LGBT BL - OMEGAVERSE 18+ Claire Chester, a student who had just moved up to Grade 11, felt that his school life was much better after he was finally recognized by many students as a popular Alpha. He was good at fighting and could also socialize well. However, no one knew the secret behind the popular Claire was actually a recessive Omega who refused to recognize himself as an Omega. Bad memories of when everyone knew his identity made Claire do everything he could to cover up his identity as an Omega and everything went very well. Until he made a mistake when he met a cold Alpha who seemed to be shunned by everyone, Fein Stanford. "Give me your money or I'll beat you up!" Claire ordered Fein. However, Fein instead cornered Claire against the wall and locked the man up. "What's with that face of yours, hmn? Oh what is it, I smell some pretty sweet pheromones in here," he said with a smirk on his face. From that day on, things changed in Claire's life as one annoying Alpha found out his identity. Will Claire be able to mask his identity for much longer? Or is this the beginning of his nightmare with Fein Standford?
"Not here, weakling! We're going to meet at the stream close to the pack's border in an hour, then you can show me what you got." He informed her. "Fine, challenge accepted! But if I defeat you, you're going to stop bullying me and leave me be!" Aurora gritted out. "Sure." He replied her. "The hatred I have for you will stop when you're no more. Over there, nobody will come to your rescue and I can finally tear you apart. Nobody disrespects Dante and go scot free!" Dante thought inwardly as he walked away. Aurora's life was supposed to be perfect as she was of a noble birth but unfortunately, it was nowhere near perfection. Her father was the beta, the second in command to the Alpha of their pack and her mother was one of the pack's strong warriors. As she was the first daughter, she was treated like a flower, sheltered from harm, sadness, disturbance and trouble, and was only exposed to pure joy, pure love, happiness and everything beautiful while growing up but her life wasn't full of roses, as she grew older! Growing up, she had believed she would be normal like every other werewolf in her pack and the entire werewolf community, but alas, she was strangely different. She was the only werewolf in her pack that had no wolf, an inner animal, thus she was treated like an outcast. While other werewolves got their wolves on their sixteenth birthdays, hers refused to show up. Not even when she turned eighteen. Not even when she met her mate!!!``` ¿Qué pasa cuando una diosa se enamora de un cambiaformas? Asara, la diosa del amor, fue castigada por su padre, el dios del trueno. Su delito fue enamorarse de un mortal cambiaformas alfa. Para pagar por sus pecados fue reencarnada como Cassandra LeBlanc, una princesa mortal en el mágico Reino de Speldaria. Su familia y su reino, exceptuando a su hermana mediana, la rechazaron porque nació sin ninguna habilidad mágica y no tenía recuerdos de su verdadera identidad. Su prometido, el poderoso mago comandante de Speldaria, no se inmutaba por ella. Deseaba a alguien fuerte. La vida de Cassandra se trastornó cuando recibió como obsequio un esclavo guerrero por parte del poderoso alfa de Dusartine. Se le pidió que participase en el Evento Anual de la Arena colaborando con el guerrero. Cassandra, que odiaba "La Arena" con todo su ser —un lugar donde la sangre fluía como el vino y la vida era más barata que el propio aire que respiraban—, no entendía su propósito en ella. Encima de eso, el misterioso guerrero la afectaba de maneras inimaginables. Su mirada hipnótica la desconcertaba. Su esencia rara la abrumaba. Su cuerpo bronceado y musculoso la consumía con pensamientos pecaminosos. Incluso los sueños de su vida pasada la atormentaban. Cuando "La Arena" comenzó, las agendas ocultas y las verdades subyacentes salieron a la luz y a Cassandra se le presentó un destino. No le quedó más opción que ceder y elegir un camino. La pregunta sería: —¿Cómo enfrentará Cassandra una vez que se entere de la maldición que se le ha impuesto? —¿Podrá obtener sus habilidades mágicas y enfrentarse a su padre? —¿Quién la ayudará en su viaje? ~Extracto~ Entonces lo sintió, todo él. Toda su aspereza. ``` ``` La fuerza de su brazo. La suavidad de sus labios. El agarre de su mano. El calor de su aliento. Cada músculo de su cuerpo se tensó al pensar en las implicaciones de dormir en brazos de un hombre. Nunca antes había dormido en el abrazo de un varón. Toda su piel hormigueaba como pequeñas chispas danzando en las partes que lo tocaban. Las grietas de su cerebro tenían estos recuerdos que no eran suyos. Este roce de alguna manera no le parecía ajeno. Se sentía segura en su abrazo tranquilizador y no deseaba apartarlo, y sin embargo sabía que esto no era para nada apropiado. Cassandra intentó zafarse de su agarre, pero sus brazos parecían hechos de hierro, pues no se movían. La ligera prenda que había llevado se había alzado de su muslo de leche dejándolo al descubierto, mientras el musculoso y bronceado de él se posaba sobre el suyo. Y ahora podía sentir algo punzándola en la espalda. Sus ojos de repente se expandieron al darse cuenta y Cassandra entró en pánico total. —¡Suéltame! —dijo con voz grave. Siroos lentamente levantó su pierna y aflojó su agarre en su