Shoval, an ordinary teenager, meets an untimely death in the modern world, only to awaken in the vibrant yet perilous realm of Greek mythology, where gods and monsters roam freely. Upon his rebirth, he discovers he possesses a unique system that grants him extraordinary powers, allowing him to manipulate the fabric of reality in ways previously unimaginable.
As Shoval navigates this new life, he must prove his worth among demigods like Percy Jackson and Annabeth Chase. He quickly learns the rules of this dangerous world, but when his system begins to malfunction, he realizes that dark forces are at play, threatening not only his existence but the very balance of the universe.
With his newfound abilities, Shoval embarks on epic quests, facing powerful foes and uncovering the truth behind his system. He grapples with his identity as he becomes entangled in conflicts that challenge both his morals and alliances. Torn between the allure of power and the responsibilities it brings, Shoval must decide whether to embrace his destiny as a hero or forge his own path in a world that sees him as both savior and threat.
In a climactic showdown against the gods themselves, Shoval's choices will determine the fate of not just himself, but the entire pantheon of Olympus. As the lines between hero and villain blur, he must confront the ultimate question: Who is he truly meant to be in this new life?
damn !!!!
Dragon Ball Alternative
Anime & Comics · Equuleus_Nox