DaoistAj9CPT - Profile



LV 4
2023-07-22 Se unió Global

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Replied to flvssie

Honestly he just a playboy if you cool with him he cool with you he just like most people but smarter and stronger

How could he proceed? Ben considered targeting the women in Martin's life assistants, housekeepers, but then he faced an unexpected revelation. Martin, known as a playboy, had never forced himself on any woman. In an industry rife with coercion and abuse, this was almost unheard of. Ben couldn't help but marvel at how un-Hollywood Martin's behavior was, wondering how many in the industry could claim a similar respectfulness.

Hollywood Fame and Fortune

Hollywood Fame and Fortune

Realistic · Rqmk


My guy literally probably one of the top 10 agents in Hollywood Goofy


"Don't come crawling back!" she spat, her middle finger raised in defiance. "You'll regret this!"

Hollywood Fame and Fortune

Hollywood Fame and Fortune

Realistic · Rqmk

Replied to SuryaputraKarna

Arell go make hella hits with durk and von I can't wait till he go back to O block


Durk looked at Arell seriously. "You straight in Chicago, man. Ain't nobody gonna mess with you on my side."

Convict to King

Convict to King

Movies · AmSincere

Replied to DaoistZl1EGx


"Then we will just go around the island to see from outside. We are not the kind of people who will do things as we like in people's land," says Buggy while smirking.

Transcended as Lord Buggy

Transcended as Lord Buggy

Anime & Comics · Capt_mermain1

Replied to Betoran2

I can see buggy looking at Roger as a father figure

"In an instant, Clown Buggy did something, and all the ferocious beasts collapsed! Director, that Clown Buggy is terrifying! And I overheard their conversation. Clown Buggy intends to bring Monkey D. Luffy and his group to the sixth floor to rescue his nephew, Fire Fist Ace! He's Buggy the Clown's eldest nephew and Straw Hat's older brother! Director, they're incredibly powerful. Chief Warden Sadi-chan and Prison Chief Hannyabal couldn't stop them; they all collapsed within moments! Clown Buggy is a true menace! We can't stop him at all, and they're approaching the fourth floor! Director, this is bad... other prisoners from different prisons have joined them. We can't contain them! Director, what do we do?!"

Buggy D Clown

Buggy D Clown

Anime & Comics · Marioni

Replied to nunya_business_3493

Yeah he got his likable moments but then he does something crazy

Behind the scenes, however, Ezra pulled pranks that rubbed some cast members the wrong way. Lucas, understanding that Ezra might have mental issues, took it in stride and even pranked him back. It was a seesaw of emotions for Ezra, who couldn't decide if he liked or disliked Lucas.

Tycoon Actor in Hollywood

Tycoon Actor in Hollywood

Movies · NewComer714


ah plot armor


Juan nodded, reassured but still slightly bewildered by Geoffrey's omniscience.

Convict to King

Convict to King

Movies · AmSincere


i need more bro🤣🤣😭


Arell looked at Geoffrey, a slight smirk forming on his face. "About time."

Convict to King

Convict to King

Movies · AmSincere



Juan nodded, reassured but still slightly bewildered by Geoffrey's omniscience.

Convict to King

Convict to King

Movies · AmSincere


Geoffrey got that cartel connect 😈

As Arell turned to leave, Geoffrey watched him go, his expression thoughtful. Once Arell was out of sight, Geoffrey reached for his phone and dialed a number. When the call connected, he switched to fluent Spanish. "Mi amigo, nos vemos en el depósito de chatarra esta noche,"

Convict to King

Convict to King

Movies · AmSincere


poor cat


"Hi, my fans! I, Zach, am a man who keeps his promises!" In the video, Zach sat with an innocent kitten in his arms.

Dad's Comic Life

Dad's Comic Life

Anime & Comics · AngelicTL


That's how it be when everybody you know trash at games 🤷🏿‍♂️🤣🤣🤣

After ten rounds, Yueyue looked at them disdainfully, "You guys are so bad! I don't want to play with you anymore!"-

Dad's Comic Life

Dad's Comic Life

Anime & Comics · AngelicTL

Replied to AngelicTL

She can get the hell on I need that autograph 🤣🤣🤣


"Wait! The Porter's first autograph should be mine!" Felix said, pulling out her own copy.

Dad's Comic Life

Dad's Comic Life

Anime & Comics · AngelicTL

Replied to Heng_Sothy

I mean I didn't need help but i definitely would have excepted it

  With the help of little George, Mike quickly put on a full set of football equipment.

American TV Series: Starting with Sheldon

American TV Series: Starting with Sheldon

TV · azzari

Replied to WebReader5749

Especially since they going again the world they go need all the help they can get

Oogway believed that given some more time, Tai Lung would be able to defeat Kai easily instead of with some effort.

More than a Dragon Warrior

More than a Dragon Warrior

Movies · Emmanuel_Capricorn

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