Through the matchmaking efforts of B-52 and Long Island Ice Tea, a man and a woman found themselves bound together in matrimony. Their paths crossed unexpectedly at a bustling club, and they made a mutual decision that would alter their lives forever. Thus, they entered into a fateful agreement: a fabricated marriage. And so, the tale of their love story unfolds when she realizes that she "Accidentally Married A CEO." [EDITING IN PROGRESS] [COMPLETED]Nora ist einen Monat vor ihrer Hochzeit am Boden zerstört, als sie die betrügerische Affäre ihres Verlobten aufdeckt. Während sie mit diesem Verrat fertig wird, entdeckt sie eine tiefgreifende Intrige, die sie daran hindern soll, ihr rechtmäßiges Erbe anzutreten. Am Boden zerstört, aber entschlossen, unternimmt Nora einen gewagten Schritt, um die Kontrolle über ihr Leben zurückzugewinnen. Sie trifft auf Demetri, den "Dämon", einen furchterregenden Mann, den sie kaum kennt und der ihr Schutz und Unterstützung anbietet, wenn sie ihn im Gegenzug mit einem Vertrag heiratet, der ihn zufrieden stellt. Durch eine Laune des Schicksals heiratet Nora Demetri, um ihr Erbe einzufordern und diejenigen zu bekämpfen, die sich gegen sie verschworen haben. Doch während sie gegen ihre eigene Familie und Demetris zahlreiche Rivalen kämpft, wird sie es schaffen, sich nicht in den Mann zu verlieben, der dafür bekannt ist, Menschen unter seinem gestiefelten Absatz zu zerquetschen. Auszug: Sie hatte vergessen, dass der Mann einschüchternd war, und ihn direkt herausgefordert. Anstatt zu sprechen, erhob sich Demetri von seinem Platz und ging zielstrebig auf sie zu. Obwohl es nur ein paar Schritte waren, schien sich die Zeit für Nora zu dehnen. Als er fast zum Greifen nahe war, landete seine Hand sanft auf ihrem Knie und bewegte es zur Seite. Seine Berührung bewegte sich mit einem Hauch von Liebkosung, und er trat zwischen ihre geöffneten Beine. Nora saß da wie erstarrt, ihre Augen weit aufgerissen wie ein Reh im Scheinwerferlicht. Er nahm ihr Kinn zwischen seine Finger, neigte ihr Gesicht nach oben und sprach in aller Ruhe: "Du bist meine Frau." Sie nickte langsam mit dem Kopf zur Bestätigung, während sein Daumen langsam über ihre Lippen strich. "Ich habe dir Zeit gegeben, deine Gefühle zu sammeln." Ein weiteres Nicken. Noras Nervosität ließ sie sich über die Lippen lecken, während sie sich seines intensiven Blickes auf sie bewusst war. "Dein Grund für die Heirat war es, dein Erbe zu sichern und nicht mehr unter der Fuchtel deiner Mutter zu stehen." "Ja ..." flüsterte Nora verwirrt. Ihre Verwirrung bezog sich nicht auf seine Aussage, sondern auf die verwirrenden Empfindungen, die sie durchströmten. Was geschah mit ihr? "Es ist an der Zeit, dass du deinen Teil des Vertrages erfüllst, ja?" fuhr er fort. "Ja", flüsterte Nora atemlos. Warum war sie atemlos? War der Sauerstoffgehalt im Haus gesunken? Wurde die Luft plötzlich dünner? Abrupt verließ seine Hand ihr Gesicht, und sie beobachtete, wie er näher herankam. Erst jetzt begriff Nora, was vor sich ging. All die verlockenden, herzzerreißenden Küsse, von denen sie in Romanen gelesen hatte, sollten nun möglicherweise ihre Realität werden. Aber der erwartete Kuss fand nicht statt. Stattdessen hielt er in ihrer Nähe inne und befahl: "Küss mich."