cintura para que pudiera moverse. Se había despertado cuando ella se tensó por primera vez, pero deseaba ver qué intentaría. Con los ojos muy abiertos le echó un vistazo al hombre que la tenía envuelta en su abrazo como a un tesoro precioso, su tesoro. Sus ojos dorados fundidos se abrieron y había una suavidad y deseo con los que la miraba. Aquellos suaves rizos marrones le caían sobre los ojos mientras olvidaba parpadear, observando la belleza eterna que era ella. Su fragancia única era una tortura para sus sentidos. —Cómo deseaba tomar su delicado tobillo, jalarla hacia él y tenerla esparcida bajo su cuerpo —murmuró—. Besar la misma piel que desprendía tal aroma que le estaba volviendo loco. En su lugar, dobló su brazo y lo colocó debajo de su mejilla usándolo como una almohada para mirarla con ojos llenos de deseo. El silencio incómodo entre ellos se prolongó mientras Cassandra se aclaraba la garganta. —¿Tenías que subirte sobre mí para dormir? —preguntó. —No fue intencional, pero ciertamente fue tentador y definitivamente no será la última vez —su voz profundamente hipnótica era aún más seductora temprano en la mañana cuando resonaba a su alrededor. La portada del libro es mía. ```
Estoy siendo cazada. Bueno, no exactamente yo. Alguien quiere poner sus manos sobre el genio detrás de Farmacéuticos A.M.K. Solo que no saben que soy yo. He descubierto una forma de negar el olor de cualquiera, cambiaformas o humano. Pensarías que no sería para tanto... los desodorantes prometen lo mismo, pero mi producto no es como esos. Mi producto hace a sus usuarios invisibles para los cambiaformas. No, no así. Pero los cambiaformas necesitan el olor más que casi cualquier otra cosa para identificar y encontrar a una persona. Sin olor, no pueden rastrear a su presa, ni oler a un enemigo acercándose por detrás. Originalmente lo creé para que mi padre adoptivo y yo pudiéramos evitar a la comunidad de cambiaformas. Nadie debía saber sobre ello. Hasta que un pajarito dijo algo que no debía a la persona equivocada. Ahora los humanos me persiguen y los cambiaformas quieren que esté muerta. Pero está bien. Eso no fue lo único que se me ocurrió. Y si soy tan silenciosa como un ratón, nadie me verá venir hasta que sea demasiado tarde. Esta será una novela RH, la FMC no tendrá que elegir. No MM Mira mis otras obras: Renacimiento en el Apocalipsis: A la tercera va la vencida (Libro 1 de la Serie Renacimiento) - Completado Luchar, huir o congelarse: La historia del Sanador (Libro 2 de la Serie Renacimiento) - En curso Naves de Star - Completado Bailando con Monstruos - En curso Parte de Tu Mundo - En curso (Libro 2 de la Serie Naves de Star) Discord: Sakura#6289 Instagram: @devil_besideyou666 ¡Mira mi canal de discord para el primer capítulo!
ADVERTENCIA: CONTENIDO PARA ADULTOS! ~¿Quién hubiera pensado que el joven hijo del Alfa se enamoraría de su niñera?!~ Ella era como la madre que nunca tuvo, la hermana mayor que siempre quiso, su ÚNICA mejor amiga. Después de un incidente en la manada de Dark Risers, el Alfa envía a su hijo a otra manada para ser entrenado y formado en una mejor persona; el futuro Alfa. Doce años después, Daniel regresa convertido en un adolescente completamente desarrollado con un alto impulso sexual y deseo por mujeres hermosas. A tan corta edad, maneja la manada por sí solo y también soporta la presión de encontrar una compañera de los ancianos y sus parientes. Pero Daniel no quiere una compañera. Nunca lo hace y nunca lo hará. ¿Por qué quedarse con una mujer que le causaría problemas en lugar de pasar cada noche con mujeres de su elección? ¿Vivirá solo en sus placeres carnales o retractará sus palabras? I.G: C3e_Jay Discord: C3e_Jay#0881 Servidor de Discord: Descargo de responsabilidad: La portada del libro no es mía. Fuentes y diseño por mí. (◔‿◔) Estado del Volumen 1: COMPLETADO Estado del Volumen 2: EN CURSO Estado del Volumen 3: PRÓXIMAMENTE Extracto; para el Volumen (2) Pero...” John sostuvo la almohada en su mano con una mirada seria y reflexiva. “¿Es esto lo que realmente quieres?” Jephthah levantó la vista de donde estaba terminando un boceto de Talia y frunció el ceño ligeramente. “¿De qué estás hablando?” John suspiró y se acercó a él y Jephthah se tensó porque su hermano parecía realmente serio. Y cuando lo hacía, siempre tenía algo realmente importante que decir. “Quieres que Talia sea tu compañera predestinada, ¿verdad?” “Más que nada en el mundo.” Jephthah dijo sin perder el compás, una luz brillando en sus ojos como estrellas, pero que se apagó cuando notó que John todavía tenía esa mirada seria en su rostro. “John, ¿Qué está mal?” “Jephthah,” John suspiró. “Somos gemelos... lo sabes, ¿verdad?” Jephthah casi giró su cabeza ante la estúpida pregunta. “¿Y qué?” “Y somos como dos guisantes en una vaina. Somos la mitad uno del otro.” Jephthah entrecerró los ojos hacia él. “¿Crees que TÚ podrías ser mi compañera?” John le golpeó la cabeza con una almohada esta vez. “¡No!” “Entonces ve al grano, John.” “El 70% de las chicas que están emparejadas con un gemelo generalmente también están emparejadas con...” hizo una pausa mirando a Jephthah a los ojos antes de terminar su frase. “el otro gemelo también.” El lápiz se le cayó de las manos, rodó sobre la hoja de papel de lienzo y cayó con un golpe al suelo, la punta afilada del grafito se rompió para caer junto a la puerta. “¿Qué?!”
