Wako_loko - Profile


LV 4
2023-01-03 Se unió Global

Insignias 2

Moments 7



Harry noticed that he was being swarmed. He conjured a quick ice blade, cutting a few of the thralls that tried to sneak behind him, and then transformed it into an arrow that kept going after the thralls with blinding speeds, killing them all. It was a pretty handy spell that Harry had modified. Harry had tried to create a spell that could change directions mid-flight, but all he had managed was a conjuration with a few animation charms and space manipulation to create the illusion. It was far too much effort for a single spell, but it was surprisingly efficient when it came to fighting multiple enemies that didn't have a strong resistance to physical objects.

Enchanting Melodies (HP SI)

Enchanting Melodies (HP SI)

Book&Literature · athass_prkr



Ahsoka shook her head slightly and fought off a smile. He was going to have an ulcer before he was thirty… well either that or finally snap and just start killing anyone and everyone that irritated him..

Lost and Longing

Lost and Longing

Movies · Fictiontopia


Not that he could smell it anyway...

Fortunately, Jerry's visor was in-built with life support systems, just like Star-Lord's, so obviously the pungent smell didn't bother him.

Marvel: I Need A New Body

Marvel: I Need A New Body

Anime & Comics · Marveller


Okey, so... hear me out: United Naboo Space Comand Just saying.

Ambassador Padme took the time to explain the entire situation to the Duchess, how she found Diesel to how they defeated the Trade Federation and how the United Naboo Coalition now rules Naboo.

Spartan In Star Wars (Dropped)

Spartan In Star Wars (Dropped)

Video Games · ObsidianRain


Kids who have never seen peace and kids who have never seen war have different values

Ciri snorts but doesn't say anything, as someone who'd grown up around death and destruction she found it difficult to get her head around Harry mourning someone who'd tried to kill him.

Elder Blood Witcher

Elder Blood Witcher

Video Games · Niggross

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