*SHE: "This is not love, this is pity" HE:"PITY?... I am not sure if it is love or not, but it definitely is not pity, it is RESPECT" * *SHE:To love is to trust and I cannot trust you....my mind will not let me" HE: "You love with your mind? I love with my heart and heart does not understand logic it just blindly trusts"* He has never known true love. She has gone through a bad trauma due to how easily she used to trust. Now destiny has brought them into each other's orbit... will she show him what love is?, will he teach her to trust with all her heart again? or will this be another tragedy in both their lives ?...
There are many games out in the world, but I liked this one single game, the game which took the gaming community like a storm, everyone talked about it and everyone wanted to play it. I was no different, I was just a girl who loved games, and yet somehow after two long years of playing the game, I ended up inside the game as a villainous extra with not a single line in the game's progression! But that does not mean I am going to die like in the original! ******************* The golden light enveloped everything as the red sun slowly rose. A woman stood amidst a battlefield painted red with the blood of many fallen soldiers and wizards. Her long black hair, which looked like a void, cascaded around her in the morning breeze, which carried the pungently sweet scent of death. Her clear blue eyes, which resembled the deep and vast ocean, stared directly at the blonde man in shining armor. Her arms loosely hung as her posture stooped, she waved her two short, intricately designed black daggers dripping with blood at the man taunting him. The blonde-haired, handsome man stared at her with his determined blue eyes as he pointed his big and glimmering sword at her. The woman's stone-cold face slowly turned to a malicious sneer as she licked the blood in her daggers right before charging at the man. ***
Lord Venom, ventures into the depths of Hell seeking the legendary Wings of Azrael, an artifact said to grant immense power over time and space. To claim his prize, he must defeat Moloch's champion, the fearsome War Beast Echeneis, in a duel to the death. Anticipating foul play, Venom cunningly tricks the denizens of Hell by disguising himself as a demon and transferring his consciousness into his dog. Despite the odds stacked against him, Venom leverages his wit, forbidden knowledge from a magic tome, and the War Beast's weakness to Heaven's light. After a fearsome battle, Venom emerges victorious, killing and consuming the heart of the War Beast. Having bested Hell's champions through his ingenuity, Venom wins the Wings of Azrael. His triumph shocks the cosmic realms - a mere mortal has outsmarted celestial beings and proven his might. Venom's legend is cemented as he achieves his ambitions through ruthlessness and guile.
Two boys: both from different households- social class and upbringing: find their fates intertwined with one another. Kel and Rae meet through a community swimming course as children. Growing older they became close friends. However, everything they loved was about to crash down on them. Kel having the same dream nearly every night: Earth crumbling to nothing. Fires burning, millions dead and the beings of heaven and hell striking eachother down using the mortal world as their battlefield. Having ignored these dreams; Rae is suddenly taken one day by a demon of the underworld. Kel, lacking the power to save him, blames himself for the disappearance of his friend: when he is approached by angels that bring him to heaven. The other heavenly beings bow to Kel; regarding him as the new ruler of the heavens. Being given the sword of Michael: Kel sets out to find a way to bring Rae back from the clutches of Satan. Or so he thinks.
You’re a naturally heroic and quick-thinking space captain flying a starship from world to world while keeping your hair groomed to perfection. It’s your duty to keep the engine running, the scotch flowing, the crew happy, and your outfit looking fabulous. There’s carnivorous flora, deceptive aliens, space anomalies, horrifying creatures, and too many arch enemies to keep track of them all! Can you survive?
Throughout all of history, there are times where the era shapes multiple figures and the world gets thrown upside down. 7 angels herald the birth of gifted and divine individuals that will shape this era, but the birth of Thomas was not heralded by angels. Instead it was the joy of nature on a lonely mountaintop that heralded his birth. In a world not his own, he must find those who will share their strength with him to shape the world into his image.
Los ángeles sanadores tienen como misión viajar hasta la Tierra para hacer felices a las personas por el resto de sus vidas. Los Dioses son quienes eligen alguno de estos seres y los enlazan con las personas. ━━━━━━━❰✭❱━━━━━━━ Uno entre esos millones de ángeles fue elegido para ser llevado con los mortales y completar con su misión... Isaac. Su persona escogida al azar era Kaleth, alguien completamente opuesto en todos los sentidos hacia él. "Será fácil", pensaba. El problema llega cuando Kaleth no parece nada interesado, ni siquiera en mínimamente ser su amigo. Ante esto, Isaac se verá obligado a hacerlo feliz... Pero no con intenciones de ser solo amigos. Lo único que faltaba en la vida de Kaleth para llegar al tope de la felicidad no era una amistad... Era amor, un amor el cual siempre este allí, un amor que esté dispuesto a todo si es por él, un amor que no pueda vivir sin su presencia, y por sobre todo, que lo ame de verdad. Y si esa era la única forma de cumplir con su misión, Isaac estaba dispuesto a ser aquel amor. ━━━━━━━❰✭❱━━━━━━━ "No debes de enamorarte" Era una de las tres reglas para los ángeles que eran llevados hacia la Tierra. Muchos no cumplían con ella... Él no sería la excepción. ━━━━━━━❰✭❱━━━━━━━ ◈ Capítulos cortos, con algunas excepciones. ◈ Partes con lenguaje ofensivo. ◈ Violencia física. ◈ Idea original. ◈ Contenido principalmente homosexual.