Was passiert, wenn sich eine Göttin in einen Shifter verliebt? Asara, die Göttin der Liebe, wurde von ihrem Vater, dem Gott des Donners, bestraft. Ihr Verbrechen war es, sich in einen sterblichen Shifter-Alpha zu verlieben. Um für ihre Sünden zu büßen, wurde sie als Cassandra LeBlanc wiedergeboren; eine sterbliche Prinzessin im magischen Königreich von Speldaria. Ihre Familie und ihr Königreich, mit Ausnahme ihrer mittleren Schwester, mieden sie, weil sie ohne magische Fähigkeiten geboren wurde und sich nicht an ihre wahre Identität erinnern konnte. Ihr Verlobter, der mächtige Magierkommandant von Speldaria, war von ihr unbeeindruckt. Er wünschte sich eine starke Frau. Cassandras Leben geriet aus den Fugen, als sie vom mächtigen Alpha von Dusartine eine Kriegersklavin geschenkt bekam. Sie wurde gebeten, an dem jährlichen Arenawettkampf teilzunehmen und mit dem Krieger zusammenzuarbeiten. Cassandra hasste die "Arena" mit ihrem eigenen Atem. Ein Ort, an dem Blut wie Wein floss und das Leben billiger war als die Luft, die sie atmeten, verstand sie nicht, was sie dort sollte. Hinzu kam, dass der geheimnisvolle Krieger sie in unvorstellbarer Weise beeinflusste. Sein hypnotischer Blick beunruhigte sie. Seine seltene Essenz überwältigte sie. Sein muskulöser, gebräunter Körper verzehrte sie mit sündigen Gedanken. Sogar die Träume aus ihrem früheren Leben quälten sie. Als "Die Arena" begann, kamen die verborgenen Absichten und unterschwelligen Wahrheiten ans Licht und Cassandra wurde vom Schicksal in die Hände gespielt. Ihr blieb keine andere Wahl, als sich zu fügen und einen Weg zu wählen. Die Frage wird sein. Wie wird Cassandra zurechtkommen, wenn sie von dem Fluch erfährt, der auf ihr lastet? Wird sie in der Lage sein, ihre magischen Fähigkeiten zu erhalten und sich gegen ihren Vater zu behaupten? Wer wird ihr auf ihrem Weg helfen? ~Auszug~ Dann spürte sie ihn, ihn ganz und gar. Seine ganze Schroffheit. Die Stärke seines Arms. Die Sanftheit seiner Lippen. Den Griff seiner Hand. Die Wärme seines Atems. Jeder Muskel in ihrem Körper spannte sich bei dem Gedanken an den Schlaf in den Armen eines Mannes an. Sie hatte noch nie in der Umarmung eines Mannes geschlafen. Ihre ganze Haut kribbelte wie kleine Funken, die auf den Stellen tanzten, die mit ihm verbunden waren. In den Spalten ihres Gehirns waren diese Erinnerungen, die nicht die ihren waren. Irgendwie kam ihr diese Berührung nicht fremd vor. Sie fühlte sich in seiner beruhigenden Umarmung sicher und wollte ihn nicht wegstoßen, und doch wusste sie, dass dies alles andere als angemessen war. Cassandra versuchte, sich aus seinem Griff zu befreien, aber seine Arme schienen aus Eisen zu sein, denn sie ließen sich nicht bewegen. Das leichte Kleid, das sie getragen hatte, hatte sich von ihrem milchigen Oberschenkel gelöst und entblößte ihn, während sein braungebrannter, muskulöser Schenkel darauf lag. Und jetzt spürte sie, wie etwas in ihren Rücken stach. Ihre Augen weiteten sich plötzlich bei dieser Erkenntnis und Cassandra geriet völlig in Panik. "Lass los!" stieß sie schwerfällig hervor. Siroos hob langsam sein Bein und lockerte seinen Griff um ihre Taille, damit sie wegschlurfen konnte. Er war aufgewacht, als sie sich zum ersten Mal versteift hatte, aber er wollte sehen, was sie versuchen würde. Mit weit aufgerissenen Augen warf sie einen Blick auf den Mann, der sie wie einen kostbaren Schatz, seinen Schatz, in seine Umarmung gehüllt hatte. Seine geschmolzenen goldenen Augen hatten aufgeflackert, und da war diese Sanftheit und Sehnsucht, mit der er sie anstarrte. Die weichen braunen Locken fielen ihm über die Augen, während er vergaß zu blinzeln und die zeitlose Schönheit betrachtete, die sie war. Ihr einzigartiger Duft war eine Tortur für seine Sinne. Wie sehr wünschte er sich, ihren zierlichen Knöchel zu packen, sie von ihm wegzuziehen und sie unter sich auszustrecken. Die Haut zu küssen, die diesen Duft verströmte, der ihn in den Wahnsinn trieb. Stattdessen legte er den Arm unter seine Wange und benutzte ihn wie ein Kissen, um sie mit begehrlichen Augen zu beobachten. Die peinliche Pause zwischen ihnen wurde noch länger, als Cassandra sich räusperte. "Musstest du auf mich klettern, um zu schlafen?" "Es war keine Absicht, aber es war sehr verlockend, und es wird bestimmt nicht das letzte Mal gewesen sein." Seine zutiefst hypnotisierende Stimme war so früh am Morgen noch verlockender, als sie um sie herum erklang. Das Buchcover ist von mir.
