laurent : The cold, arrogant and mysterious heir to The Laurent Agency who is swiping the entertainment industry off the floor. But is that it? No. Underneath the glamourous cover is an underworld that runs within his palm. But he loses his heart to a Doctor and his world starts spinning around her. He kidnaps her and even manages to forcefully marry as well as cage her. But did his love manage to win over her hatred? Eleanora Rosenheim : A softhearted, bubbly but stubborn girl who becomes a doctor for her fiance's sake. But is made to give up on her fiance, her family and her dreams just because of someone's obsession. Forced into a traumatising marriage, made to suffer from her in-laws wrath and even face her husband's jealousy that always ends by him forcing himself upon her, Eleanora is left with only one option - to kill herself. Did destiny do her any justice? Yes. It did. By making Eleanora reborn on the very same day where she crossed paths with Alexander and her life changed forever. She now has a second chance to live and escape his clutches. Will she be able to challenge her fate and live the simple but happy life that she forever dreamt of or will she succumb to her fate and let that decide the flow of her story? Read "The Devil's Obsession : No more escaping Babygirl!" and witness a sensual love story, filled with adventure, mystery, cruelty, emotions and humour loaded within. Let's embark on this journey together! Author - Go Kizy Instagram - go_kizy Book Cover - Go Kizy
Menjadi cacat di dalam kawanan sudah cukup buruk. Ditolak? Oleh pasangan sejatimu sendiri? Ya. ITU adalah tingkat rendah yang baru. Ava Grey adalah cacat dalam kawanan, seorang shifter tanpa serigala. Dia berjuang dalam hidup dengan impian kebebasan yang samar. Kesempatannya datang ketika tiba-tiba dia diberi tahu bahwa dia akan menghadiri Gala Bulan, sebuah pesta dansa tahunan untuk shifters muda dewasa untuk menemukan pasangan sejati mereka. Dan dia menemukannya. Dia tampan dan intens, dan ciumannya mengirimkan keinginan melalui pembuluh darahnya seperti narkoba. Hingga dia MENOLAKnya. Ava tidak akan kembali ke kehidupan suramnya. Dia melarikan diri dan membentuk identitas baru jauh dari kawanan, dan jauh dari pasangan alpha nya. Dia berteman baru dan bahkan diadopsi secara paksa oleh seekor husky yang lucu. Tapi tepat ketika dia mulai menetap dan menemukan kebahagiaan, hal-hal aneh mulai terjadi... Husky-nya telah menyimpan rahasia. Dia mendengar bisikan bahwa kawanan shifter di mana-mana sedang mencarinya. Dan dia dapat mencium aroma familiar di apartemennya, yang tidak masuk akal sama sekali... karena pria yang aromanya itu telah menolaknya. [Entri Cupids Quill Mar 2024] --------- Ini adalah roman shifter serigala dengan banyak pemicu yang suka berdansa beriringan dengan semua tema gelap melalui sebuah padang bunga mati. Dalam buku ini Anda akan menemukan titik tertinggi dan terendah. Tertawa, menangis, marah; Anda dapat melakukannya semua saat Anda mengikuti Ava dalam perjalanan yang cukup berbahaya menjadi pemindah serigala di generasi ini dari roman werewolf. Ada adegan R18 yang disebarkan di seluruh buku ini seperti permen yang meledak dari pinata. Silakan baca dengan tanggung jawab. ------- DISCORD PENULIS: https://discord.com/invite/ApNZDux8kj
Ahn Kyunghee wanted nothing more than to move on from a stigmatizing past as a druggie’s daughter. However, fate had other things in store. A special person from her past reappears and gives her a whole new meaning to perseverance, love and loyalty. Despite the ten year gap, she had once again found her first love; only now he was no longer the teenager brimming with righteous determination she once knew. Now, he was a member of the dangerous Yakuza—a man to be feared and revered, but a man who would do anything to give her the protection she never had, regardless of right or wrong. In her memory, he would forever be the boy who befriended and held her hand whilst everyone else ostracized her. Then there was the hotheaded detective who was the bane of her existence, only to realize that she meant more to him than he could ever mean to her. Light and dark didn’t mix. Just like tigers and dragons didn’t co-exist.
