Vel_3010 - Profile


LV 4
2023-06-13 Se unió Global

Insignias 3

Moments 60


Mikata = Ally

Seeing that, Takashi sighed. "Well... I guess it's better than paperwork." He shrugged and then walked around the front desk, sitting down there. After that, he pulled out his phone to check on his new hires. "Claus and Seth are by Yuri... Leo and Won are keeping an eye on Shu. And Mikata is driving Suzume back from the mountains. Seems like everything's in order in terms of security detail."

Returning Transcendent Opens an Idol Agency

Returning Transcendent Opens an Idol Agency

Urban · HappyVainGlory


Is he Johnny’s brother?

Though there was something nagging at the back of John's mind about the guy that he couldn't quite remember... Like he saw the guy's face somewhere before.

Returning Transcendent Opens an Idol Agency

Returning Transcendent Opens an Idol Agency

Urban · HappyVainGlory


Should I be concerned for the sanity of the internet?


Time passed by in a blur after the concert. Memes about John being Best Girl and a rumored church being established around Jenny Smith sprang up, but for the most part it was business as usual.

Returning Transcendent Opens an Idol Agency

Returning Transcendent Opens an Idol Agency

Urban · HappyVainGlory


Like this?


Aoko's face turned red and she quickly said, "Nothing happened!"

Returning Transcendent Opens an Idol Agency

Returning Transcendent Opens an Idol Agency

Urban · HappyVainGlory

Replied to SanityIs_Overrated

Only at Mach 10??!?? My Grandma’s crossed time and space to hit me It’s unfair


"Well, I'm handsome, charming…..hmm, wait I'm supposed to list the similarities. Well, I ate a lot of crayons when I was younger. That's something we might have in common."

A Nascent Kaleidoscope.

A Nascent Kaleidoscope.

Anime & Comics · AStoryForOne

Replied to josekpo40000000

Still don’t get it

"Phrasing? What in the world do you-" She paused, tilting her head to the side as if thinking. And then she turned a deep shade of red. With a huff, Beta crossed her arms and turned her head to the side. "Father. You are a pervert."

Returning Transcendent Opens an Idol Agency

Returning Transcendent Opens an Idol Agency

Urban · HappyVainGlory

Replied to MrFoolishReader

Let the dogs perish, switch to cats

"It's just one hour, Rin. One hour and you'll have enough money to pay for Mom's hospital bills."

Returning Transcendent Opens an Idol Agency

Returning Transcendent Opens an Idol Agency

Urban · HappyVainGlory

Replied to Madeie_Nines

I only discovered their existences half a year ago with Oshi no Ko

Idols. In Japan, they could be as young as 14 and were mostly female. Talents that could sing, dance, and entertain. It was also a fiercely competitive field where it wasn't uncommon for the girls to have to resort to unsavory methods to advance. Not only that, it was commonplace for those girls to be taken advantage of because of their youth and desperation.

Returning Transcendent Opens an Idol Agency

Returning Transcendent Opens an Idol Agency

Urban · HappyVainGlory

Replied to _Miyasaka

Maybe there are rules he has to adhere, like no flying at the speed of light, or drop continental nukes So he can do little stuff like these

Turning around and walking towards an alley, John muttered, "Sorry, Mister Kimura. But I've been through too much to have to deal with more paperwork. Hope you don't mind too much if I take some shortcuts."

Returning Transcendent Opens an Idol Agency

Returning Transcendent Opens an Idol Agency

Urban · HappyVainGlory

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