A college senior goes on a vacation to Italy with her classmates and her world flips upside down when she dies and wakes up as an immortal. Seraphina can't go back to London where everyone thinks she is dead, yet her existence is not common among immortals either. She is the first of her kind and many would kill to find out how her adopted father managed to grant her eternal life. Join Seraphina in her journey of finding out who she became as she drifts between accepting her new fantastic reality and dealing with her past. --- This is Book 1 in the series "Amara" where you get to join Seraphina in her journey of accepting her immortality. FL is strong, smart and she does not depend on ML. Expect drama, mystery, and romance in a modern-fantasy setting. If you are under age 18 or sensitive to adult content, I suggest you skip this novel. --- Excerpt from the novel... I stepped on the threshold and the clamor quieted down in one quick wave that swept through the classroom as people stared at me and spoke in whispers. Those were my classmates, the ones that degraded me due to my poor background, but now things are different. I met their eyes with confidence and there I saw him, behind the last desk on the right, that is made for two. He was looking at his phone and ignoring two women who talked to him. The time replaced his boyish features with mature ones, and he became the handsome man who must be the cause of many wet dreams. The lack of noise got his attention. It took him a second to spot me, and the world faded at the moment our eyes met. The magic between us was the same as I remember, but stronger. Probably because we are not kids anymore. Now we are grownups and trying to label this feeling that engulfed me as anything other than attraction laced with lust, would be denying the obvious. Damn! I thought that by coming to this reunion I will be able to get over my infatuation that stems from my dreams. I was confident that I will realize he was never mine, to begin with. It was just a teenage crush that should have died with my mortal self. But as his endlessly blue eyes bore into mine, I was unable to resist the aching need to get closer. Oh, boy... I am in trouble. Aren't I? --- Connect with me. Facebook: Discord: Instagram: --- I own the cover. --- Give my other novels a try! - Is this Destiny? - Accident Prone - The Alpha's Bride - The Supreme Alpha (Book 2 in Amara series)Annes Leben nimmt eine unerwartete Wendung, als sie ihren Gefährten, den Alpha-Wolfsfürsten Damien, trifft. Ihre Welt zerbricht, als er sie zurückweist und sie aus dem Rudel und ins Exil wirft. Um dem sicheren Tod zu entgehen, flieht Anne in die Welt der Menschen und verbirgt ihre wahre Natur und das Geheimnis, das sie in sich trägt. Fünf Jahre später hat sich Anne ein neues Leben unter den Menschen aufgebaut und zieht ihren Sohn in Frieden auf. Als Damien unerwartet auf Anne stößt und ihr Kind, den Erben seines Rudels, entdeckt, werden alte Wunden wieder aufgerissen und vergessene Bande neu entfacht. Damien ist entschlossen, zurückzufordern, was er verloren hat, aber Anne ist nicht mehr derselbe gebrochene Wolf, der ihn einst liebte. Sie ist stärker, beschützerisch und nicht gewillt, noch einmal verletzt zu werden. Während Damien darum kämpft, ihr Vertrauen zurückzugewinnen und ihren Sohn in sein Erbe zu integrieren, müssen sie sich auf einen Pfad aus Verrat, Erlösung und unbekannten Feinden begeben. Kann Anne der Vergangenheit verzeihen und eine Zukunft mit dem Mann akzeptieren, der ihr einst das Herz gebrochen hat? Und kann Damien beweisen, dass er der Partnerin und des Kindes, die er verlassen hat, würdig ist?
WARNUNG: REIFER INHALT! ~Wer hätte je gedacht, dass sich der Sohn des jungen Alphas in sein Kindermädchen verliebt? Sie war wie die Mutter, die er nie hatte, die ältere Schwester, die er sich immer gewünscht hat, sein EINZIGER bester Freund. Nach einem Zwischenfall im Rudel der Dark Risers schickt der Alpha seinen Sohn in ein anderes Rudel, um ihn zu einem besseren Menschen, dem zukünftigen Alpha, auszubilden und zu erziehen. Zwölf Jahre später kehrt Daniel als erwachsener Teenager mit einem starken Sexualtrieb und einer Vorliebe für schöne Frauen zurück. In diesem jungen Alter muss er sich allein um das Rudel kümmern und auch den Druck der Ältesten und seiner Verwandten ertragen, eine Partnerin zu finden. Aber Daniel will keine Gefährtin. Wollte er nie und wird er auch nie wollen. Warum sollte er sich an eine Frau binden, die ihm nur Ärger macht, als jede Nacht mit einer Frau seiner Wahl zu verbringen? Wird er allein mit seinen fleischlichen Gelüsten leben oder seine Worte essen? I.G: C3e_Jay Diskord: C3e_Jay#0881 Discord-Server: Haftungsausschluss: Buchcover nicht von mir. Schriftarten und Design von mir. (◔‿◔) Band 1 Status: COMPLETED Status von Band 2: IN BETRIEB Status von Band 3: DEMNÄCHST Auszug; für Band (2) Aber ..." John hielt das Kissen mit einem ernsten, nachdenklichen Blick in seiner Hand. "Ist es das, was du wirklich willst?" Jephthah sah von seiner Skizze von Talia auf und runzelte leicht die Stirn. "Wovon redest du?" John seufzte und trat näher an ihn heran, und Jephthah verkrampfte sich, weil sein Bruder sehr ernst aussah. Und wenn er das tat, hatte er immer etwas wirklich Wichtiges zu sagen. "Du willst, dass Talia deine Schicksalsgefährtin wird, nicht wahr?" "Mehr als alles andere auf der Welt." sagte Jephthah, ohne einen Ton zu verpassen, ein Licht glitzerte in seinen Augen wie Sterne, aber es verblasste, als er bemerkte, dass John immer noch diesen ernsten Gesichtsausdruck hatte. "John, was ist los?" "Jephthah", seufzte John. "Wir sind Zwillinge ... das weißt du doch, oder?" Jephthah zuckte fast mit dem Kopf über die dumme Frage. "Und?" "Und wir sind wie zwei Erbsen in einer Schote. Wir sind jeweils die Hälfte des anderen." Jephthah sah ihn mit zusammengekniffenen Augen an. "Glaubst du, DU könntest mein Gefährte sein?" Diesmal schlug John seinen Kopf mit einem Kissen. "Nein!" "Dann komm direkt zur Sache, John." "70 % der Mädchen, die mit einem Zwilling gepaart sind, sind in der Regel auch mit...", er machte eine Pause und sah Jephthah in die Augen, bevor er seinen Satz beendete. "auch mit dem anderen Zwilling." Der Bleistift löste sich aus seinem Griff, rollte über das Blatt Papier und fiel mit einem dumpfen Schlag auf den Boden, wobei das spitze Ende des Graphits abbrach und neben die Tür fiel. "Was?!"
