Will his life dictated by system from now on.
So mc will be another issei but a copycat, he will not use his system to do anything other just follow cannon, no wonder he was a loser atleast issei has dreams and did things his own way.
So mc is going to follow same path as canon
Well if you can get 2 girls to be in relationship with and long life which can be called immortal along with magic which can be used according to your imagination, many people think it's a pretty good deal. And gremory are know to treat servants as their family and after becoming high class devil you can get your peerage so it's easy way to become powerful when you have no bloodline or sacred gears. If you think about it even if can get sacred gears you have to join an faction being independent will make alot of enemies.
Didn't he supposed to be omnipresent and omniscient, how come he doesn't know anything and have to ask Elizabeth
Okay this is plain stupidity, does he want to scream about his identity to whole world. Are we going to see scene like grandpa Ben dying to improve heros charector.
Man it's turning cringey, mc is arrogant enough to walt into gang headquarters without any kind of preparation. He was supposed to be a well known historian who travelled across the world but doesn't even have common sense about most cliche trap ever and why does he trying to act as a third rate hero. When he wants to grow stronger and have fun. why does he even putting himself in danger to people he barely knows and why the fuck USA feels like third world country. No matter the power noway they could get away with the crimes of human trafficking all he needed to was send the info to proper authorities.
Is this movie Marvel or comics, I don't think movie Marvel is chaotic enough to with killing in broad daylight
Thats not all even when he was called a god, he didn't change anything in that world, even with the power to go toe to toe with hashirama and madara he was nothing but a add on there. The limited tuskiyomi did not reflect his desire more like his failure
Well it's a easy thing to say I mean if you are in that world with plot knowledge and it's secret and have no power than, becoming rias "slave" is more appropriate than running around like and idiot or hiding faraway safe place, well that will not make a good story. And let's be honest here becoming immortal with magic which can be used according to your imagination and being able build your own peerage after becoming high class devil is better in my opinion even if I have to work some years under devil princess who treats you way better than other people. And if you think you can get sacred gear and remain independent well that would be hella difficult since every faction would want to join them or remove you
DxD: ReKiba
Anime & Comics · Alcoholic_Panda