"This must be the first time a woman told me such words," he said. "I've never thought I was a person who deserved such words."
Urban · kasurindusk
Good first chapter!
What a way to start the story 😅
"You're going to die," the Gypsy stated matter-of-factly.
Urban · MerrySweet
For six years she was the shadow singer of her cousin. For six years her family had thoroughly used her. Her family had threatened her that they would get her vocal cords operated if she told anything to Grandpa Xia. So she had begged him to send her abroad so that they couldn't use her anymore. Then after graduating in America she had disappeared, not letting her family know about her whereabouts because they would make her life miserable again if she returned to her family home.
Urban · Dixerqua
Este párrafo ha sido eliminado.
Urban · Dixerqua
Let 👏 her 👏 debut 👏 in 👏 peace
She still had a yogurt mustache on her upper lip all this time.
The CEO's Seductive Doll
Urban · kasurindusk