O que acontece quando uma deusa se apaixona por um shifter? Asara, a deusa do amor, foi punida por seu pai, o deus do trovão. Seu crime foi se apaixonar por um mortal Alfa shifter. Para pagar por seus pecados, ela renasceu como Cassandra LeBlanc; uma mortal Princesa no mágico Reino de Speldaria. Sua família e seu reino, exceto sua irmã do meio, rejeitaram-na pois ela nasceu sem nenhuma habilidade mágica e não tinha recordações de sua verdadeira identidade. Seu prometido, o poderoso comandante mago de Speldaria, estava indiferente a ela. Ele desejava alguém forte. A vida de Cassandra foi revirada quando ela recebeu um escravo guerreiro pelo poderoso Alfa de Dusartine. Ela foi convidada a participar do Evento Anual da Arena colaborando com o guerreiro. Cassandra, que odiava 'A Arena' com todo o seu ser. Um lugar onde o sangue fluía como vinho e a vida era mais barata que o próprio ar que respiravam, não entendia seu propósito ali. Além disso, o misterioso guerreiro a afetava de maneiras inimagináveis. Seu olhar hipnótico a desestabilizava. Sua essência rara a sobrecarregava. Seu corpo musculoso e bronzeado a consumia com pensamentos pecaminosos. Até mesmo os sonhos de sua vida passada a atormentavam. Quando 'A Arena' começou, as agendas ocultas e verdades subjacentes vieram à tona e Cassandra foi jogada em um destino traçado. Sem escolha, ela teve que ceder e escolher um caminho. A questão seria. Como Cassandra vai lidar quando descobrir sobre a maldição sobre ela? Será que ela será capaz de obter suas habilidades mágicas e enfrentar seu pai? Quem irá ajudá-la em sua jornada? ~Trecho~ Então ela o sentiu, todo ele. Toda a sua aspereza. A força de seu braço. A maciez de seus lábios. O aperto de sua mão. O calor de sua respiração. Cada músculo de seu corpo ficou tenso diante da implicação de dormir nos braços de um homem. Ela nunca havia dormido no abraço de um homem antes. Sua pele inteira formigava como pequenas faíscas dançando nas partes que se conectavam com ele. As fendas de seu cérebro tinham essas memórias que não eram dela. Esse toque de alguma forma não parecia estranho para ela. Ela se sentiu segura em seu abraço calmante e não desejava afastá-lo, mas sabia que isso estava longe de ser apropriado. Cassandra tentou se livrar de seu aperto, seus braços pareciam ser feitos de ferro pois não cediam. A leve vestimenta que ela havia vestido levantou-se de sua coxa leitosa expondo-a enquanto a musculosa e bronzeada dele estava drapeada sobre ela. E agora ela podia sentir algo a cutucando nas costas. Seus olhos de repente se arregalaram com a realização e Cassandra entrou em pânico total. “Solte-me!” Ela disse, pesadamente. Siroos lentamente levantou sua perna e afrouxou seu aperto em sua cintura para que ela pudesse se afastar. Ele havia despertado quando ela endureceu pela primeira vez, mas quis ver o que ela tentaria. Com os olhos arregalados, ela roubou um olhar em direção ao homem que a mantinha envolvida em seu abraço como um tesouro precioso, o tesouro dele. Seus olhos de ouro fundido haviam se aberto e havia essa suavidade e desejo com os quais ele a encarava. Aqueles cachos castanhos macios caíam sobre seus olhos enquanto ele esquecia de piscar, observando a beleza atemporal que ela era. O perfume único dela era uma tortura para os seus sentidos. Como ele desejava agarrar seu tornozelo delicado, puxá-la por ele e tê-la espalhada sob ele. Beijar a própria pele que exalava tal aroma que estava enlouquecendo-o. No lugar disso, ele dobrou o braço e o colocou sob sua bochecha, usando-o como travesseiro para observá-la com olhos cheios de desejo. O silêncio constrangedor entre eles se prolongou enquanto Cassandra limpava a garganta. “Você tinha que subir em mim para dormir?” “Não foi intencional, mas foi certamente tentador e definitivamente não será a última vez.” Sua voz profundamente hipnótica era ainda mais atraente nesta manhã cedo, ressoando ao redor dela. A capa do livro é minha.
