"No matter what kind of comment might come to mind… Bin."
Book&Literature · Rasputin_Necroz
"Exactly. I'm not crazy like Bin, trying to go toe to toe with Changing Star." She took a deep breath before looking at him mischievously. "Besides, you're a little short for my taste."
Book&Literature · Rasputin_Necroz
"What else?" Bin mused, her eyes never leaving the sight of the enchanting Master. "We were saved by him… and now you're going to be saved too." One hand lazily gestured behind Revel.
Book&Literature · Rasputin_Necroz
The Lord of Shadows was gone, replaced by a striking man in a black mantle. A serene smile played on his lips, one that melted Bin's heart more than the scorching skies of Godgrave ever could.
Book&Literature · Rasputin_Necroz
"Y-you shouldn't be talking, Bin. You died!" She stumbled over her words like she had stumbled over stairs countless times before.
Book&Literature · Rasputin_Necroz
Bin. Her dear sister. The one she would push off a cliff, only to catch her at the bottom.
Book&Literature · Rasputin_Necroz
Hesitatingly, Bin raised her hand too. Her previous excitement had been shattered by Sunny's harsh words, but she had taken the fact that he was the Lord of Shadows rather lightly.
Shadow Slave Fanfic: The Song of The Shadow Beast
Book&Literature · Rasputin_Necroz