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10 hours ago

this is a nice new perspective

'Neville in Gryffindor when he's clearly a Hufflepuff. Harry in Gryffindor when with his upbringing he could easily be a Slytherin, Draco and his two book ends in Slytherin when they don't have an ounce of cunning or sly between the three of them,' he listed.

HP: In The Magical World As An Extra

HP: In The Magical World As An Extra

Book&Literature · Yggdrasil_loki

10 hours ago

this is just bad bruh everyone has to mention Hannah abbot it's like a tradition

14 hours ago
Replied to AstralFear

I have read ones where the Mc just discoveres it when using magic

I can't count the number of times that I've read fanfictions where people were slipped love potions or food with some magical alteration effect.

HP: In The Magical World As An Extra

HP: In The Magical World As An Extra

Book&Literature · Yggdrasil_loki

15 hours ago
Replied to Ah0324

I totally agree when I think about screaming on a ride it's kinda cringe

That was intense. The books and the movies don't do the cart system justice. It was completely mind-blowing and thrilling, and I'm not ashamed to admit I screamed a couple of times when I nearly fell out when we went down a very sharp dip that I hadn't seen coming.

HP: In The Magical World As An Extra

HP: In The Magical World As An Extra

Book&Literature · Yggdrasil_loki

15 hours ago

so he basically has next level transfiguration talent

"And this green orb represents another ability this one a full ability that you will be able to learn. Some wizards learn how to transform into different animals. This ability is called being an Animagus. Some are born with the ability to use this more easily than others, once you have learned what form you can take on you will find it easier than your peers should any of them try to achieve such transformations." he finished.

HP: In The Magical World As An Extra

HP: In The Magical World As An Extra

Book&Literature · Yggdrasil_loki

15 hours ago

not even out schools at the high school level teach us about laws. Why should hogwars and how many subjects did you have in hour high-school?

Seventeen classes in seven years, what a joke. What about conjuration, alchemy, enchanting, Wizard law, magical healing, and I'm sure there are loads more subjects that Hogwarts probably doesn't even touch on.

HP: In The Magical World As An Extra

HP: In The Magical World As An Extra

Book&Literature · Yggdrasil_loki

15 hours ago

technically, you can study all these things at hogwarts it's just self-study, like Hermoine

Seventeen classes in seven years, what a joke. What about conjuration, alchemy, enchanting, Wizard law, magical healing, and I'm sure there are loads more subjects that Hogwarts probably doesn't even touch on.

HP: In The Magical World As An Extra

HP: In The Magical World As An Extra

Book&Literature · Yggdrasil_loki

15 hours ago

they only teach like the basic, but what do you expect for them to teach you to Dumbeldores level

There was an entire castle to be used, filled with hundreds of rooms, but there were only nine maybe ten core subjects taught, with a further seven in the elective years after third year, and only a handful of extracurricular subjects to choose from.

HP: In The Magical World As An Extra

HP: In The Magical World As An Extra

Book&Literature · Yggdrasil_loki

15 hours ago

black magic is like the dark side for wizrds, I assume because the more you use it, the more it warps your mind. Though you are able to use the killing curse, you just need a stable mind because I think around use to use it but it was band

It's ridiculous if you ask me, labelling magic as light or dark. Their whole system is flawed, a hammer is a tool but it can be used to kill a man, the same can be done with magic it's the intent behind its use.

HP: In The Magical World As An Extra

HP: In The Magical World As An Extra

Book&Literature · Yggdrasil_loki

3 days ago

finally, I thought the author forgot about her

At the bar, a gorgeous woman known only to a select few as Raven sipped her gin on the rocks, her eyes fixed on the map spread before her. 

Marvel: Impregnation System

Marvel: Impregnation System

Anime & Comics · LaughingFiend