WARNING: MATURE CONTENT! ~Who'd ever thought the young Alpha's son would fall in love with his nanny?!~ She was like the mother he never had, the older sister he's always wanted, his ONLY best friend. After an incident at the Dark Risers's pack, the Alpha sends his son away to another pack to be trained and nurtured into a better person; the future Alpha. Twelve years later, Daniel returns a full grown teen with a high sex drive and lust for beautiful women. At such a young age, he handles the pack solely and also bears the pressure of finding a mate from the elders and his relatives. But Daniel doesn't want a mate. Never does and never will. Why get stuck with one woman who would cause him trouble than spend every night of his with women of his choice? Will he live alone in his carnal pleasures or eat his words? I.G: C3e_Jay Discord: C3e_Jay#0881 Discord server: Disclaimer: Book Cover not mine. Fonts and design by me. (◔‿◔) Volume 1 status: COMPLETED Volume 2 status: ONGOING Volume 3 status: COMING SOON Excerpt; for Volume (2) But…" John held the pillow in his hand with a serious, thoughtful look. "Is this what you really want?" Jephthah looked up from where he was finishing up a sketch of Talia and frowned slightly. "What are talking about?" John sighed and came close to him and Jephthah tensed up because his brother looked really serious. And when he did, he always had something really important to say. "You want Talia to be your fated mate, don't you?" "More than anything in the world." Jephthah said without missing a beat, a light glinting in his eyes like stars, but they died down when he noticed John still had that serious look on his face. "John, What's wrong?" "Jephthah," John sighed. "We're twins... you know that right?" Jephthah almost flicked his head at the stupid question. "So?" "And we're like two peas in a pod. We're each other's half." Jephthah narrowed his eyes at him. "Do you think YOU might be my mate?" John hit his head with a pillow this time. "No!" "Then get straight to the point, John." "70% of girls who are mated to a twin usually are mated to…" he paused looking Jephthah In the eyes before finishing his sentence. "the other twin as well." The pencil fell off his grasp, rolled over the sheet of canvas paper and dropped with a thud to the floor, the sharp pointy end of the graphite breaking off to fall next to the door. "What?!"4.84
"When you love someone, you do not give up on them! You fight until the end!” ~Selene "I refuse to lose you !! PLEASE !!" ~Prince Alcyd "Who needs love if I have the world under my palm?" ~King Viktor Under the Blood Moon, it is told in the prophecy that a she-wolf will be born with the mixed blood of a witch and a vampire. It is revealed that Selene will rule over the supernatural world and possessing the power to unite the werewolves. Selene lost her pack and family. She vows to search for her older brother, her only remaining relative who seems to be alive. Crown Prince Alcyd McSigurd, second son of King Viktor is the most arrogant, ruthless, and most powerful among all his siblings. He is an Alpha too, though not the king of Alphas, like his father. Despite being nineteen, Alcyd is known as his father’s youngest general in the werewolf kingdom. Thus, dark forces fear the prophecy that is to come into fruition. A battle for supremacy over the supernatural world is bound to happen. Would they find love in the middle of the darkest times? Can their love sustain and thrive with all the threat that surrounds them? [Volume 1] - War of the Werewolves [Volume 2] - Legion of Vampires As the war between werewolves ended, King Lionel gathered his own forces in his own claim for supremacy. Selene and her fated Alpha unite their forces together in their attempt of taking what was rightfully destined for the new chosen one against those who dared to claim the supreme throne. [Volume 3] - Return of The Dark Lord After the Second Greatest War, Selene and Alcyd welcome another chapter in their life as Selene reign as the Supreme Ruler while Alcyd protect his loved ones from the return of the Dark Lord. Will their love be enough to conquer the darkness? Can Selene and Alcyd keep their loved ones safe from the looming threat of darkness? [Volume 4] - New Generation (Coming Soon!) (New Generation!) --- What kind of twisted fate awaits the Alpha Prince and Selene? Will there be love conquers it all or will darkness take it all? The battle between good and evil; who will stand victorious in this battle for supremacy? ============== ** 1 or 2 Chapters Release on 18:00 +8 GMT on the first week of the month ** ~ Release of chapters will only increase based on demand and support of Readers. ** For Gift or Donation in any amount is highly appreciated! All gifts are immediately spent on medicines and food for my family. ** Discord: madskie00017#8773 Instagram: @alphaprincenovel -For behind the scenes and more personal look with the making of the story THANK YOU SO MUCH for the support !! ========= *** Disclaimer: *** This novel's story, characters, and setting are all fictitious. All involved concept and terms which were used for names, institution, agencies, positions/titles, abilities, living and non-living things are all just Author's imagination. There is no association or reflection towards anybody or any organization or any entity in real life.Among the approximately two million middle school students who took the exam, only the top 100 scorers of the entrance examination are offered a scholarship in the most prestigious school in the country, Chen Academy. One of the students who were offered a scholarship was Uriel Delavin, a seemingly narcissistic omega who grew up in the countryside and was showered with endless compliments from those around him. Breathtakingly beautiful and blessed with intellect, everybody in his hometown looks up to him and envies him. The reigning king of the school of the elites, Theodore Greene, is an arrogant alpha who grew up pampered and spoiled by his parents. Devilishly handsome, charismatic, smart, and filthy rich, there was no doubt that he was branded as the man who was at the top of their school. What will happen when these two people meet? With their incompatible personalities, how will their love story unfold? __________ "Where did it all go wrong?" That was the question I had inside my head for so long. Perhaps, I knew the answer all along but just chose to ignore it. You're my biggest mistake. You're my destruction. You're the only person who has ever led me to my downfall. You make me so vulnerable. Seeing how you ignore me as if we're perfect strangers finally made me realize my mistakes and opened my eyes to see the answer to my question. 'Where did it all go wrong?' I can now answer this question after pondering about it for the longest time. It all went wrong from the very first time I met you. It all went wrong from the very first time I laid my eyes on you. It all went wrong from the very first time I spoke to you. It all went wrong because... ... you're you. Because you're Uriel Delavin, my favorite mistake, my most beautiful destruction, and my sweetest downfall. ----- *R18* NOTE: This story contains sexual content and vulgar words that may not be appropriate for some readers. I do not own the art. The book cover's credits go to the rightful owner. (I'm sorry, I don't know who the artist is.) I will be updating whenever I can during my free time. :)
[ADVERTENCIA: CONTENIDO EXTREMADAMENTE EXPLÍCITO] —Si vuelves a acercarte a mi mujer, te encontraré, te torturaré brutalmente y desataré la ira del infierno sobre ti por toda la eternidad. Su historia con él nunca debería haberse contado. Su mundo era tan cruel como astuto. Los hombres lobo sembraban el terror en los humanos como guerreros de la nación. Los vampiros gobernaban la alta sociedad con puño de hierro. Toda su vida, Ofelia se preguntó por qué los vampiros y hombres lobo del reino nunca la atacaron—hasta que se dio cuenta de que había sido declarada intocable hace diez años. Sin embargo, todo el reino luchaba por los derechos sobre su cuerpo—o su vida. Pero, ¿por qué? ¿Y para qué?
