Arcann_Valerious - Profile



LV 4
2022-11-05 Se unió Global

Insignias 4

Moments 164


What is he? Zorro? And for once I'd like to read about shinobi's fighting like shinobi's instead like a Samurai. Outnumbered, but still going for a headlong charge? Use traps and lure the ghouls and Letho into it with Shadow clones and/or genjutsu. So many ways to fight like a true ninja, but no let's rush headfirst into battle.

He ran with a kunai in his mouth, a kunai in his right hand, and the short sword in his left, approaching, he jumped in the air advancing towards the enemy, while the same waited in the same posture, with Madara thrusting his sword forward while it was covered with chakra, the witcher's sword vibrated as he made a direct and deadly move forward.

The Witcher - Uchiha Madara!

The Witcher - Uchiha Madara!

Anime & Comics · RaccoonLeague


What a stupidass way to think as a shinobi. You know the ones who are supposed to assassinate and fight from the shadows, instead of a straightforward way like a samurai. Also explains why he fights like a retard, using Susanoo against a genin or spamming Amaterasu.

''Ao,'' Naruto said revealing that he knew the man, ''I do not assassinate, that is just a weak man's way of killing someone. If I wanted to kill Mei, I would have simply just killed you here and match into your camps and kill her.'' Naruto replied.

Uchiha Naruto: The Sage

Uchiha Naruto: The Sage

Anime & Comics · LuciFeR_2864


A world of no conflict is antithetical to the ninja way. No conflict means no more missions and no need for villages or ninjas.

"Of course! A world with no conflict and where everyone understands each other; I wish it was truly possible to create that"

Konoha: The Template System

Konoha: The Template System

Anime & Comics · Tobi_444


Four? They only had Orochi, Sasori and Deidara right? Or is Kabuto also counted among S-rank?

Jiraiya grimly nodded. His old friend had created a syndicate of criminals and gained infamy. Word was they were talking with other villages, and the possibility of mercenary involvement was on the table. The thought of going against four S-Class rogue-nin was chilling.

Gamer System in Uchiha World

Gamer System in Uchiha World

Anime & Comics · TheFanficGod


Again, flying has been shown to be used only by one of the 6 paths: the Deva Path. The other bodies can't use it. Unless of course the Rinnegan works differently here.

Gaara's knees buckled with the force of the attack, and he fell forward, barely conscious. The six Uchiha surrounded him, their eyes cold and unyielding. They lifted him effortlessly, and before he could react, they took to the sky, flying away with their captive.

Gamer System in Uchiha World

Gamer System in Uchiha World

Anime & Comics · TheFanficGod


Assuming Hirato is using the Six Paths of Pain/Pein, only the body using the Outer Path can use the Black Rods. In Pein/Nagato's case it was his main body.

The six Uchiha charged forward simultaneously. Gaara's sand surged to defend, but the Uchiha were faster. Black rods shot from their hands, piercing through Gaara's sand defenses as if they were paper. The rods embedded themselves into Gaara's body, causing him to gasp in pain as they began to absorb his chakra.

Gamer System in Uchiha World

Gamer System in Uchiha World

Anime & Comics · TheFanficGod

Replied to BoredCrow

Nice guess. But it's not a genjutsu, but a space-time ninjutsu. Similar to the Hiraishin of the 2nd and 4th Hokage.

Horyu's pupils dilated, a spark of recognition igniting in his eyes. He knew of these advanced Genjutsu. Tsukuyomi, Itachi's technique, could distort the perception of time, stretching seconds into days. Then there was Shisui's Kotoamatsukami, altering thoughts and loyalties. But manipulating space? That was new territory for him. "What exactly are all these senses, Sensei?" he inquired, his voice laced with a blend of curiosity and anticipation.

Gamer System in Uchiha World

Gamer System in Uchiha World

Anime & Comics · TheFanficGod


A weird principle for people who deal in murder, lies and deceit.

This was twisted indeed. Ibiki's orders went against the very essence of their ninja code, where loyalty to one's comrades and respect for life, no matter how small, were sacrosanct principles.

Gamer System in Uchiha World

Gamer System in Uchiha World

Anime & Comics · TheFanficGod


So does this mean Harry told Daphne about Hermione being a DoM asset?

The Gryffindor looked dejected at her response… Daphne didn't know what the older girl expected but she decided to throw her a bone, "You know, I'll deny it if you say anything, but you should try getting Granger to join… I think she'll surprise you."

Enchanting Melodies (HP SI)

Enchanting Melodies (HP SI)

Book&Literature · athass_prkr


Will he learn to imbue chakra into his weapon? He should be able to cut through un-enchanted metal with ease then.

Quickly the sword and the kunai clashed against each other, releasing a small spark. The royal guard quickly made a move and attacked with strength, trying to beat the child. Mara quickly moved his weapon, intercepting the man's attack.

The Witcher - Uchiha Madara!

The Witcher - Uchiha Madara!

Anime & Comics · RaccoonLeague

Replied to Tobirama_uchiha777

Or.... she is working with Harry here to get Dumbledore off his back.

She smirked at Albus' guarded look, "Oh, don't be alarmed, the boy simply trusts me. Who knew that the infamous stone was made accidentally with the essence of a Light Champion killed in a ritual? It was a fascinating read. I put a small charm on the boy which would record everything he saw when he won the diary. It was just too good an opportunity to miss. Unfortunately for you, there was nothing in Flamel's Diary about the location of the stone, at least nothing that the boy has read, so don't be worried about him trying to find it… And since you took the Diary from him, there isn't any risk of him ever finding out. The kid was bluffing, and the fact that you fell for it is hilarious, to say the least."

Enchanting Melodies (HP SI)

Enchanting Melodies (HP SI)

Book&Literature · athass_prkr

Replied to Darth_vader

Pretty late to the party, but wanted to let ya all know, Obito was ~14 when he attacked Konoha.

However, although Kuroto was upset, and he also knew in his heart that now that Obito had Mangekyo Sharingan and Hashirama's cells implanted in him, he was no longer the tail of crane, so Obito can't be treated similarly to how he used to be during their ninja academy days.

Reborn into Naruto World with Tenseigan

Reborn into Naruto World with Tenseigan

Anime & Comics · Alex_Clive


This kind of seeing ability reminds me of the MC from Odyssey of a Mage by mootjeman. He also possesses this ability See into the future, and not only one timeline but many possible paths the future could take.

Speaking of Perenelle, that woman was fucking terrifying. Even when she was dead, she could have already put things in motion which could cause an untold amount of damage. Seriously, no wonder ministries tended to keep close eyes on seers. Sure, Harry had never heard of anyone being able to predict things with the woman's accuracy, but he would not look at another seer the same way again.

Enchanting Melodies (HP SI)

Enchanting Melodies (HP SI)

Book&Literature · athass_prkr

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