Webnovel Author: Bad_Wolf_7811 - Novel Collection



male LV 3

Hello everyone! As you can tell, I'm new here. I'm a budding writer whose imagination knows no bounds and heavily relies on you to help me make that imagination a reality.

2024-02-25 Se unió Pakistan

Insignias 5

Moments 223

Replied to CornyChiWAH


Let me know what you think of the characters. Unfortunately, I can't and won't make any changes to the MC.

Stuck in a Chinese novel

Stuck in a Chinese novel

Fantasy · Bad_Wolf_7811

Replied to Whitestair_Ivory

Look at it like this, he would be taking innocent people's money My character is selfish, not that selfish

"Jackpot." He said in a low voice before he turned to the stacks of fistfuls of cash. He checked each of them but all of them were marked so there was no use taking them.

Stuck in a Chinese novel

Stuck in a Chinese novel

Fantasy · Bad_Wolf_7811

Replied to Dangerlives

I don't understand but I will check it out

Done with everything, Wei Jun approached the main entrance only to be stopped by a bulky bouncer. "We're closed. Come back at eight."

Stuck in a Chinese novel

Stuck in a Chinese novel

Fantasy · Bad_Wolf_7811

Replied to Dangerlives

My bad I will fix.it on weekend check up

As for his mood, it was a little upset. He was upset because the time of the appointment had been seven pm yet even after ten minutes, there was no sign of Xia Lu. He was upset because to him this wasn't work but instead he was wasting time.

Stuck in a Chinese novel

Stuck in a Chinese novel

Fantasy · Bad_Wolf_7811

Replied to Dangerlives

For general audience 😒

'Then I have no choice but to kill them.' Wei Jun leisurely replied. At the same moment, Chen Xian entered his office, puzzled by the absence of people in the building.

Stuck in a Chinese novel

Stuck in a Chinese novel

Fantasy · Bad_Wolf_7811

Replied to Allahu_Akbar

It's quieter that way. Also you will find out in the next chapters why

'It would have been a different story if I had guns.' Wei Jun thought. For some reason, there was everything in the system shop except for guns. 'Still, it might not even come to a fight.'

Stuck in a Chinese novel

Stuck in a Chinese novel

Fantasy · Bad_Wolf_7811

Replied to TyrantTron335

Some countries governments impose restrictions on law enforcements while investigating them one of them could be the restriction of budget

Kai Bo had only one choice left, make Wei Jun Ruan confess to his wrong statements but he knew he wouldn't be able to do that because the aggressive move that the Ruan family made in anger dropped the city's budget by 15%, forcing many policemen to either transfer or outright quit, leaving a heavy dent on their force. Not to mention, Kai Bo had already asked some of the detectives to take a few days off because of the case.

Stuck in a Chinese novel

Stuck in a Chinese novel

Fantasy · Bad_Wolf_7811

Replied to TyrantTron335

Not if the police is corrupted

Yao Tian had to admit this was the most plausible move right now. Do nothing. "Besides, even if the police are blamed, what does it do to us?" Once again, Yao Tian couldn't help but feel a little afraid. Although he didn't like this woman, so far, her plans had been perfect and cruel. She was the one who elevated his position in his family so much that he was now more regarded than his elder brother.

Stuck in a Chinese novel

Stuck in a Chinese novel

Fantasy · Bad_Wolf_7811

Replied to Gumpta

Well, it's a novel so yeah 👍

"I HAD EVERYTHING I WANTED BACK HOME!!! WHY WOULD I NEED TO COME TO THIS PLACE FOR THAT?!!!" The young man kept yelling non-stop. His anger didn't seem like it was going to go away any time soon.

Stuck in a Chinese novel

Stuck in a Chinese novel

Fantasy · Bad_Wolf_7811

Replied to Alejandro_Plaza

Zi Huan, the dealer refers to the fact that Wei Jun was quite famous the last few days because of his frequent appearance on media due to trial

"Welcome, mister celebrity. I was wondering when a star like you would humble my shop with your presence." Zi Huan jokingly remarked, referring to Wei Jun's trial incident.

Stuck in a Chinese novel

Stuck in a Chinese novel

Fantasy · Bad_Wolf_7811

Replied to Alejandro_Plaza

Star as in he was famous for his case Of that's what you're asking

"Welcome, mister celebrity. I was wondering when a star like you would humble my shop with your presence." Zi Huan jokingly remarked, referring to Wei Jun's trial incident.

Stuck in a Chinese novel

Stuck in a Chinese novel

Fantasy · Bad_Wolf_7811

Replied to Swiftescape

A very nice suggestion I will change the tag on Monday

Li Wei's bluntness was something Wei Jun had witnessed before. Straightforward girls who did not hesitate to speak their minds. Wei Jun didn't dislike them but he never liked them either. Of course, he didn't like anyone before. There was no place for romance in his life so he made sure to have the same view for every woman. However, ever since Xia Lu, he had been polite to women so when before he would have curtly dismissed Li Wei's comment, this time he simply smiled and said, "I know."

Stuck in a Chinese novel

Stuck in a Chinese novel

Fantasy · Bad_Wolf_7811

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