"A nice place you got there," he murmured as he surveyed the scenery before him. "It would be a shame if someone burned it down."
Anime & Comics · Emerging
Or Angron but without the nails and the trauma, but still the korn look. With out the nails and trauma he probably would’ve been like Sanguinius or Vulkan. I believe that originally the ability he got was a that he was an empath and should have been like a Paladin. The same goes for his legion which in turn gives sense to why they had the blue and white colours and not red like later. And know that I think about it,I would say it depends on if the red legion has mages which I believe they d o red faith and all then Sanguinius would male more scenes World Eaters and Psykers aren’t a combo that works but I still believe that Angeon would be a good idea for a legion that work with less Magic and more with fire and blood so yes still a little bit of magic but not as much as with Sanguinius if you go for that. And if you name the name the Primach Sanguinius gibe the legion a mage that is named Mephiston.👍 Or Ignore all what,I have sad aether way is fine. This should only be like a little bit lore of what, I know and recommend and yes, I do know that, I contradicted myself but anyway. Blood for God-Emperor and Skulls for the Iron Throne The Emperor protects. oh and if any one has more lore please reply I would love to see if anyone knows more so I can keep it in my collection
The name of the Red Army has been changed to the Red Legion and I still don't know which Primarch I should put in charge of this legion.
TV · TheGreatPrince
While writing this chapter, I realized that I like to write Aenar and Caraxes burning people. I don't know if I should worry about my sanity...
TV · TheGreatPrince
I smiled and waved at him. "Hello there!"
TV · elfon
Thanks For The Chapter
Tinkering With Life (GoT SI)
TV · elfon