The joke is that 7+5=12 not 13
Taking a breath, "Heh, Zelda say it again!" Vexalia instructed, prompting Zelda to say "I just want to know if it's said that seven and five is thirteen or that seven and five are thirteen!" Which made Fledge start laughing as well.
Video Games · Densekugi
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Just to be clear, the one from the cover.
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The Mask
That question made Vexalia scratch the back of her head since hse didn't think about what to say if it was asked, "It's a long story..." She quickly said, "Say, Zelda had you make something for me right?" She brought up, causing Gondo to remember, "Right! I was wondering why she didn't come and get it... But since you're here." He said, handing Vexalia a dragon mask.
Video Games · Densekugi
"I always wondered why those clothes were in the box me and Horwell found you in." Gaepora commented as he saw me come out of my room wearing the clothes he mentioned, "These might be a little too loose actually." I commented, but almost as if they were alive, the clothes tightened almost immediately to fit me perfectly, "...Divine clothes!" I exclaimed while doing jazz hands, which clearly didn't impress the Headmaster.
Video Games · Densekugi
"I always wondered why those clothes were in the box me and Horwell found you in." Gaepora commented as he saw me come out of my room wearing the clothes he mentioned, "These might be a little too loose actually." I commented, but almost as if they were alive, the clothes tightened almost immediately to fit me perfectly, "...Divine clothes!" I exclaimed while doing jazz hands, which clearly didn't impress the Headmaster.
Video Games · Densekugi
"I always wondered why those clothes were in the box me and Horwell found you in." Gaepora commented as he saw me come out of my room wearing the clothes he mentioned, "These might be a little too loose actually." I commented, but almost as if they were alive, the clothes tightened almost immediately to fit me perfectly, "...Divine clothes!" I exclaimed while doing jazz hands, which clearly didn't impress the Headmaster.
Video Games · Densekugi
No there is only one love interest
This Is Death?
Merged Worlds: A Brand New Life
Others · Densekugi