Aditya and Lily are brilliant scientists who have developed a groundbreaking new device capable of manipulating atoms. They're on the cusp of revolutionizing the world of science when their colleague Arjun, consumed by jealousy, tampers with the device. Unbeknownst to Arjun, the device is actually an atomic device, and his interference causes a massive explosion that opens a portal to another world. Aditya and Lily are thrown through the portal and find themselves in a strange, fantastical world unlike anything they've ever seen before. As they struggle to make sense of their new surroundings, they discover that they've been given incredible powers in this new world - powers that allow them to control the very atoms around them. But as Aditya and Lily begin to explore their new world, they realize that they're not alone. There are other beings here, some of them benevolent, others decidedly less so. And they soon find themselves caught up in a dangerous struggle for power and control, as various factions fight for dominance over this strange and wondrous land. As they navigate the dangers of this new world, Aditya and Lily must also grapple with their own relationship. They've always been close, but the pressures of their new surroundings threaten to tear them apart. Will their bond be strong enough to withstand the challenges ahead? Only time will tell in this thrilling tale of adventure, romance, and scientific discovery.
The death of her sister turned Amelia’s world upside down. Heartbroken, the small-town girl sets out on a quest to find out what happened to Sophia. Travelling to London, Amelia is catapulted into a magical world that soon threatens her life. A world where nothing is as it appears, and good and evil wear the same dangerously alluring mask. Her only chance of safety lies in the mysterious antique store owner Mr Noble, the last person to see her sister Sophia alive. Hiding in his safe haven, the beautiful crimson-eyed man bears the scars from a past filled with suffering and betrayal. Yet Amelia, blessed with a special gift, might be his first chance of redemption and a new life. The pair strikes a risky deal, one that will put Amelia in the midst of a bloody family feud like no other. As feelings between them blossom, they will both uncover bitter truths and dark secrets that might lead one of them to their downfall.
"Emotions; this was the capability of the heart. It could compose a symphony of emotions, some audible, some not, yet they all came together to make up a song. Emotions were like music; anyone could listen to them, but not many people could truly understand what went into them. What emotions went into making a song determined its outcome. All songs have multiple parts; some parts were so quiet that you could barely hear them, but without them, the song becomes bland. Emotions are the same way as you simply cannot only feel one emotion at a time; happiness may be intertwined with guilt, and sadness may be twisted with hope. You cannot control what emotions you feel, as you feel all emotions all of the time. Emotions are inescapable, as is the beating of your heart. The moment either of them end is the moment your life will end, slowly fading into nothing." - yeetitetatious (me) The heart is the center of all emotion. Emotion is what makes us human. But too much of any emotion will break us completely. But what if your heart is made of Ruby? What if emotions were under your control? Would you choose to break people? Or would you help them up after they fall? After being blessed with the Ruby heart, Lin Hai is forced to make this decision in a cruel world. Watch as he ventures through a world beyond repair, climbing his way to the top as an angelic devil, sent from both heaven and hell to fix this crumbling world. (Author's note: the ability to control emotions will come extremely late in the novel, but the precursors to it will show up early on, probably as early as chapter 20 or so. Since it is the most important aspect of his character, if it appeared too early on, it would be extremely boring for him to use the same thing every time he got in a fight. I will be working on making his character contain depth and emotions unlike the MCs of a lot of other novels, so you can look forward to that)
"The war between good and evil is not waged with great armies, but one life at a time." Theodore Banner (Ted to his friends, if he had any) is the unluckiest man on either side of the Atlantic Ocean. He's in a dead-end job, has no money, has never had a girlfriend, and just can't seem to catch a break. That is, until one day when he meets an extraordinarily charming man and an unbelievably beautiful woman. As luck (or unluck) would have it, Ted comes to find out that the man is his Demon and the woman is his Angel. Shenanigans ensue as the suave Demon and benevolent Angel fight to bring Ted over to their respective sides. Ted, too distracted by the fact that he has friends for the first time in his life, does not understand the reason behind his sudden importance. But there is something far greater at play than luck, and Ted soon learns that he has to make a choice. Free Will demands it.
The last Blood Angel comes home after 20 years. Knowing nothing about The Blood Angel or being a princess, Kyoca's life beings to change when she meets Marko. Heyio kept his vow to keep her away til it was time. With Marko under the spell of who took him, he fights himself to protect his little girl. Kyoca, a sweet girl, now must fight for the freedom of Boyfriend Reyco, her "father" Heyio, her real father Marko, and the rest of The Blood Angels. But how can sweet Kyoca fight with no mean bone in her body. With only one Book of Blood, she must forget all she knows and learn of to fight. You have been Warned this will have blood, foul word, and Is Rated R for some parts. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!!!! *I, the author, am from Wattpad sharing my stories from there to here.*
Os Quatro Cavaleiros do Apocalipse. Um título passado de geração em geração, sempre carregado por figuras temidas e poderosas. Desta vez, porém, quatro irmãos selaram um pacto com um demônio, tornando-se os novos Cavaleiros — Guerra, Fome, Peste e Morte. Mas, ao contrário de seus predecessores, eles ainda eram humanos, divididos entre a destruição e a redenção. "Quando o fim estiver próximo, é melhor correr, mas quando você é o apocalipse, dá para lutar com o fim... e dá para vencer." Assinado: Morte.
a man drained of blood without a single wound, zero explanation, this story is about a city there is no main character, for they all shine equally on the stage set before the ones who watch them this is a story of broken people and twisted souls, a story about fantastic world that exists just out of site who's events have been recorded in this the universal Grimoire