Ten years of marriage. Known since childhood. Yet, he felt he had never known her. What he saw was a loving and gentle wife. But what he heard about her from others had always been different. One said she married him for his money. One said she seduced a Prince behind his back. One said she spiked her sister and sent her to a man’s bed. One said she tortured the servants behind his back. One said… He had heard many such things but never believed anyone. Until one day, he saw how she scolded his brother, slapped his sister-in-law in the face, and pushed his nephew into the pool. He couldn’t take it anymore and asked for a divorce but she rejected to his face. Then he heard the news that she obtained the shares of their company and was about to overturn his brother’s position. “How did she turn into a scheming wife?” he asked, not really expecting any answers. But he got a chance. He woke up to the day he got married. He thought it was his chance to get rid of the woman from his life. He would save his brother and his family from his ‘wife’. He will get a divorce from her. But… Why couldn’t he get rid of this wife at all? Had she been so scheming all her life? Clearly not. In this life, he started seeing her life the way he had not seen before. From her perspective, she had shed tears without him knowing. He realized that he had been a bad husband all along. Suddenly his life changed from trying to divorce her to changing her ‘fate’. Who would win in this battle? Her fate of becoming a scheming woman? Or his determination and … love? #WSA2025 #Mindreading
``` [Attention : contenu fortement mature r18+/adulte] Il est son salut. Elle, sa perte. Pourtant, il refuse de la laisser partir... Mineah, la plus jeune Princesse d'Ebodia, fut maudite dès sa naissance pour rester innocente et apporter le malheur autour d'elle. Cette prophétie plane sur elle comme un nuage sombre, grandissant chaque année sans se réaliser. Elle existe dans des rumeurs étouffées comme une figure pitoyable - fragile, docile, indésirable. Sous ce masque se cache une renarde forte et fière digne d'être reine. Et cette future reine a jeté son dévolu sur la brisure de sa malédiction, même si cela signifie tromper le vampire le plus rusé jamais né. Nikolai, bien que reclus et énigmatique, est vénéré par le Royaume de Valcrez comme un souverain sage et puissant. À l'insu de ses fidèles sujets, son image de perfection est une toile de mensonges qui, si elle était révélée, pourrait faire s'effondrer leur royaume et tout ce qui leur est cher. Quand ces deux-là voient leurs chemins se croiser dans une alliance matrimoniale, le jeu de la Séduction de la Couronne commence. Mais qui est le chasseur et qui est la proie ? ******** Extrait : « Pourquoi te déshabilles-tu devant moi ? » demanda-t-elle avec un froncement de sourcils, ne faisant peu pour cacher son irritation dans sa voix. Son objectif était de capturer seulement son cœur, pas tout son corps ! « Ne suis-je pas autorisé à prendre un bain avec ma femme ? » répliqua-t-il d'un ton froid. « J'ai spécialement demandé une grande baignoire pour être sûr que nous deux y rentrions ensemble. » Elle soupira, sans détourner son regard de lui tandis qu'elle reprenait son calme. Le voyant sourire en coin, elle se força à se mettre à l'aise tandis qu'il parlait. « C'est mieux ainsi. Tu l'as dit toi-même, personne ne t'a forcée à m'épouser. Au contraire, tu t'es proposée et t'es portée volontaire de toi-même, alors je m'attends à ce que tu sois assez confiante pour partager un bain avec ton mari », déclara confiant Nikolai. « Après tout, nous ferons bien plus que cela sous peu. » Sans gêne... Se retenant de lever les yeux au ciel, elle parvint à lui adresser un sourire en disant, « Ne me blâme pas si tu meurs alors. » **** Note : Volume 1 : Histoire Principale Status - Terminé (Chapitres 1 à 403) Volume 2 : Histoire Annexes Status - Terminé (Chapitres 404 à 472) Volume 3 : Histoire Annexes Status - **** PS : Couverture de livre commandée possédée par l'auteur ! Ne pas l'utiliser ! ```
“Haha, do you believe that I would have affection for a woman such as yourself? Furthermore, could you possibly think that I would enter into matrimony with a lady of rural upbringing? It is evident that you do not align with my preferences, you foolish individual." Hwang Yu-Jin expressed in an exasperated manner. "Indeed, can you honestly believe that you are deserving of being Yu-Jin's fiancée, let alone his wife? He has never harbored any love for you. You are merely an inexperienced girl from the countryside trying to take everything away from me." Song-Ae-cha declared, delivering a forceful kick to Song-Chae-yeong's abdomen with her shoe, causing her to painfully cough up a mouthful of blood. Song-Chae-yeong gazed at the man she had adored for as long as she could remember, accompanied by her trusted step sister. To her utter dismay, they both proved disloyal and treacherously turned against her. Rivulets of scorching tears cascaded down her exquisite, blood-stained countenance, as she lay motionless upon the elevated shoreline of the majestic lake, consumed by agony and sorrow. "Let us not squander precious time in this location, lest we attract unwanted attention and arouse suspicion," Yu-jin cautioned, his gaze fixed upon the lifeless form of Song-Chae-yeong, firmly grasping Song-Ae-cha's waist. "Very well, proceed to dispose of her in the sea and relinquish her to the marine life," Ae-cha uttered maliciously as Yu-Jin stepped away from her side and proceeded to drag Chae-yeong's lifeless body, who was barely breathing, and cast her into the sea from a great height. "Let us depart, my dear," Ae-cha declared whilst forcefully pulling Yu-Jin's arm, and together they turned their backs, walking away without glancing back. "Excuse me, awaken and cease your snoring resembling that of a swine," Song-Chae-yeong heard a voice as she sluggishly opened her eyes and surveyed her surroundings, realizing she was in a classroom. "What just happened?" ...She didn't know but it was so real. "How long has she slept to see all this while sleeping" she thought, wiping her face with her small soft palm hand. "What I definitely see isn't a joke, it's something about my past life, God loves me to return me back to life and set all things right, things repeat itself if care is not taken and I will make sure it never happened again and revenge and pay back 100 times with whoever ever hurts me and my loved ones in my past life." grab your popcorn and find out how she managed to survive. she lose? or win? each chapters shall let us know what happened and how she ends her life. let’s go and give it a shot.