"Duh, Fine! What do you want me to do?" Xiu Mei gave up, and Feng Jianyu gave a mischievous grin. His eyes shone in expectation. "I want a kiss" he spurted out. After a good silence of one minute, she scoffed, "pfft… dream on…" "Fine, if you're not giving then I'm taking one myself," "W-What? No way. You already took one last night… No more" Feng Jianyu sneered, "You call it a kiss? That was just a small peck. And it was you who broke it… Now finish where you left. ---------------------------------------------- On the night of Xiu Mei’s 16th bday, she came to know the biggest truth of her life. Devastated by the betrayal of her family, she ran away from her so-called home, taking nothing but her precious invention, on which she had been working nonstop for the last 4 years. ___ Feng Jianyu was a devilishly handsome man, who was powerful, cold, and ruthless. As the current President of the Feng Corporation, his only goal was to take his company to the unachievable heights. But fate had some other plans for both of them, and their paths crossed. Intrigued by her intelligence and talents, he tested her and gave her an attractive offer. Finding the offer interesting, she accepted it and worked hard. However, something happened, and they both ended up offending each other. __________ After 7 years, the mysterious Xiu Mei was a genius woman living in a beautiful villa with the most advanced security system. Nobody knows the reason behind living in security. She was forced to live with a handsome man inside her villa for an indefinite period. Though she welcomed him hesitatingly, to her horror, he was none other than Feng Jianyu. They both recalled their past but none of them spoke about it. Will she ever trust him and tell her story? What happened to her precious invention? Will their hate relationship be turned in to a love relationship? Will she find out about the big secret of her life? -------------------------------------------------- Original novel By dream_ash Join me on discord https://discord.gg/RudqR3q I edit the cover, but the photo belongs to their respective owners. I have no right over this photo. All credits belong to the owner.4.74
#Nominated in Webnovel Spirity Awards 2020. (Completed) Trigger Warning: Novel contains mature content and explicit scenes only intended for adults. {R-18+, No rape and No misunderstanding} *Nothing can come between my husband and I,not even death.* ~She was sad, hurt, and depressed. She was a mess, a monster who was slowly fading in her dark, lonely world until he came along. Like a twinkle little star, he brightened her horrid world. He was no one but her happy pill~ (Couple 1) "Tell me Wifey, has any man ever made you feel the way I do?" Lei Zhao asked. "Will it hurt if I tell you someone has?" Yan Mei inquired. A cheeky grin appeared on Lei Zhao's lips. "It wouldn't because I am sure no one has done it, especially the way you scream with pleasure under me." -------- Yan Mei, an aloof CEO known as the devil strongly believes love is a scam because she has experienced the joy and sadness of it. Now her heart has turned into a piece of stone encased by steel. Lei Zhao only has time for one thing in his life: work, after the death of his brother, which made him devastated and broken. After a chance encounter with a woman in a red suit at a club, he finds himself drawn to her. Something about the mysterious woman has him determined to make her his and unlock the mystery of the pain that flickers in her eyes. ~But will the devil give him a chance? Even though at times, the devil needs love too.~ ***** (Couple 2) ~She became the monster, parents told their kids to run away from, but she was far from a monster. She was just a lonely girl who wanted a friend who would always be there for her, who would check up on her and ask her how she was~ "This isn't a fairytale or a teen fiction where the bad girl falls for the good boy and tries to change for him, and then they live happily ever after. This is real life, and well, life is fucked up." Ying Sheng said, and she gulped the beer she was holding, loneliness flickering in her eyes. "But I-I won't ask you.. to change or want you to change. I just want you to be my bad girl. You --can tie me up in bed- and fu…ck me until I forget my name." Liam stammered as he turned crimson red. Ying Sheng heaved a sigh, "Cutie, you're supposed to look for a trophy wife who can cook and do chores. Not a monster like me who will destroy your perfect life. Also, we can't be together." Liam's heart nearly stopped in his chest when he heard her. His shoulders hunched, and he took a deep breath. 