Some Kung Fu Panda shit, right here.
Black clouds covered the entire sky, but the moonlight somehow managed to fall on his head, and when the first drop of rain fell on his head, the coldness of it was like a shock to him.
Anime & Comics · Sir_Traverse
Think she was meant to be Green as she is referred as female and known to scam trainers for cash. Just an error
"Evolution Prodigy" Blue.
Video Games · michaeI
Let the gremlin children run wild and free. HAHAHA.
"On second thought, they are all children. We should check on them and make sure they don't level the city."
Anime & Comics · AzureBlade21
OH GOD, WHY! The story was already good, please don't let the system trivialize everything and have the story revolve around the system. The system wasn't needed. Story was already damn good.
[Ding~ Greetings, dear host. The Dragon Evolution System is now activated!]
Anime & Comics · RockyRoad891
The shenron of this story is so funny!! Hes either pouting that his abilities are useless or snarky. like once hes done its peace out.
"OK, got it. Bye then," Shenron's voice resounded through the sky, and his body quickly dissipated. Then seven Dragon Balls shot up into the sky and turned into seven streams of light that flew in all directions. As the Dragon Balls disappeared, the sky cleared up. The Dragon Balls that had only made two wishes only needed to wait for eight months for them to regain their luster and could be collected and used to make wishes again.
Anime & Comics · GarudaTranslation
Aim for knock outs, but cripple if under pressure or by accedent. "Regular" Humans in pokemon can take weak attacks with minor pain due to their passive Aura. Humans like Bruno can probally tank a Golem or a small Onix charging them if prepared. Unless they use some weird ability, like Awakened Aura, Psychics, or magic, a "Regular" human will be gravly crippiled or hospitalized by stronger pokemon. BTW, I know Canon Ash meets a Witch that transforms him into a pokemon, i dont know if you plan on including them in your story, but if you do, Fanon theroy is that Magic is mixture of Fairy/Ghost type to Aura's Main Fighting type, and Psychics being Psychic.
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Anime & Comics · Adamo_Amet
The Gupta empire Ruled by Gupta....first name Chandra The third, Totally different guy. If you get the reference
In the country of India, there is the Gupta Empire.
Movies · Emmanuel_Capricorn
Beautiful and great fulfilling story!!! One of the best completed stories I've read in a long time. So happy I was able to come across this absolute gem.
The story is good, my god the amount of informational errors is absolute murder for the pacing of the story.
Alolan Ninetales was doubly weak to Fire.
Pokemon: Spiritual Master
Video Games · michaeI