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LV 3
2024-02-18 Se unió Global

Insignias 3

Moments 200


The sudden swear got me 💀

The forest wasn't that dense, but provided enough shadow. It was calming. They chose a good place to take a break. As I sat down, some of the birds in the distance suddenly all flew away in a panic. Maybe a predator scared them? Or perhaps a human? Pigeons in my old world would only fly away if you got really close, but birds here probably aren't as used to humans as them. And there were no birds near us either. I just ignored it and tried to relax. The humans here are cunts, but I doubt they'll cause any trouble or even cross us.

Era Of The Kobold

Era Of The Kobold

Fantasy · CraigUzumaki


Two different types of people

The screaming was high pitched and a bit scratchy. It sounded like that of a Kobold. The screaming came from upstairs. I could see Vyth wanting to rush towards it, but holding himself back. I had to be strong as well, and hold back the urge to run away. We slowly went up. The wooden steps creaked beneath our feet, but the screaming drowned it out, allowing us to sneak in. We went up into the attic. It wasn't lit. At least, our side wasn't.

Era Of The Kobold

Era Of The Kobold

Fantasy · CraigUzumaki


oh naurrrrr


She said something in that other language: "Agora eu tenho voce!", before chanting: "Oh naur -o i neder hells, thi- a destroui! Oh naur... al, paur na- yurs! Ennas na- baw... tur-'t solver. An destroular…!".

Era Of The Kobold

Era Of The Kobold

Fantasy · CraigUzumaki


Woaaahh Vyth got a good tongue on him

"Just leave him be, iwiekrhyvos. Just cause our big brother is more talented than you doesn't mean you have to be such a cunt", Vyth teasingly said as he came into the room.

Era Of The Kobold

Era Of The Kobold

Fantasy · CraigUzumaki


Pretty funny if you visualize this

I came back to my senses after seeing that, realising that I'm just as much of a target. One of the others wasn't so keen on letting another one go and sprinted at me, swinging a sword. I just about dodged the first strike. I rushed towards the sword and hit it with my flint. Sparks flew and hit the wooden floor, though there was no fire like I hoped there'd be. It did distract the man, however. So, I threw the flint in his face and booked it. Everyone managed to make it out and run back to the nest. We made sure we weren't being followed when we entered the forest this time.

Era Of The Kobold

Era Of The Kobold

Fantasy · CraigUzumaki




We went up hill. When we got on top, we could see faint movement behind the trees and bushes that were blocking our view. Whatever it was, it was large. It seemed to have a long, yet thick, tail and something protruding from the other end of its body. We got into one of those bushes and crawled to the other side. When we could finally see from behind the leaves, our jaws dropped. Before us was a large, beige triceratops calmly grazing.

Era Of The Kobold

Era Of The Kobold

Fantasy · CraigUzumaki



"Starting today, I will begin to teach you how to use magic", the chief said with his big grin, that seemed somewhat sinister now.

Era Of The Kobold

Era Of The Kobold

Fantasy · CraigUzumaki



The world suddenly slowed down for me. My heart sank, as I realized I had written in the alphabetical system. A system they don't know. I had never been taught how to read or write, so I don't know how they write. I'm guessing that knowledge is reserved for the sorcerers.

Era Of The Kobold

Era Of The Kobold

Fantasy · CraigUzumaki


My bro Randy spedrun going to jail 💀

The game was slapped out of my hands, as I heard Randy laughing his ass off. The game was about to fall into a gutter, when I quickly ducked to stop it. I sighed in relief when I stopped it just in time. It's then that I felt a kick to my butt. I fell over on the street, my head hitting the pavement hard. I turned my head to a sound coming from behind me and saw the wheels of a car, just before everything blacked out.

Era Of The Kobold

Era Of The Kobold

Fantasy · CraigUzumaki


This, kids, is what you call a monopoly and possibly predatory pricing.

As I started thinking where to get a new shelf from, I looked around. In the distance, I found the culprit behind this store's closure. A giant IKEA could be seen in the distance. I wanted to be angry, but I didn't have the energy for that. I just gave it up and started to move again. Might as well check out their killer.

Era Of The Kobold

Era Of The Kobold

Fantasy · CraigUzumaki



A small smile grows on my reptilian face as I reply, <You're worst nightmare.>

Reincarnated as a Shadow Dragon

Reincarnated as a Shadow Dragon

Fantasy · Live_Oliver


Rimuru has something to say

I should be lucky I reincarnated into a shadow dragon as well, I could've reincarnated into something like... a blind, weak slime.

Reincarnated as a Shadow Dragon

Reincarnated as a Shadow Dragon

Fantasy · Live_Oliver


Thalassophobia strikes back

I would drink from the seas, but here's the problem. I'm unsure of what creatures live under the soothing blankets of blue. It may look calm on the outside, but when you dive under you can be in for a real surprise.

Reincarnated as a Shadow Dragon

Reincarnated as a Shadow Dragon

Fantasy · Live_Oliver


Bro just knew how to fly huh

I do exactly what I said and fly up into the sky until my eyes spot a far-away village. And I can also see two green figures running through the gates, which had been opened for them. I smirk before flying as fast as I could to their village.

Reincarnated as a Shadow Dragon

Reincarnated as a Shadow Dragon

Fantasy · Live_Oliver

Replied to BubbleGod


I immediately cut the rope easily with my sharp claws and began to shred through the crowds upon crowds of goblins. I wasn't even thinking in this moment of time. All I focused on was shedding blood.

Reincarnated as a Shadow Dragon

Reincarnated as a Shadow Dragon

Fantasy · Live_Oliver

Replied to BubbleGod


Oh fuck. I guess they are planning on betraying me after all.

Reincarnated as a Shadow Dragon

Reincarnated as a Shadow Dragon

Fantasy · Live_Oliver


Bro has brass balls for challenging the vegan teacher like that

I'm fine with killing animals, they don't make me guilty. But for some reason, thinking of killing an intelligent being that I can communicate with always makes me shudder. I'd be depressed for months or maybe even years!

Reincarnated as a Shadow Dragon

Reincarnated as a Shadow Dragon

Fantasy · Live_Oliver

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