Oh the wiki of Westeros must be wrong all good then lol.
Tftc. Please PLEASE tell me he's not going to be a seven follower any religion (cough valyrian God's cough) but the seven.
Just wondering if you changed the timeline on purpose because the war of the ninepenny King's happened 257ac before the fire at summerhall witch was 258ac when rhaegar was born.
The only one's that have septa's in the north is house Stark because of lady c*nt b*tch and house manderly because there originally from the south the rest of the north hate them hell ned had a sh*t ton of complaints from Northern Lords when he let one live in and build a Sept in winterfell.
No he said if the son with dany (if they have a Son) is weak then maegor will get the Throne what I mean is why doesn't he just pick the best suited of his kids to get the Throne No matter the age.
Tftc. Would it not be better to just say the mc will pick the best suited for the throne out of his kids.
Tftc. Is he going to build a hall of heroes type thing for the fallen soldier's because I think it would be a good idea and would bring a little pride and respect to the Family's of the fallen.
Game of Thrones: A Song Of Blood & Fire
Book&Literature · Horcruz