
male LV 3
2023-02-19 Se unió Russia
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Moments 7
6 months ago

I have read 12 chapters. One question, why retell the same thing. To have more chapters? 2 released a video about Tobirama, fucking again in a new way-there is only one water...

1 years ago

Fan fiction is bad because of the main character, killing biological parents for having sex every day is bullshit. The author has mental problems. After all, it is clearly written in the fanfiction that parents gave love to their son, celebrated his birthday, and played with him. Put a dumb g tag. After all, he needed the money so badly, which he then gave away. Greedy son of a bitch.

1 years ago
Replied to Frona_Gorgophone

In the original, Sasuke is a sociopath, but he can still have a romantic and loving relationship with Sakura. It's just that not every woman can tolerate icy love. Another fact in favor of the fact that the harem and sociopath in the Shinobi world are shit. Unless you make a daimyo hero.And that's not a good option, since even they don't have a harem.

1 years ago
Replied to Frona_Gorgophone

Listen, a sociopath doesn't reach out to people, they're attracted to him too - I know for myself. So which harem? It will already be a surprise if at least 1 girl appears in his life. Of course, like anyone else, he also dreams of a harem, if he is a realist, then this will remain a dream, because in real life the harem sucks. and your gg is a realist, and he also likes to express his opinion. Inno you have a cardboard character, Hiruzen too. The only interesting one was Naruto before chapter 9, after the drop. That's why I'm saying that you'll drop it, the harem is interesting when the interactions between the female characters and the hero are properly built. Although if you write bed scenes well, then cardboard girls for the harem will go.

1 years ago
Replied to Deadrule_vivek

Read the definition of the word sociopath. Harem, romance is nonsense. In fact, it is difficult for them to interact with society at all... And here gg is just a hard realist, with ordinary people's dreams of love, harem, etc.

1 years ago

It was not bad, but the harem will spoil the picture. And GG is not so antisocial. I think the author will drop the project in 90% of cases. So it's not even worth getting to know.

1 years ago

Fan fiction is shit. The author made the hero very strong, but could not explain where so much power came from. Everything is simple for the author: wind + thunderstorm = storm, mixed two natural chakras and received a hereditary attribute. He's probably a fan of the game - Magicka, it's that simple. In just over 7 years, the main character has become stronger than the sage of the six paths, because he has mastered all the techniques from other anime - nonsense.Gg is still a hypocrite, he adheres to a policy of non-interference, allowing brothers to quarrel and giving them his wise advice. It's better for the world to think that everything goes according to the canon, but he doesn't care what changes he makes himself, as long as the brothers get killed. How does he even call them family with such actions?Read if you don't have enough brains!!!