Ops 😓😓
Este párrafo ha sido eliminado.
Fantasy · M0M0KA
Oh my, thanks for pointing it out!!
Este párrafo ha sido eliminado.
Fantasy · M0M0KA
Este párrafo ha sido eliminado.
Fantasy · M0M0KA
That's a relief! .... Unless it's hallucinations 😅
Three 😰😰
"Three hours," Grandpa spoke for the first time, and Ford had a flash of memory; the man had been crushed between the wall and the monster's jaws.
Fantasy · TheOtherNoble
👀👀👀 Poison?
She was laying beside him, unconscious and pale.
Fantasy · TheOtherNoble
Well, here's an option to deal with that while unconscious, though I think it would induce more 😅
Better not to know 💀
Her fingers had been deeper into its skull than she realized, and she cut herself as she pulled her hand free. Whether on jagged scales or on shards of bone, she couldn't tell. Didn't want to know.
Fantasy · TheOtherNoble
She is about to act reckless 💀💀
With her arm around Ford, she could feel the whittling knife he kept in the sheath on his belt. She drew it into her free hand as the monster snapped blindly into the alcove. Then, she released the man she cared all too much about and searched for a place to stab that would kill the creature instantly.
Fantasy · TheOtherNoble
Fantasy · M0M0KA