'Why?" He queried. "Because I love someone else." ~At times you have to choose between the one you love and the one who loves you. Ying Sheng learned this in a hard way.~ Two broken-hearted women, each broken in their own way.....with two determined men, ready to fix their broken pieces at all costs. This is a story of betrayal, love and second chances. Ready to enjoy the journey and learn along? *No evil mother-in-law, step-sister or cheating bestfriend *Not your usual cliche flash marriages novel *Bad girl X Good boy Tags: Flash Marriage #doting husband, #smut, #bad girl, #good boy, #betrayal #second chances #Strong female lead #Spirity-awards 2020 #Supernatural Note: Some chapters may be triggering for others but there is always a warning before reading. ^I'm not the owner of the cover. CREDITS TO THE OWNER. if the owner wants me to take it down just leave a comment. Thank you! Discord server: https://discord.gg/FXdVxp6 Join to chat with author, fellow readers and make friends.4.87
Embora fosse apenas um casamento por conveniência, Amelie Ashford era a esposa perfeita em todos os aspectos. Ela era inteligente, obediente e bem-respeitada. Era gentil com todos e devotada ao seu marido. E estava perfeitamente contente em passar o resto da vida assim, mesmo constantemente sendo pressionada a engravidar. Isso até que seu marido entrou em casa acompanhado por uma amante ao seu lado e, eventualmente, pediu o divórcio. "Muito bem," disse Amelie calmamente, "Eu irei divorciar-me de você." Os olhos de Richard brilharam ao ouvir sua esposa pronunciar essas palavras. No entanto, para sua surpresa, ela não havia terminado. "Mas não se surpreenda quando receber um convite para o meu próximo casamento." Para o choque de todos, Amelie de fato casou-se novamente, e com um homem mais jovem e, como se viu, mais rico! E ela fez questão de que seu ex-marido percebesse o que significava perder o apoio de uma mulher como ela. _____ "Fui criada para ser a esposa perfeita da alta sociedade, preparada para se destacar e permanecer vigilante. Tudo o que sabia era como forjar um sorriso, ler e trabalhar duro para garantir que ninguém ousasse menosprezar minha família. Mas no final, foi exatamente isso que me tornou entediante e sem graça. Então, quando meu marido decidiu se divorciar de mim, por que foi que Liam se apaixonou por mim?" Importante: FL não é uma Mary Sue. O divórcio acontece na segunda parte do romance, então cuidado com a sua pressão arterial.Esmeray nace en la prestigiosa familia Alfa, conocida como los Montague. Pero tras la prematura muerte de su padre, su vida se convierte en una pesadilla de abusos a manos de su cruel madrastra y hermanastro, quienes la atormentan por carecer de un lobo. Desesperada por la salvación, sueña con un compañero que vendría a rescatarla de la crueldad de su manada. Cuando finalmente llegó, sus esperanzas se destrozaron, ya que solo había venido para rechazarla. Su única conexión con el orgulloso legado de su familia es su llamativo cabello azul, una herencia sagrada de sus ancestros. Pero en un intento desesperado por la libertad, Esmeray se corta el cabello para escapar de ser vendida a un villano. Su audaz acción la lleva al precipicio de la muerte, despertando sin querer a un poderoso lobo demonio, encarcelado durante 15 largos años. Este Alfa demonio, que ha anhelado venganza y sed de sangre, se siente instantáneamente atraído por Esmeray en cuanto la percibe, y está decidido a mantenerla a su lado a cualquier costo. En el mundo de los lobos, la caza lo es todo — y él ha encontrado una presa digna de persecución.
