See this! I just gifted the story: Magic castle
An update!!!! It's a f__king update!!!
Let's F__cking gooooooooooooooo!!!!!! I love the cover art!
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See this! I just gifted the story: Magic castle
Boy oh boy. I am speechless... I don't usually write review since I usually read from browser, but this one deserves it..... I am currently on the latest chap 102 and this was certainly a rollercoaster ride. How many book have I read with all those beta simps and stu pid MCs, how many brain cells have I wated finding something that matches my taste? Finally I found this.... I found this gem of a novel. Let me describe it.I love this story so far, like I absolutely adore it. You make the MC an actual villain and not one that needs to exist alone all the time because he’s just pure evil and hates everyone and everything but a smart and calculating one that seems like the type to do whatever he needs to succeed without relishing in the pain of others. Like he doesn’t do it because it causes pain but rather because it helps him although he definitely has a little bit of a sadistic side. I like that if he has no stake in the game he seems like the guy to help out should it not go against his interest because he’s nice but he will absolutely crush even the sweetest person if it gives him even a slightly better chance at anything. Perfect MC 10/10. The side characters are all well done I think just me not being great with names I confuse them sometimes like I have daisy and Charlotte and Rachel down but the others I do confuse so if you could comment just occasionally on some thing they do that could help me remember but I feel like you do this already do a degree. The only criticism I can really think of right now is that there are 4 girls living with him I believe but honestly I’m probably wrong and they seem to have a dynamic where some like others and dislike others and they’re almost fighting for MC but it doesn’t feel very fleshed out. Don’t get me wrong it makes sense logically like they all want MC so the others are obstacles but like a little something occasionally to flesh out their relationships with each other more would be nice. Nothing like a whole chapter unless you want to but just a jab at eachother or a compliment to give a subtle hint as to who likes and dislikes who. Also Charlotte is my favorite side character so far I’m really looking forwards to seeing more of her evil side and why she’s the ultimate villains right hand.Charlotte I Love You, I want Charlotte!!! Broo!!! I want more chapters, sadly I read the Author's announcement on the discord that his health not good, so get better author-san, and give me more chappy, here's a gift from me to help you get better
Hello author San, this is an alt of one of your top contributors.As I'm a top contributor on your novel with my original account(this will be fun, on you guessing who I am), I don't want my account known and the reason for my less reading time on this account, but be expecting a little something 😉
Fantasy · MisterBombastic
Sounds like a child said this 💀
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Fantasy · Nr_Yet1208
Check my contribution to lovely Charlotte character reference
Villain Simulator
Fantasy · Autistically