

LV 15
2022-09-27 Se unió Global
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11 days ago

screw you man for making me cry! but truth be told it's beautifully written.

7 months ago

Creationism does not deny scientific evidence, rather scientific evidence is the how too of creation. God did the work, science simply tells us how.

If there was one major complaint that Berengar had about Christianity, it was their propensity to deny and destroy all evidence that pointed out the flaws in their religion. To some extent, this radical rejection of truth, in favor of faith in God, had remained engrained in the hearts and minds of Christians well into the modern era. There was no greater example of this than the idea of Creationism that was popular among a minority of American Christians in his past life. 

Tyranny of Steel

Tyranny of Steel

History · Zentmeister

7 months ago
Replied to Sorrest_

wrong church my friend, only the RFLDS currently practice polygamy. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latterday Saints has not practiced polygamy since president wilford woodruff.

7 months ago
Replied to Billy_Bunn_5040

depends on your point of view. But more of an anti-hero who isn't afraid to do what he feels needs to be done.

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11 months ago

As a member of the said church I can tell you that is not true. the world was never built in proximity to Kolob then moved. it was built on location out of existing matter that was present in the area. The length of time of construction is correct though.

And while the cults and conspiracy theorists were rising, so were the orthodox “UFO religions”, which had long held extraterrestrials as part of their belief systems, like Scientology, whose adherents were firm in their belief that humanity had been entangled with various alien civilizations since the species’ conception; and the Church of Jesus Christ of the Latter-Day Saints, who believed that the Earth was created 6000 years ago near the planet Kolob, then moved to its present location in the solar system.

Getting a Technology System in Modern Day

Getting a Technology System in Modern Day

Sci-fi · Agent_047

1 years ago
Replied to AWESOME_01

It was meant to be more of an emotional response, his scars from his parents run deep so the comments made triggered his memories of them, causing him to momentarily lose his cool. Thank you for the feedback though, and I hope you stick with it as the hero trope is not really what I’m going for.

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1 years ago
Replied to WhySoEvil

Thank you so much, the last one is pretty much what I had in mind so good job with that.

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1 years ago
Replied to WhySoEvil

Thank you so much for the review, and I am looking into the cover situation. If you would be kind enough to generate one so I can see it, I would be very thankful. I’m looking for something that goes well with the title but I’m not entirely sure what that is. Thank you again and I hope to hear from you soon.

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1 years ago

Shameless author here, I am very excited to be writing this book. I Hope all of you that read it will enjoy it as well. Please remember that I am a new author, so please forgive any mistakes I make. This book will be very long running, the plot will develop naturally and may go to some unexpected places. I take all comments and reviews seriously, so if you want to see, understand, or change something leave it in the comments and I will get back with you on it. Thank you so much for reading, and I hope you enjoy the journey.

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