Four rich and handsome brothers up against one girl! Asher, Ashton, Ashley and Ashal are the four quadruplet sons of the Rollins family, the wealthiest family in the country of Danvarr. They’re notorious for being sexy, smart businessmen like their father. The brothers never use their real names in public spaces and all go by ‘Ash Rollins’. They all wear the same hairstyle and swap identities almost all the time. Even their parents can’t always tell them apart. Only the brothers can. Demi is a sweet, hardworking twenty years old girl who works at a book store. When her boyfriend cheats on her because she wanted to wait till marriage, she makes a poor decision to drink for the first time. Her night is so crazy she wakes up at home with a marriage certificate in her hand signed by one Ash Rollins. The problem is she can’t recall much and doesn’t know which of the brothers she married. Typically, all the quads deny her claim and the billionaire family kicks her out of their mansion. Demi’s fate changes when the annulment of the marriage threatens the social image of the Rollins Empire. The family proposes Demi plays their daughter-in-law for a year till the tension blows over. Demi accepts only to teach the quads a lesson. Since her true husband won’t step up, Demi is allowed to choose any of the quads to be her husband. Her ‘real husband silently grows restless seeing her with his brother, but he isn’t the only one falling head over heels for the first daughter-in-law of the Rollins empire. All the brothers compete for Demi’s heart because she’s nothing like the women they’re used to. Will their obsession to win her heart finally tear the brothers apart or will Demi’s big secret do the trick? Which ‘Ash Rollins’ will win the girl in the end?
[Mature Content] [COMPLETED] Betrayed by her long-time boyfriend, Ashley had never felt so humiliated in her whole life. Ashley had always got what she wanted, being the over-pampered child of Richard Brown, but when the time to accept her relationship with Greg came, her father objected. She fought with him to prove their love was true until one good night when she caught him cheating on her with her close friend Jane. Disgusted, she walked into the club to let go of her feelings for him when she stumbled on a man with whom she ended up spending nightstands. She tried to forget it by rejecting him, only to be caught by him in the name of marriage. ****** Ashley Brown, the renowned face of the modeling industry, was a beauty with a brain. She was not only the most beautiful woman but also had a mouth that would slit you with her cruel words. Heartbroken by her only love, she not only let herself out but also slept with a man whom she had never seen. What would happen if that man turned out to be the prince charming whom no one had ever come across with? What will she do when she is asked to tie the knot with him at her father's request? Will Ashley ever make space for the man who wants to put the whole world beneath her feet? Join me in the journey of the most potent couple that will chop off everyone trying to harm them. **** "You don't know what effect you have on me, Ash. It's like I getting addicted to you every time our lips clash," he said, hovering her beneath his huge bulky body. "Then shouldn't you just give up as it will harm you," she said with the same sensual and passionate voice making him chuckle. "My beautiful wife, you know once I set my eyes on something, there is no returning, and now I have set my eyes on you, I won't stop unless you are out of breath, panting and gasping my name," his grey eyes winked at her as he bends down and captured her lips without any warning..... PS: The cover doesn't belong to me. Credit to the respected owner. **** Other novels My Forever with you-(Ongoing) His only Heaven-(Ongoing)4.87
"You said....you would always treasure me," the grandmaster smiled weakly, blood gurgling in his mouth as he gripped the blade that was firmly embedded into his chest. "Do...you like destroying the things you treasure, Chi Cheng?" Chi Cheng's eyes blazed with murderous intent, his lips curling into a snarl as he twisted the blade further into the Grandmaster's chest. "In all your perfections, dear Grandmaster, loving me was your greatest flaw." ************* Jing Ling was a celestial beast who was on the run from his brethren and had been banished by the Celestial Realm for his crimes and treason against the supreme courts. He sought refuge in the body of a deceased child from the Chi Clan in the mortal realm. Raised in the identity of the child, currently known as Chi Chengxin, he faces challenges related to his complex cultivation skills after seventeen years. Thus, Chi Chengxin sought solace in the affections of Han Yijun, a senior disciple of the Northern Ice Sect, despite the rumors about his lack of aptitude and the shame he brought to his clan during his new life. Chi Cheng's father enlists him as an Ice Sect pupil in the hopes that the Grandmaster of Ice will see his potential. And the idea of being with Han Yijun at last brings him joy. However, the charming and kind Han Yijun gives in to the pleasure