“I'm on the hunt for someone special, someone who would howl at the full moon with me. And you, my dear, seem to check all the right boxes,” Thorin tried to seduce Riona with his mesmerizing gaze. “Not in this lifetime, not in any lifetime.” But Riona couldn’t stand the sight of that smug face. What did Thorin hope to gain from a fangless vampire who couldn’t even turn into a bat, anyway? There must be something seriously wrong with the brain of that infuriating Alpha werewolf. *** Since their parents died, Riona Kahler and her brother have been adopted by the King of Eira, who treats them more like overworked houseplants than a cherished family. As the only vampires in Eira without fangs, they're outcasts among their own kind, toothless and ridiculed. Riona's spirit remains unbroken until her brother falls ill due to the palace's cruelty. Determined to protect him, Riona vows to escape, but there's only one way to do that. Thorin Klein is one of the most famous Alpha werewolves, renowned not only for his charming looks but also for claiming the Alpha title at the tender age of thirteen. Despite his howling success, his mother’s powerful werewolf clan, the Klein, never acknowledged him because his father went rogue. Determined to prove his worth to the Klein clan, Thorin believes he has finally found a potential solution. Though Riona couldn’t stand being around Thorin for more than one second, Riona realizes that marriage is their only path to achieving their goals. It's a love story that bites and barks in all the right places. #werewolf #Alpha #vampire #fromslavetoqueen #enemiestolovers #strongFL #contractmarriage4.88
WARNING: Mature Content The story of a knight who has fallen in love with his queen. It was nothing but that, a simple plot for a fairytale, or was it? He stood proud at seven feet, everything looked minuscule in his sight. He towers above all knights who looked at him with disgust and alarm. He was one of the rebels not long ago, but for an undisclosed reason, he has betrayed his so-called 'brother at arms' for a seat at the round table. People murmured whenever he passes them by, the atmosphere itself was laced with terror as this all muscled barbarian held his head high. Panic in the hearts of many was evoked by his presence alone as he stood before the queen who was forced to face him. "My queen," he knelt before her, and even yet the queen had to look up from her throne to meet his eyes. The frail queen was very small compared to him, her fragile countenance barely reached five feet and her innocent face makes her look like a child. He took in the vision of her as she sat there, trying to look brave as she met his eyes. His queen, the reason why he risked it all and will risk it all again. She sat on the throne judging his motives and all the while fearing him. Was she disgusted by him too? He can't tell. The crowd disappeared and all thoughts from his mind were gone as he was faced with her. She has dark auburn hair that reached past her shoulders, small lips that curled into a thin smile, and eyes that expressed her immense disgust and anger for what she had labeled him in her mind - one of the reasons for the destabilization of her kingdom. He wants it all, all of what she offers. Her beauty, her brilliance, her frailties... at that moment he realized, he wanted all of her.``` Qu'arrive-t-il quand une déesse tombe amoureuse d'un métamorphe ? Asara ; la déesse de l'amour, fut punie par son père, le dieu du tonnerre. Son crime fut de tomber amoureuse d'un métamorphe Alpha mortel. Pour expier ses péchés, elle renaquit en tant que Cassandra LeBlanc ; une Princesse mortelle dans le royaume magique de Speldaria. Sa famille et son royaume, à l'exception de sa sœur cadette, l'ont rejetée car elle naquit sans aucune capacité magique et elle n'avait aucun souvenir de sa véritable identité. Son fiancé, le puissant mage commandant de Speldaria, était indifférent à son égard. Il désirait quelqu'un de fort. La vie de Cassandra fut bouleversée lorsqu'elle reçut en cadeau un esclave guerrier par le puissant Alpha de Dusartine. On lui demanda de participer à l'événement annuel de l'Arène en collaborant avec le guerrier. Cassandra, qui haïssait 'L'Arène' de tout son souffle. Un endroit où le sang coulait comme du vin et où la vie était moins chère que l'air même qu'ils respiraient, ne comprenait pas sa place dans tout cela. Par-dessus le marché, le mystérieux guerrier l'affectait de manières inimaginables. Son regard hypnotique la troublait. Son essence rare la submergeait. Son corps musclé et bronzé la consumait de pensées coupables. Même les rêves de sa vie passée la tourmentaient. Lorsque 'L'Arène' commença, les agendas cachés et les vérités sous-jacentes furent révélés et Cassandra se vit jouer une main du destin. Elle n'eut d'autre choix que de se soumettre et de choisir un chemin. La question serait donc. Comment Cassandra va-t-elle réagir une fois qu'elle apprendra la malédiction qui a été placée sur elle ? Sera-t-elle capable d'obtenir ses capacités magiques et de s'opposer à son père ? Qui l'aidera dans son voyage ? ~Extrait~ C’est alors qu'elle le ressentit, tout entier. Toute sa rugosité. La force de son bras. La douceur de ses lèvres. La prise de sa main. La chaleur de son souffle. Chaque muscle de son corps se tendit à l'idée de dormir dans les bras d'un homme. Elle n'avait jamais dormi dans l'étreinte d'un mâle auparavant. Sa peau toute entière fourmillait, comme si de petites étincelles dansaient sur les endroits même qui touchaient le sien. Les crevasses de son cerveau abritaient ces souvenirs qui n'étaient pas les siens. Ce contact, d'une certaine manière, ne lui semblait pas étranger. Elle se sentait en sécurité dans son étreinte apaisante et n'avait pas l'envie de le repousser, et pourtant elle savait que c'était loin d'être approprié. Cassandra tenta de se dégager de son emprise, mais ses bras semblaient être faits de fer, car ils ne bougeaient pas. Le vêtement léger qu'elle portait avait glissé de sa cuisse laiteuse, la dévoilant alors que sa jambe musclée et bronzée s'y drapait. Et maintenant elle pouvait sentir quelque chose la pousser dans le dos. Ses yeux s'agrandirent soudain de réalisation et Cassandra paniqua complètement. « Lâche-moi ! » dit-elle d'une voix lourde. Siroos leva lentement sa jambe et relâcha son étreinte sur sa taille pour qu'elle puisse s'écarter. Il s'était réveillé lorsqu'elle s'était