

male LV 4

A dude who was bored and decided to make a Fanfic

2023-07-17 Se unió Global
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6 days ago
Replied to Daoist2rb9

it more of a special body type. This type of body is possible and happens naturally in real life, it's more like a slight boon.

Doing another set of 10 push-ups and 12 sit-ups I then get into a plank and hold it for 30 seconds before dropping and resting. 'I've got to write this down somewhere..The question is how? I don't know how to write and read in Japanese or whatever language we're speaking but if I write it in English it could be deciphered...Or it could be seen as random jitterings of a four year old....Now that I think about it it's kinda of weird that I've got a sort of automatic translator for my ears but we I read labels, books, or anything of the sort I can't understand a thing..Probably one of the catches the crow refused to tell me about..'

Naruto: Unfortunate Reincarnation.

Naruto: Unfortunate Reincarnation.

Anime & Comics · Jaxadue_23

10 days ago


At that Cotton taps Whitney on her shoulder and points to her belt holding her Pokeballs and in a few seconds of thinking Whitney's face breaks out in realization. "oh, Oh. OH! Amelia I'm sorry but I've got to go! Here's your badge but I completely forgot I've got to get my Pokemon! Bye!!! Call me later!"

Pokemon The Mirage Of Illusions

Pokemon The Mirage Of Illusions

Anime & Comics · Jaxadue_23

20 days ago
Replied to AzureFluteFan2

First, Kage doesn't know at the moment but he's definitely suspious due to this Furret being way stronger than it should be. Second, I won't put in abilities that break the game, like a Defiant Torterra with shell smash and Curse wouldn't exist. Only abilities that make sense through the Pokedex or physical attributes. A Flygon can have ability like Tinted Lens because it just fits.

As both Pokemon collide an immediate reaction is heard as the Furret cry's out it pain as their left shoulder has been bitten through past their normally impervious Fur Coat[1].

Pokemon The Mirage Of Illusions

Pokemon The Mirage Of Illusions

Anime & Comics · Jaxadue_23

1 months ago
Replied to Professor_Light

I'm saying this for your well-being PLEASE don't do this for every card. Packs will be flying in this fic and you'll die of virtual cardboard overdose.

Pack 7- Steel Scorpion, Medusa Worm, Arloway, Amazon Of The Seas, Hunter Of The Red Desert, Lady Warrioress Of The Red Desert, Venom Cobra, Flame Viper, Serpent Marauder, Beautiful Headhuntress, Beautiful Beast Trainer, Wanderer Of The Red Desert.

To Live in YU-GI-OH (Rewrite)

To Live in YU-GI-OH (Rewrite)

Anime & Comics · Jaxadue_23

1 months ago
Replied to KaitheSovereign

Exactly. Someone got the reference! And multiple old card will be changed such as Amazoness of the Seas which is also changed just isn't mentioned.

Give me some feed back on the effects of the first two. It'll be a while before we get into the actual canon and quite some time before these cards make their first debut.

To Live in YU-GI-OH (Rewrite)

To Live in YU-GI-OH (Rewrite)

Anime & Comics · Jaxadue_23

1 months ago


Garnecia Elefantis- Wanderer Of The Red Desert.

To Live in YU-GI-OH (Rewrite)

To Live in YU-GI-OH (Rewrite)

Anime & Comics · Jaxadue_23

1 months ago


Amazoness Tiger- Hunter Of The Red Desert.

To Live in YU-GI-OH (Rewrite)

To Live in YU-GI-OH (Rewrite)

Anime & Comics · Jaxadue_23

1 months ago


Lady Panter- Warrioress Of The Red Desert.

To Live in YU-GI-OH (Rewrite)

To Live in YU-GI-OH (Rewrite)

Anime & Comics · Jaxadue_23

1 months ago
Replied to DetachedDreamer

I get what your saying but things need to be explained in some way. I could just let the magic of pokemon thrive because if your reading a Pokemon fic you already know that it can't be explained 100% through real life means, but that won't stop me for making guesses. Also every fic is an AU so me explaining my own alternate universe should be fine, no? Plus I like trying to make heads or tails of the Pokemon universe even if it doesn't make an sense. Saying that it doomed the fic is kinda harsh if anything is doing to doom the fic it'll probably be my lazyness or lack of actual experience writing for an audience.

1 months ago
Replied to TheOneTruePanda

Amelia has a "aura" that constantly messes with D and tries to make him a bit more...friendly, let's go with friendly and totally not excessively loyal.

Without saying anything else she gets up and moves along as Amelia comes to my side and starts to hug me tightly saying something about never letting this happen again. 'You'd think with how much she likes me I you'd think that I'd me trying to mind control her.'

Pokemon The Mirage Of Illusions

Pokemon The Mirage Of Illusions

Anime & Comics · Jaxadue_23