

LV 14
2022-07-11 Se unió Global
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Moments 159
12 days ago

What a lunatic 🤣

28 days ago

She’s acting as if she’s trying to level up a pokemon 🤣 Crazy woman.

"I understand the risks," Dakota replied, her voice steady. "But I believe this will greatly increase his prowess and push him to get better faster. He has the potential, and the Chamber will help him unlock it."

Hunter Academy: Revenge of the Weakest

Hunter Academy: Revenge of the Weakest

Fantasy · Darkness_Enjoyer

28 days ago

Easy now, let’s put those dangerous thoughts faaaaar away.

'But, how do I even find him…..I wish I had just put a GPS on his body….'

Hunter Academy: Revenge of the Weakest

Hunter Academy: Revenge of the Weakest

Fantasy · Darkness_Enjoyer

1 months ago

Pffffft Silly woman.

1 months ago

Great work, it was a nice volume. The characters really have an air of life to them. Well done, really well done

Many events happened in this volume, and it was mainly focused on the expansion of the world and the character development of the main cast while laying the background of how they became what they were.

Hunter Academy: Revenge of the Weakest

Hunter Academy: Revenge of the Weakest

Fantasy · Darkness_Enjoyer

1 months ago

True story

Eventually, it drove a wedge between him and his girlfriend, and they broke up. When he was feeling down, I approached him, offering him a shoulder to cry on. With his mother's favoritism working in my favor, I slowly became closer to him. It wasn't long before he started seeing me as someone he could rely on. We began dating shortly after, and now, he's my husband. Sometimes, you have to play a long game to get what you want. Persistence pays off."

Hunter Academy: Revenge of the Weakest

Hunter Academy: Revenge of the Weakest

Fantasy · Darkness_Enjoyer

2 months ago
Replied to Darkness_Enjoyer

You are right, I should read until the end to be able to form an opinion. My apologies, my comment was uncharacteristically rash. It seems I unknowingly grew to like and sympathize with Lucas, and as such didn’t want to see him take the easy way and lead himself to his ruin. Please keep up the good work, I shall keep supporting this story for as long as possibly.

I hope you liked the backstory of Lucas becoming a villain. 

Hunter Academy: Revenge of the Weakest

Hunter Academy: Revenge of the Weakest

Fantasy · Darkness_Enjoyer

2 months ago

I really like your story, I really do. However, I really can’t like this. Lucas had so much potential as a character so so much, his situation was in someways parallel to Astron. He could’ve become a rival to him, someone who could challenge him. With his intellect and knowledge of the future he could’ve become a force to be reckoned with, or even a true ally and not a pawn. This would’ve made the story reach new heights, made the characters of this world into a mystery that would’ve kept every readers genuine attention. Not some common NPCs But instead of delving in this original path, surprising us and intriguing us, you just threw him away. You made him another road pebble for your Mc or Ethan to trample on just so they could shine a bit more, just so that the world could revolve around them even more. A world tha can’t function without 2 characters is a lacking world.

I hope you liked the backstory of Lucas becoming a villain. 

Hunter Academy: Revenge of the Weakest

Hunter Academy: Revenge of the Weakest

Fantasy · Darkness_Enjoyer

3 months ago

Blud did a leonel 🤣

3 months ago

U monster, how dare you use that word


"Gods. How dense are you, girl?"

Shadow Slave

Shadow Slave

Fantasy · Guiltythree