of another, and on the first day of his arrival, he is betrayed and suffers heartache. But the Grandmaster, who is charmed by Chi Cheng but constrained by his oaths and obligations, has a sense of affection that heals his damaged heart. And Chi Cheng, using the Grandmaster's favour and love to his advantage, is more eager than ever to get revenge on Han Yijun. But Chi Cheng's nightmarish past become linked with his drive for vengeance and his mischievous actions that put him in danger. When he learns of the Grandmaster's true intentions, Chi Cheng becomes conflicted between his heart and mind. Is the Grandmaster a man he should love in the first place? But how can one love the man who intends to kill them? Read the story to find out! ********* Note: The story doesn't follow an omegaverse trope but there is a factor of mpreg much later in the story. join my discord server to chat with me: find link under my profile cover picture is ai made by meAvery Carter tried her hardest to live the life of a perfect, submissive daughter. However, one day, someone appeared claiming to be her real daughter, declaring that Avery was fake. Without hesitation, Avery gave up her position as the "real" daughter and returned to her biological parents. Many expected her to fall from grace after leaving her wealthy adoptive family, but she surprised everyone by lifting her biological family out of poverty. She transformed her mother and father’s lives, making them billionaires overnight. With a hundred billion dollars to her name, she became a master of technology and a talented woman, soaring straight to the peak of her life. But everything changed when she met Alexander Moran, a wealthy and handsome man. He was an absolute bigwig—decisive, cold, and callous. Yet, for some reason, he couldn’t stop tangling with her, always eager to give her all his love. On their first encounter, he said, "I'll give myself up as collateral." The second time they met, she questioned, "Why should I trust you?" After multiple encounters, his tone shifted. "You shouldn't have crossed this line, Avery, if you didn't want it to be like this." a sturdy arm wrapped around her swaying body. Her head grew hazy, and an intentional, hot sigh escaped her lips. 'How the hell did I get myself into this situation?' Avery thought, her mind spinning.
WSA 2025 How did it go?" Lily asked the next morning when Ava got to the living room. "Terribly." Ava replied flatly, dropping into one of the sofas. Sarah entered almost immediately and sent Ava a teasing and wicked smile. "Really? That bad? Lucas is really great in matters of the bedroom. Did you do something wrong?" "Our little new concubine here is a virgin." Sarah announced. Lily gasped and covered her mouth. "Oh God. That is not the kind of man you want to lose your virginity with," Lily said. Sarah burst into laughter at Lily's comment. "It's not funny," Ava scowled. "Actually it is. Better warm up to the idea because when Alpha Lucas Raventhorn wants to take you, he will in the roughest way possible." Sarah advised. "You mean like last night? I thought he was going to rip you in half." Ava rolled her eyes. "I like my men rough." "Well, I don't." Ava retorted. "If you are looking for flowers, love, and vanilla sex. You are a concubine to the wrong alpha." "Ain't that the truth." Ava murmured under her breath
Emily is considered a curse by her father, who abandoned her to live alone in the countryside the day she was born. However, when Emily comes of age, her father asks her to marry another man in place of her sister. She fights back but is poisoned by her father and stepmother, leaving her mute and without her wolf. Her fiancé, Alpha Klaus, is said to be nothing more than a head wolf with an empty title, and he's short-tempered and cruel, but is that really the case? "Tell me, why did you run away from your marriage?" Alpha Klaus puffed on his cigarette, sunglasses hiding his face, "Did you not want to marry me because you were afraid of me?" She fled, he chased. Wherever she was, he found her. She was treated like grass by her family, he treated her like a treasure. He sheltered her from the wind and rain and healed her from all her wounds. He took her in his arms, a warm snort in her face, and he whispered in her ear, "Emily, I ask you to think of me every day, just as I miss you." I want the rest of your memories to be with me. " Note: This book deals with adult content, violence and dark magic.Un sourire suffisant apparut sur les lèvres de sa demi-sœur lorsqu'elle révéla finalement qu'elle était réellement enceinte de l'enfant de son compagnon. La tentative inutile de son père de s'excuser, pour l'avoir ignorée tout ce temps, parce qu'il avait ses propres raisons et lui demandait de comprendre. Une supplique de pardon de la part de son compagnon alors qu'il la suppliait de ne pas le rejeter, affirmant que ce n'était qu'une stupide erreur qu'il n'aurait jamais dû commettre. Et pour couronner le tout, un alpha maudit du nord, à qui sa demi-sœur était en réalité promise, est ici pour récupérer sa dette, alors elle doit maintenant prendre sa place en tant que sacrifice. Zut !
