
LV 13

A house spirit

2017-05-10 Se unió Global
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3 years ago

sooo... Emery doesn't think to buy the next level of plant analysis while he's there before rushing off. This, directly after a test where it was almost a requirement if you didn't have other relevant spells. *shakes head* Author really setting Emery up for people to continually look down on him.

3 years ago
Replied to Kiwijuice

It depends on the goal. The author themselves noted from the beginning their goal was to interweave their story with history. so far they haven't been too strict with the mythology in my opinion. If you don't have any similarities however, the parallels to the original story become unrecognizable, which would defeat the original purpose of the author. It is in the end, their voice and vision. I don't think it's foolish if done with care. I enjoy it overall.

3 years ago
Replied to LogMetro

Understand to a point, that the author is working under the burden of keeping things in a basic line with existing history and mythology. While they can still be creative in some aspects, it also forces their hand down certain types of plot routes. I've come to see that Emery's early behavior, and even his emerging secrecy is very much moulded by the Merlin mythology. Avalon and Camelot is an ideal civilization which prizes knightly codes of honesty straightforwardness and Truth above all. in the original mythology Morgana is instrumental to its fall, and much of the darker side of the drama. while Merlin is wise and mysterious, but also a bit foolish and often his plans and ideals are betrayed The author, is both freed, and held hostage by these themes. I respect the work quite a bit. Reading it can be at times frustrating, but having an awareness of the different portrayals of Merlin. it's not unexpected. the wizard is a somewhat tragic hero.

3 years ago

And so "Merlin" barely starts thinking about building a better kingdom...

3 years ago

Here's hoping the mc won't be hopeless for too much longer, it's getting depressing... Still, I understand the author wanting to bring a character up from the bottom. It will be a slow read for me until it finally moves from depressing to exciting growth though.

3 years ago

I worry about the delay with coming out with the circuitry formation. These other formation master's aren't dumb it's entirely possible that Rean making this kind of formation would be enough of a hint for his rivals to come out with a very rudimentary form of a circuitry formation themselves. Stealing his points, before he has a chance to present the idea. I'm not too concerned since this is a novel. but if this were an actual world; he might be taking a huge risk. Never underestimate the ingenuity of others. The idea for the light bulb has already been taken.