MC will be getting his powers soon enough ,it will be given to him in batches as i dont want to ruin my story,thank you for your patience
It’s told in the later chapters,don’t worry its not a typo
Haha! Maybe thats his superpower as well,having dumb enemies who don’ look for blood samplest
Tom flew down as he noticed the figure of a badly beaten Matt lying in the alleyway.
Anime & Comics · Smalltimewriter
I made a typo I guess
"Matt! Are you alright? it seems you always run into trouble."
Anime & Comics · Smalltimewriter
He will be getting them soon enough,not all at once though, i myself am excited about this so I am taking it slow,don’t want to ruin it
He will be getting Gojo powers soon enough
Bruh…..the guy is a SSSS class guy,i will give him but you need to wait
F ,i am ashamed at this blunder,i showed this to my whole family and now i am homeless, i am not being scar as tic lol
Este párrafo ha sido eliminado.
Anime & Comics · Smalltimewriter
He is using them in chapter 40 onwards,plus he got the manuals,he has to train to learn them
I am sorry bro, I was so overwhelmed while writing the scene,it was a fight scen I was wriitn for the first time
Gacha In Marvel and the Multiverse
Anime & Comics · Smalltimewriter