Webnovel Author: Kill_it_with_fire - Fanfic Collection



male LV 1

Where am I? Who are you people!? ...Why are you putting peanut butter on my toes? -AAhhhhh!!!!

2023-04-04 Se unió Global

Insignias 4

Moments 312

Replied to Xeno_Xavier


"No U, Bitch..." I squeezed out before completely losing consciousness.

Yu-Gi-Oh Across Dimensions...

Yu-Gi-Oh Across Dimensions...

Anime & Comics · Kill_it_with_fire

Replied to Kill_it_with_fire

It's canon!

I was now more interested in this topic than the creepy path. She didn't seem like the type to watch horror movies, but then again, Zane didn't seem like the type of guy to be a masochist...

Yu-Gi-Oh Across Dimensions...

Yu-Gi-Oh Across Dimensions...

Anime & Comics · Kill_it_with_fire

Replied to Lunar_Light

Nice catch. Fixed!

Replied to Hexylen

Yes, I fix.

Replied to NightxAngel

Actually, this entire event won't be according to canon. Also Viva La Revolution!!

"Wait, I feel like I'm forgetting something..." I remembered something was supposed to happen at the dorm. What was it...?

Yu-Gi-Oh Across Dimensions...

Yu-Gi-Oh Across Dimensions...

Anime & Comics · Kill_it_with_fire

Replied to josue_negron

Goblin Elite Attack Force is level 4 though?

''As I was saying. That's still not gonna save you! Goblin Elite Attack Force, charge!!'' The examiner said a little more forceful as he ordered his monster to attack.

Yu-Gi-Oh Across Dimensions...

Yu-Gi-Oh Across Dimensions...

Anime & Comics · Kill_it_with_fire

Replied to JTGTitan_96

Well without going dragon mode, yes, but not to the same extent. Remember, he swam the entire length of the lake and still didn't break a sweat.

Replied to Kamala_Nadhia


Replied to Abnormal0465

But in all seriousness, I have a good idea for 'what it entails'.

'Yes, however, it is up to the Master to decipher what that entails.' Sheou smiled smugly.

Yu-Gi-Oh Across Dimensions...

Yu-Gi-Oh Across Dimensions...

Anime & Comics · Kill_it_with_fire

Replied to

You know too much...

'Yes, however, it is up to the Master to decipher what that entails.' Sheou smiled smugly.

Yu-Gi-Oh Across Dimensions...

Yu-Gi-Oh Across Dimensions...

Anime & Comics · Kill_it_with_fire

Replied to Primordial_VoidFox


"Shit how am I going to explain this to the dean..." The dean of the Ra Yellow dorms, Sartyr, was both the card design teacher and an accomplished chef, he had personally designed each room...

Yu-Gi-Oh Across Dimensions...

Yu-Gi-Oh Across Dimensions...

Anime & Comics · Kill_it_with_fire



"Dragon! Dragon! Rock the Dragon! Dragon-Ball-Z!" I hummed while fully indulging in my dragon powers.

Yu-Gi-Oh Across Dimensions...

Yu-Gi-Oh Across Dimensions...

Anime & Comics · Kill_it_with_fire



I was now more interested in this topic than the creepy path. She didn't seem like the type to watch horror movies, but then again, Zane didn't seem like the type of guy to be a masochist...

Yu-Gi-Oh Across Dimensions...

Yu-Gi-Oh Across Dimensions...

Anime & Comics · Kill_it_with_fire

Replied to Destromonator

Stop it you degenerates.

''Oh my bad here it's... 175689?'' I told her, but at the same time felt the number was familiar. It's probably nothing.

Yu-Gi-Oh Across Dimensions...

Yu-Gi-Oh Across Dimensions...

Anime & Comics · Kill_it_with_fire

Replied to ZombieSirGatoREAD

Its in axillary chaps

Shouted. Inside the mirror was a really handsome man with slightly messy pale blonde hair and almost glowing gold eyes.

Yu-Gi-Oh Across Dimensions...

Yu-Gi-Oh Across Dimensions...

Anime & Comics · Kill_it_with_fire

Replied to Hexylen

I like that idea, but I kinda wanted to keep it... 'Dragon' themed. I was thinking something along the lines of Dragunity or maybe even Tenpai mixed in with some Dragon Ruler

[Dragonmaid Changeover] [Dragonmaid Hospitality] [Dragonmaid Send-Off] [Dragonmaid Welcome] [Trade In] [Despell] x3 [Dragon Mirror] x1 [Polymerization] x2

Yu-Gi-Oh Across Dimensions...

Yu-Gi-Oh Across Dimensions...

Anime & Comics · Kill_it_with_fire

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