In the wake of Grindelwald's dark legacy, the wizarding world is shaken by the emergence of his long-lost grandson, Adrian Grindelwald. Hidden away for years to shield him from the tainted family name, Adrian discovers his lineage and the formidable magical abilities coursing through his veins. As he grapples with his newfound identity, the shadows of his grandfather's actions loom large, and the wizarding community is divided over the true nature of Adrian's destiny.
Fueled by a desire to redeem his family name, Adrian enrolls at Hogwarts amidst whispers of mistrust and curiosity. The story unfolds against the backdrop of rising tensions within the wizarding world, as remnants of Grindelwald's followers plot in the shadows. Adrian must navigate the complexities of friendships, alliances, and the legacy that haunts him.
Black Clover - The Point System
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