``` (Conteúdo Adulto) Fugindo do casamento que tanto temia com o Príncipe da Coroa, Aed Ruad, a Princesa Anastásia acabou se tornando a prisioneira do homem mais perigoso do Lore, o Príncipe Ileus. Ela conhece um segredo que deseja negociar com ele, mas o preço é alto. E Ileus… Ele a deseja e algo mais. Mergulhe no mundo sombrio e misterioso de Anastásia e Ileus, enquanto lutam contra a sedução, o poder, a ganância e uma atração enlouquecedora. Anastásia conseguirá se libertar dele? Ileus alcançará seu propósito? Junte-se a eles para sentir isso! Outros romances desta série incluem: Confissões Selvagens: Adrianna e o Alfa (Concluído) O Príncipe Alfa da Crescente Prateada (Concluído) A capa me pertence. Foi encomendada. Artista da capa: Micehellwd ```
"Love or death? Which will you choose?" – "On this day, I will be your knight shining in armor! I will always be at your back even the entire school hates you!" Sebastian Woo, a campus bad boy told her and quickly lifted her chin to meet his gaze. He kneeled at the ground, convinced a young girl to look into his round, brown eyes. "On this day, you will never be alone and afraid. I am here always by your side." A genuine yet bitter smile drawn on her pale lips. "I've been waiting for my night shining armor," Halora whispered. But, how long he will keep his real identity from Halora? Will he confess the truth or the faith will find a way to reveal Seb's strange power and past life? Would he rather choose to lie to the girl who captured his heart or tell the truth and will be vanished on earth? Discover and find out what will happen to the unique, interesting first love story of Halora and Sebastian. ctto, the artwork is not mine. (will be changed soon)Completed! =) Healing is not just healing, it is also politics. Edwin had heard it all, had repeated it time and time again. He did not want to accept those words. They were vile, they were poisonous. A necromancer such as himself had no right to become a healer, he still did his best. An altruist like him had no place in the service of the king as Boliarin. He still refused to give up the title, for fear that someone else would take it, and plunge Duria into chaos. All his life, he had played by the rules. Even when he suffered losses, even when he believed he could not look himself in the mirror. Everyone has a breaking point. Edwin did not lie to himself. He was calm, but not sane. The camel's back had long since been broken. And yet, when his ray of moonlight, the vampire Hadrian, offered to travel with him, Edwin agreed. He lets himself pretend he was good, hoping he might lie to himself one of those days. Would Harry be enough to stop him from darkening the world? Or would he end up just another villain, who had once been bright-eyed and hopeful? The story is complete, and has 109 chapters in total, around 1k each. Updates: 7 a.m. and 7 p.m. Thank you for your time! =)
``` Estrella es una chica que no ha conocido otro mundo. Ha estado cautiva por su familia extendida desde que su madre murió cuando ella tenía dos años, ¿o su madre fue asesinada? Se acerca la fecha de su decimoctavo cumpleaños y si no se aleja pronto de sus captores, tendrá que casarse con un hombre al que desprecia. Artem es un joven nuevo Alfa que estaba disgustado por las acciones de los Alfas anteriores. Queriendo reformar su manada y proteger a los débiles, tomó el control por la fuerza. Ahora, está rescatando a aquellos que han sido golpeados, abusados y descuidados. Durante una de sus misiones de rescate, Artem descubre a la joven Estrella. La chica está aterrorizada de su familia, del mundo exterior que no conoce y de él. Entonces, ¿cómo va a decirle que ella es su compañera destinada y futura Luna de su manada? ¿Puede Artem lograr que Estrella confíe en él cuando se le ha dicho que nadie se preocupa por los lobos débiles, especialmente el Alfa? ¿Puede convencerla de que el mundo no es como le han hecho creer? —Haré lo que sea para salvarte, Estrella. Lo que sea para protegerte. Por favor, tienes que confiar en mí. ¿Puede Estrella superar su miedo y confiar en este hombre al que nunca antes ha conocido? ¿Y su familia simplemente se cruzará de brazos y la dejará ser llevada lejos de ellos? ¿Qué altibajos esperan a nuestro Alfa y su compañera en esta montaña rusa de historia? ***ADVERTENCIAS*** Violencia Gráfica Idioma Fuerte Contenido Sexual Contenido para Adultos/Maduro Abuso Encarcelamiento Intento de Violación SÍGUEME Y CUÉNTAME QUÉ PIENSAS https://discord.gg/8wrYgHqemB https://twitter.com/DCinMI https://www.facebook.com/deni.chance.71 ```
