I don’t see why those that complain are even bothering to read on this site since it is one mostly for Chinese stories so it should be well known by now that most writers here do not speak or write English as there first language
That only work for the original doomsday due to the fact that he was a clone and could send his mind to his other bodies which gave him the time to adapt to his bodies dying only after that could he come back with out an extra body
Whatever hurts him will literally make him stronger now!
Movies · StrikerAuthor
I for one am glad you did not have him start in Kanto since if we ever look at it thru the manga it is actually the worst place to start since it is almost completely controlled by Team Rocket in the shadows so an orphan their would be most likely grabbed by them if he does anything beyond the normal
Just these few chapters so far has made me want to go play the game again
Just going to ask but has anyone thought about King Cold before he did started his conquest might have made an visit to the know it all and got some info from him
I’ve read another version of this a while back so I already know how it goes to a point had to stop reading it due to the way it was translated this one is so much better
(The next chapter will open a new dungeon. You absolutely won't guess how the protagonist will kill a Celestial Dragon and avoid the Marine Admiral's pursuit!!)
Anime & Comics · fun_friyay
If u have a plan for it then cursing the elemental nations has my vote
I want to say curse but that would just mean he will need to comeback later to remove the demons he made or teach the others how to fight them
Just found this book and was a great read are u going to be coming back anytime soon
It does make sense to a point to say the Physical energy is largely fixed at birth since all training mostly does it raises the limit of what u can do casually since we all as humans have the same physical limits with the only thing that changes it is the way we grow and our heritage
Physical energy was largely fixed at birth.
Naruto Card King
Anime & Comics · RawInk21