raidie pour la première fois mais souhaitait voir ce qu'elle allait essayer. Avec des yeux largement ouverts elle vola un regard vers l'homme qui l'avait enveloppée dans son étreinte comme un trésor précieux, son trésor. Ses yeux dorés en fusion s'étaient entrouverts et il la regardait avec une douceur et un désir. Ces boucles brunes souples tombaient sur ses yeux alors qu'il oubliait de cligner des yeux, contemplant la beauté intemporelle qu'elle était. Son parfum unique était une torture pour ses sens. Comme il souhaitait saisir sa cheville délicate, la tirer vers lui et l'avoir étalée sous lui. Embrasser la peau même qui exhalait un tel parfum qui le rendait fou. À la place, il plia son bras et le plaça sous sa joue en l'utilisant comme un oreiller pour la contempler avec un désir empli dans les yeux. Le silence gênant entre eux se prolongea pendant que Cassandra racla sa gorge. « Tu devais vraiment te hisser sur moi pour dormir ? » « Ce n'était pas intentionnel, mais c'était certainement séduisant et définitivement pas la dernière fois. » Sa voix profondément hypnotique était encore plus envoûtante en ce début de matinée alors qu'elle résonnait tout autour d'elle. La couverture du livre m'appartient. ```
Ovelia Ashford, a seemingly ordinary village girl, is thrust into a world of werewolves and ancient magic. She has always felt like an outsider. Raised in a human village, she discovers at the age of ten that she was adopted to replace the mayor's daughter, who was destined for sacrifice to the werewolves to ensure peace between humans and werewolves. Haunted by the truth, Ovelia endures years of abuse and manipulation from her adoptive family. However, her life takes a shocking turn when she is chosen as a mate for the future Alpha King, Ace Draven, of the Silverhowl Kingdom. --- Author's Note: To my dearest readers, Fantasians, Welcome to the world of "A Werewolf's Unexpected Mate"! I'm thrilled to share this fantasy romance with you, but I wanted to give you a little heads-up before you dive in. While this story is indeed a romance, it's not a sugary-sweet, love-at-first-sight tale. Expect plenty of action, thrilling battles, intense moments of danger, and, yes, even some brutal killings. This isn't a world for the faint of heart! While Ovelia may start on a journey of self-discovery, she won't remain weak. Prepare to witness her incredible growth and transformation throughout the story. So, buckle up and prepare for a wild ride filled with love, loss, action, and the ultimate triumph of the human spirit. I hope you enjoy the journey as much as I enjoyed creating it. Happy reading![Warning: Mature Content R18+] The taste of forbidden love is the sweetest agony!! They were fucking right. I, Frery Kane was whipped and captivated by a Lycan Shifter from the Bay Shifter pack in Paradise Bay. Drawn to him like a moth to a flame, an irresistible pull I couldn’t deny. Alpha Tor Gale, a Lycan Shifter of unparalleled strength, only of his kind, his blood as intoxicating as ambrosia, his presence a temptation, I couldn’t escape. He made me crave more than I should or was allowed. In Paradise Bay, Vampires and Shifters are bound by ancient laws, their rivalry etched into the marrow of our existence. To meet him was to defy centuries of hatred; to love him was to risk everything. Each secret meeting was a dance with death, a betrayal of the Paradise Vampire Coven, and a rebellion against the laws that chained us. But Tor was my forbidden desire, my beautiful torment, and my greatest weakness. I knew the cost of this love, a love that could ignite war and destroy us both. But how could I resist the one thing that made my immortal heart beat once more? Excerpt from Alpha Tor's POV: “So you’ve been following me,” Tor’s deep growl echoed in the icy cavern. His golden eyes caught the flicker of torchlight. His breath misted in the freezing air, curling like smoke between them. “What gave me away?” I responded my voice as low, deep, and steady. Tor laughed a deep rumble that shook the cavern walls. “You reek of desperation. Do you think I didn’t notice your scent clinging to the trees? Are your footprints melting the frost? What is it, vampire? What do you want from me?” My jaw clenched and my gaze didn’t waver. “Your blood,” I taunted as my voice was laced with coldness to see if he could be threatened by my words. “Your kind is... intoxicating. Forbidden. I can’t stop myself.” I expected him to cover but he stepped forward and responded “If it’s my blood you want,” he murmured, his voice low and teasing, “then come closer and take what you need” The words struck me like lightning, and a fiery heat surged through my veins. My beast clawed at my control, drawn to him in a way that defied logic. His gaze held mine, and for the first time in my life, I didn’t know whether to run or to stay. ___________________________________________________________________________________________ In the end, they called me a betrayer. A traitor to the Paradise Vampire Coven. But how could I hold back when I had tasted something far sweeter than immortality? Alpha Tor was my forbidden fruit, the Lycan Shifter Alpha who defied everything I was taught to hate. But when I surged forward, ready to face anyone who dared stand between us, fate revealed the old prophecy hidden in Hanka Island. Alpha Tor wasn’t just my lover, he was my lifetime mate, our bond blessed by the ancient magic of Hanka Island itself. And our love was not meant to follow the rules, it was meant to break them.
Isabella Martini, all she ever wanted was to find her mate and live a peaceful life with him. But all of that comes spirally down when she is accused of killing her sister. Despite being the daughter of the Beta of the Blood Moon Pack, no one believed her, not even her Alpha, Alpha Gael Romano. To make amends for the crime she did not commit, she agrees to marry Alpha Romano. But that does not go as planned, and when she realizes that he plans to kill her, that is her final straw. Now a broken soul, she wanders into the rogue territory, trying to build her life again. Arlo Bianchi, Alpha of the Black Knight Pack. He has been whispered as Death for the numerous deaths that stain his hands. Everyone is afraid of the monster he has become, but what would happen when Isabella stumbles upon his land? Will he kill her on sight, or will she be the key to his cold heart? Find out more in this book.