She had mountains of reason to say no to him, but he keeps coming back, no matter how many times she rejected him. ******************************* Sneak Peek: “I HAVE TRIED! PLAN A, PLAN B, PLAN C, PLAN D & PLAN E! But Nothing is Working! Why does he still want to marry me?!” ——by FL Inner Voice ******************************* Synopsis: After waking up as the villainess in a romance novel that she hated called “I love you, my prince.” Ms.Ivy Augustine, her villainess name, finds ways to escape her fate from execution at age 17. The strong and sensible girl vows that she will not be like the villainess in the story who loves the prince too much, which will lead to her doom. She develops mountains of reasons why she doesn’t want to marry the prince, but no matter how hard she tried, the prince kept proposing to her, and disasters kept following her as if the author was forcing her to follow the plot. The novel that she thought was predictable and full of cliches cause her to wonder, will she ever be able to change her fate? ******************************* How did I become the villainess of this cliche romantic novel!! I reincarnated into the romance novel that I read last night, and I skip through the chapters and only read the crucial parts. The villainess will be beheaded at the age of 17 because she loves the prince too much. I felt relief because I hate the idea of marrying the prince. There is a mountain of reasons why I don't want to! It's just not practical! "Oh, no, his pheromone attack! It's is very strong this time, but I will endure it! " "She smells nice. I want to keep her by my side forever." ******************************* Note to readers Publishing Schedule 2 chapter - Every Sat & Sun Sometimes more if I feel like it XD What can you expect: This novel contains lots of romance and adventure combined. It's a slow burn novel. ************************************** Ps. I do not own this artwork, full credits to the owner. Double Ps. I also don't control the pricing. Triple Ps. There may be a little R-18 content after chapter 60. Due to unforeseen circumstances, I have to postpone my work until my health is better. I have been pilling the stories and hope to publish it the end of the year. Thank you for your continuos support.4.85
Dari detak jantung jadi cinta. Hati yang hancur, dapatkah diperbaiki? Winda seorang perawat merasakan perihnya patah hati ketika memergoki kekasihnya sedang bercumbu dengan wanita lain. Pepatah berkata cinta baru memulihkan luka lama. Luis, sang pasien di tempat kerja Winda menjadi 'obat' yang hadir menyembuhkan luka hati Winda. Kisah cinta bersemi hingga mereka memutuskan untuk mengikat cintanya dalam satu janji suci. Namun takdir berkat lain, Luis mengalami kecelakaan. Harapan hidup kecil, ia akhirnya memutuskan untuk mendonorkan jantungnya untuk seseorang yang ia pilih. Mampukah Winda melepaskan kepergian Luis dan melanjutkan hidupnya? Bertekad menutup hatinya tapi sekali lagi seorang lelaki yang ternyata penerima donor jantung Luis masuk dalam hidupnya. Mampukah dia membuat Winda melupakan Luis? Detak jantung orang yang sama di tubuh yang berbeda. Dua lelaki satu jantung. Hemmm ... Cerita ini hanya karangan author, maaf jika ada kesamaan nama karakter atau kemiripan kisah. Jangan lupa masukkan novel ini kedalam library/ daftar baca kalian ... Untuk mendapatkan info tentang novel hasil karya dari author, silakan kunjungi : Fb : Pena_aQuina Ig : @pena_aquinaAnos atrás, quando ela era apenas uma menina, Rosa fugiu com seus dois amigos Alexandre e Matias, exatamente quando estavam prestes a ser marcados como escravos e vendidos para trabalhar em um bordel. A infelicidade se abateu sobre o grupo quando Matias ficou preso e, para salvar seus amigos, Rosa se sacrificou para distrair o filho do dono do bordel, Graham, que os perseguia. Rosa fez seus amigos prometerem que, em troca de seu sacrifício, eles voltariam para libertá-la. Conforme os anos passaram e Rosa se reuniu com seus amigos, ela aprendeu que nem todas as promessas seriam cumpridas. Presas em um bordel com um homem que deseja transformá-la em sua mulher, Rosa inicia um relacionamento inesperado com Zayne Hamilton, um general de outro reino. Zayne oferece-se para comprá-la de Graham e abre caminho para que seu sacrifício não seja esquecido.