Xia Lihua was born with a beautiful voice. A voice as sweet as hers was hard to find. She used to be her cousin sister's shadow singer. Her family exiled her to the United States when she was set up by her cousin sister and stepsister. She returned to her own country after completing high school in America only to discover her father had given orders for some guys to murder her. After narrowly escaping death, she was saved by a friend who rushed her to the hospital and with the help of a genius hacker she was able to eventually escape from the country, hiding in Milan for two years. Except for her grandfather who doted on her, the rest of the Xia family assumed that she was dead. After three years, she returned, stronger than ever, to face-slap the scumbags and exact retribution. She is now the nation's sister- a top idol and a movie queen. She is also known as the Ice Empress in business world! People called her the Nightingale because of her melodic voice, little did she know that she will be become the night songstress of the man whom she hated the most. She didn't know that she was the reason why the demon king couldn't sleep at night. All he could think about from morning till dusk was her. He could wreck devastation on earth for her, and this time he would do anything to keep her. The devil bigshot has made up his mind and is chasing her! Netizens: Is Emperor Yang pursuing you, sister Hua? Xia Lihua: No! He is just my ex-fiancé and a die-hard fan. Emperor Yang: What ex-fiancé? Bullshit! Tell them that you are my wife, little bird. Author note: The author is not Chinese and this is her own story. THIS IS NOT A TRANSLATION. [ Update: Cover art by- @dixerqua ;) (DO NOT STEAL!!!) ]Thrown back into the fragile body of her 15 year old self after a near death experience, Nnenna wakes up in a cold and loveless household, an adopted child meant only to keep the true child company. Rejected, ignored, and treated like a shadow, she had once quietly accepted her fate. But this time, things are different. Armed with a mysterious Love System, Nnenna gains the power to turn hate into love, one mission at a time all over the world. From mending broken friendships to healing hearts torn by betrayal, she earns "Good Points" that slowly transform the world around her. Yet, as her actions ripple outward, so do the echoes of her past life. Forgotten secrets resurface, her true origins, her parents' fates, and the shocking truth about those she left behind. Along her journey, two figures emerge from the haze of her past and present, a soul she thought she had lost forever and another who had been by her side all along. Both bring the promise of love, but will either of them earn her heart when she finally learns to love herself? With every mission, Nnenna discovers that love is a powerful force, not just for others but for the girl she’s becoming. But what happens when the cost of love threatens the second chance she’s fought so hard to build?
(*NO RAPE*) Kitanna stood still, not worried about the new person; she was worried about herself. The royal guard was shirtless and standing so close to her, with his body pinning hers. She was still trying to get her thoughts straight when she found herself being dragged onto the bed, with the guard on top of her. She raised her hands to push him, but he was faster. He caught both of her hands with one of his and pinned them above her head, using his other free hand to cover her mouth. Kitanna felt blood rush to her cheeks, and the next words she heard sent her world spinning in 3D. "Now, moan, princess..." Those words brushed against her ear, causing the hairs on her neck to stand. ......... Set in historical times, in the ancient kingdom of Morado. A young princess, Kitanna, enjoys life to the fullest, living every day like the princess she is. But after an incident, she is left to only trust herself and her instincts in the palace, which was filled with betrayals and corruption. A guard, who was trained to protect the crown, lived his life peacefully, killing when he was ordered to but never speaking to people around him until he crossed paths with the sassy and clumsy princess. Then everything changed. If you enjoy dark humors, royal romance and betrayals. Then this book is for you.4.84
[MATURE CONTENT] "Kiss or Kill?" "Karma." ***** Broken by a pack that was supposed to be home, Tamiko swore to never attend any mating ceremonies. He knew they would eventually reject him, so he didn't want to risk the heartbreak even more. However, a lonely best friend in need of a mate and a bunch of convincing later, Tamiko found himself at the entrance of the mating ceremony. As if that wasn't enough, the midnight moon gave him what he didn't want the most. A mate. But not just any mate. Gabe; the alpha's dark son, a man who made it his mission to make Tamiko's life harder, and also the man Tamiko hated more than life itself. As their eyes glowed in the night, Tamiko didn't see a mate, he saw a very rare opportunity; a chance to run, or be the one that Gabe ran from. He chose the latter. Like a gift from the moon, he realized the one thing that could burn down the Grealor pack. He bore the mark of lycan royalty, more precisely, King Zaffuto's mark. The outcast, Tamiko, was the lost lycan prince.Kaisar Naga Iblis Kuno, Su Han, pernah memerintah alam suci dan berkuasa selama seabad penuh sebagai orang terkuat di seluruh galaksi! Namun, setelah kematiannya akibat penyimpangan Qi yang mengamuk karena penggabungan tingkat kultivasi yang berbeda, para pengikutnya memberontak, kekasihnya terlelap dalam tidur yang panjang, dan sahabatnya menjadi buronan! Kini, setelah bereinkarnasi, Su Han pastinya akan kembali dan membalikkan keadaan, membunuh semua orang yang pernah mengkhianatinya!!!
