Soon after for the rest of the day both Michael and Asagi then cleaned the whole castle as fast as they could, but when the latter thought that the menial task she did for the past week was enough, she then revived another batch of task
Fantasy · moecyanpile
seal of reconciliation
"Winner ! Naruto Uzumaki ! Now perform the seal of confrontation."
Anime & Comics · AnimefanfictionInd
thanks for the offer but I'm not a writer.
yes they are
"Looks like a shoot-out with some Voodoo Boys and unknown parties; you were just talking about wanting something interesting. The trauma gods were listening," I told her, amused, as I pulled the ambulance into the street. The Voodoo Boys were a gang of mostly white males that made most of their money by selling a large variety of drugs to the middle class, mostly college students and similar. That said, they were still very violent. But compared to some of the borged-out gangs like Maelstrom, they were peanuts.
Video Games · SpiraSpira
This one's for the Gipper. [img=Your move][img=In your face][img=Feeling it]
Tha KEY[img=fp]!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
she had done to him
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Anime & Comics · Sir_Traverse
kohai might be better here
"Da Vinci-chan, please don't tease Senpai any further. Senpai is clearly distressed."
Anime & Comics · WiseTL
i shrug my shoulder to Mushu " I know, I know. " I say as I hold up my katana in front of me it is in its sheathe at the moment, but the handle is mostly black with gold, with the guard being designed as a golden sun. The sheathe is a smooth pitch black almost blinding in with the night sky.
Anime & Comics · LazyDemon8
Never did he expect however was his rune law to accidentally activate upon his heist towards the enemy
Heavenly Kingdom: The Kingdom among the clouds
Fantasy · moecyanpile