Após ser traída pelo seu noivo e prima no dia de seu casamento, Zara, renascida com memórias dos erros passados, jura reescrever seu destino. Impulsivamente, ela se casa com um estranho para manter seu ex à distância, sem perceber que Snow está longe de ser apenas um acompanhante. Snow Zephyr, um CEO rico e alfa da Alcateia Crescente de Marfim, precisa de uma esposa de conveniência para apaziguar seu pai e garantir sua posição. Quando uma mulher determinada e audaciosa propõe um casamento por conveniência, Snow concorda, sem saber do caos que ela trará para sua vida. A escolha desafiadora de Zara provoca a fúria de seus pais, levando-a a ser expulsa da empresa e forçando-a a encontrar trabalho em outro lugar. Ela consegue um emprego na Aurora Conglomerate Inc., apenas para descobrir que seu novo chefe é Snow, o homem com quem se casou - e tio de seu ex. Faíscas voam à medida que a atração mútua cresce no meio da escuridão dos segredos da família dele e ameaças iminentes. A força e independência de Zara cativam Snow, que começa a vê-la como a possível Luna que sua alcateia precisa. Juntos, enfrentam ex-amantes vingativos, tramas de sequestro e rivalidades mortais. À medida que os poderes de Zara despertam, ela deve enfrentar as razões por trás do deserdar de sua família, as cláusulas ocultas em seu contrato de casamento e seu papel final no mundo de Snow. Quando seu casamento de conveniência se aprofunda em uma parceria genuína, surge um novo desafio na forma de um companheiro destinado. Zara lutará contra os perigos que a esperam ou abraçará seu verdadeiro destino?
"I Emma DRACKSON, hereby, reject you, Derek, Alpha of the Blue Moon's Pack as my mate." Derek's eyes twitched, and his fists balled, but Emma was far from being done. "Don't ever search for me for whatever reason. I never want to see you again all the days of my life. If I ever find any of your people spying on me, I will kill them, or better, I will burn them alive. Do you understand what I just said?" She asked when she was done. But Derek was mute. Melvina tried talking, but Emma shut her up with a wave of her hand." I'm disappointed in you, Melvina. So, keep shut." She stated in anger, not minding the murmurings from the crowd. She knew why, but she didn't care. Melvina wasn't her Luna. *** *Emma, a 17 years old gutsy teenager is shipped off to southern England by her Dad to complete her college studies; a strategic punishment to tame her wild behavior. On reaching there, she discovers that half of the campus population were paranormal creatures, she thought only existed in comic books and novellas. She also discovered that she wasn't really her father's daughter, but was kept by him because of an oath made to a hidden lover. What happens when she uncovers the fact that she wasn't the average human girl, rather a fulfilled prophecy; a reincarnated queen mated to an Alpha wolf. What path does she choose when she is rejected by the Alpha wolf in the face of grueling circumstances?